Hi. Not any experienced grower. But I have dealt with very high rich compost and ruined my tangerine dream, have a look. It's still early 2 fix. I have all my fixes I did. Only reason why it looks so bad, is cause u didn't see the early warning signs, or did and tried fixing with lower nutes. When using compost only use root stim and micros to help nute uptake. Then after a few wks my plants can take 2000ppm not a bother without showing signs and any nute burn. Even my ruined tangerine dream has started taking nutes and she was worse than yours, by some ways. Any more questions on how I fixed hit me up with a pm. Oh, start doing flushes now. Flood that girl twice a day with normal distilled PH water, no tap water as too much chlorine is never good. Happy growing