
New grower! Appreciate any advice!

KeepinItRealstarted grow question 3 years ago
HI! Thanks to the great info on this site i think i have started off ok! The seeds sprouted from the soil 2 days ago, since then i've put them 2 hours a day outside in the sun, increasing each day by about an hour, is this correct? do they look like they should? Any vital tips? x
Setup. Outdoor
KeepinItRealanswered grow question 3 years ago
Thanks for your reply, so even though they are still so small and recently sprouted, you would put them directly outside in the sun for as long as possible? I thought you had to let them gradually get used to the sun before you leave them out there all day long? I'm really confused and i don't want to ruin them! It's about 23C each day here, i have sun from 9am - 5pm in the area where i am putting the plants, any help would be great as i have read so many things and so many websites, but nothing seems to cover in depth this stage, please, i don't want to ruin them...thank you x
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey there, uhm... i never heard of this 1-2 hours + of sunlight. It's not really logical to me. Usually i put the seedlings under 24hrs light. More light, more energy , more growth. Probably you can just keep them outside full time or inside with a light on . Hope this helps ! 🚀
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