
Temp/humidity issues

Big_Bud420started grow question 4 years ago
Hi my grow tent is 25.c with 36% humidity I’m struggling to get 50% humidity I have a 8inc inlet fan and and a 12 inch outlet (I think) also I’ve put an electric heater on in there as I can’t get the temp up otherwise currently running two 600w lights. amnesia xxl auto 6 weeks
Setup. Ventilation
HighRoller909answered grow question 4 years ago
2 x 600 = too hot tent + electric heater = overkill all of these reduce humidity a lot. You just have to water more frequently if there is low levels of humidity.Roots need water in cases like this,if leaves can't breath.Foliar spraying is an option too and will do favor.
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Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
Get a fan controllee for your exhaust and dial it down. Will help keep humidity in the tent. Or double up some humidifiers. They all look so dry and need that moisture! Also spray them with a mister every day to help them out! Hang a few wet towels inside can also help. But it sounds like your airflow through your area is just too much. 🤘😤
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