
How to know when to water

1tuffpandastarted grow question 2 years ago
I would just like to hear some ppls advice on how they know that it’s time to water, and how wet should the bottom be when u water?
Week 7
Other. General questions
SlowpokeFuegobudanswered grow question 2 years ago
Picking up the pots a little bit frequently works best for me. You will get a really good feeling for the best time to water. Not recommended for SCroG :D I also touch the soil with a finger when I am not sure, if it feels damp on the surface.. definitely no watering needed!
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
If you need any other help with this hit up your DM's Your inbox is the little green arrow on the bottom right hand corner. Good Luck!
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Benzelsanswered grow question 2 years ago
I like lots of perlite and vermiculite in my soil mix so it drains well, and I water SLOWLY until there is a lil run off. When using nutes I only water with half as much liquid and a few days up to a week later water it in with plain water. Generally in veg dont water em as often as they dont need it. If your not sure and the leaves are not drooping then leave it another day and watch the plants to see if you were right or not- if they are drooping the next day you were right and prob should have watered em, but if they still fine you were wrong and they did not need it. Generally if temps are good once a week give or take a day or two is how often I water in veg and a bit more often in flower.
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m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
I grow in soil and I pick up my pots and feel them. If the texture aorund the sides is to airy and pot is light I water. Once the plant is established I can water every other day. if its newly transplanted, I only need to do it once a week sometimes. Good Luck!
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
you are in soil, so when top 1" is dry, irrigate. learning the weight at which this occurs is useful familiarity too. Can simply give a little gently lift to guage weight and decide. Weight works better due to differences in evaporation at surface.. e.g. if a fan is nearby that pot is going to dry out up top earlier but may reatain more weight underneath etc etc... So, learn the weight of a dry pot. Runoff... you want enough to ensure you didn't leave a dry pocket of soil. If that becomes a pattern you can get odd concentrations on edges of that dry pocket if it continues to happen over time. some dry back occurs, and anyunused solute remains behind... some minimal water with more solutes comes in but does not fully saturate area, so you are adding more nutes to previous nutes -- potentially in a cycle that *can become a problem, but not always. This is what trips ppl up .. the "it worked last time" nonsense argument. So, get some runoff, but doens't have to be extravagent like for soilless grows. Let that water runoff down drain or dump it outside etc... don't let the pot sit in its own piss and shit. The concentrations levels are not the same, it's another 'maybe' leads to a problem so don't do it.. .cause eventually it will even if not the first few times.... Pretty simple... learn weight of dry pot... irrigate with a little runoff to ensure total saturation ech time. If they droop a lot, add more perlite or similar to next batch of soil. a 50-50 mix in soil is good ballpark to be in. (50% perlite or hydroton or vermiculite etc.. you got options)
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Well, you are using soil right? So there shouldn't be any run-off. You'll know why feeling and looking at your soil, it's change a lighter color. And it that late a wk I could start to tell by the top would be all prickle you can see the roots have drained the top. For plants that size 3-500m if it's water every 3-4 days or do 250ml nute feed then 2 days later do water another 250 ml, giving water feeds in between is very important as nutes tend to stick around in soil and you shouldn't flush. You gradually lower nute tox salt build up by giving regular water feeds in between nute feeds. Need more detailed info on how I feed my soil plants DM me. Happy growing pal.
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