
when i need to flash and prepare to harvest?

WEEDOORstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hello, I have two automatic plants, gorilla cookies, one mature from the other in about two weeks. I can not figure out when I need to put the plant in for a week of rinsing and then the harvest will start. the rest of my question is at the first comment.
Week 9
Buds. Other
Other. Harvest - Drying
Other. General questions
WEEDOORanswered grow question 3 years ago
@Jaegermeister, I use Biobiz and Coconut substrate. A week of flashing is enough? How do I take into account the harvest time in terms of the ripeness of the trichomes and the plant. Should I start flashing when the trichomes are cloudy between 50% -70%?
Jaegermeisteranswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey WEEDOR, flushing depends on the substrate you use. Soil often doesnt need to be flushed because the most people are using biological Nutrients. Coco can be flushed in 5 Days and Rockwool can be flushed in 2-3 Days. But a University or smth. like that tested flushing and you should look at their article. Greetz
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The8thChevronanswered grow question 3 years ago
Start when you see about 15-20% amber trichomes. As long as you're harvesting within 2 weeks, you're fine. I'll note that flushing isn't really necessary unless you have a nutrient toxicity.
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Doktorhollandanswered grow question 3 years ago
U use ppm meter?
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Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi there, you still have a fair amount of white pistils, I would carry on as you are for another week, then use ph water for 2 weeks and chop. So that's about 3 weeks from now till harvest. Hope this helps.
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WEEDOORanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hello, I have two automatic plants, gorilla cookies, one mature from the other in about two weeks. I can not figure out when I need to put the plant in for a week of rinsing and then the harvest will start. 1. What do you think my trichomes look like? How much more time should be given to each of the plants? 2. Does the meaning of the leaves changing color mean that they are towards the end of the plant or does it signify something else? 3. Maybe I should harvest both together? 4. I would love to hear anything that can help me towards the end of the process. And if you can respond by any plant it would be wonderful.
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