
When to trim/defol

PortkeyCannabisstarted grow question 3 years ago
When is to early to trim or defol? Say if I just want to get rid of to big fan leaves? Any info is appreciated this is my first grow ever.
Week 4
Leaves. Too many
Leaves. Curl up
sativamananswered grow question 3 years ago
defoliation on an auto is not a good idea. Removing slowly some fan leaves that are blocking new shoots, shaping the plant to build a canopy is the maximum you should do.
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Selected By The Grower
WeedManiacLoveanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hola amigo que bonito color verde, normalmente no recomiendo defoliar en variedades auto, ya que tardan mas en recuperarse del estrés y entonces no es tan beneficioso. Se que existen cultivadores que si lo hacen y cuidan mucho no ocasionar mas estrés y hacen lo posible por que se recupere rápido, pero para mi es un problema, y me gusta evitar problemas por eso no hago defoliación ni LST a auto. Va super bien tu planta! Muy buen trabajo!
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Rangakuanswered grow question 3 years ago
Agree with the others , fold and tuck until you have to remove them . Bending her over around now will give you heaps of light and new growth sites without stressing her out .
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
I would agree with @sativaman... just take those large leaves and tuck them under! As your plants get taller, you can actually remove some of the lower leaves but for now I'd concentrate on getting more light to the bud sites by tucking the leaves under or using some LST on them to get them out of the way without removing them... they're terribly important for growth of your plant!
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Dr_Drexxxanswered grow question 3 years ago
If you have to, one leaf at a time or your auto won’t have to recover before flowering. Simple plant biology : it is in the leaves that the simple sap is changed in the complex sap which will feed your buds. More leaves is more energy for your plant. Instead of trimming you could try to « braid » big leaves that block light under others branches. Hope this helps.
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