
Is it enough to keep the right VPD?

tatacestarted grow question 2 years ago
It is important to maintain the right temperatures in the growbox (for each stage of growth) if the VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) is maintained at optimum values for the plant (And of course for the growth phase)?
Other. Other
Hashyanswered grow question 2 years ago
So long as your vpd is in range. No lower then 0.4 and no higher then 1.6 your plant should be fine.
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Selected By The Grower
Verbalistanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'm sorry what was the question? If you're not sure what VPD values (kPa) you should have for the each stage then just google ”cannabis VPD chart” and you'll get a chart for estimate values to stay in. Anyway VPD is an important factor to keep eye on. But it really comes down to that where your plants are used to. VPD mainly controls the stomata, transpiration and thus that Calcium flow inside the plant/tissue. I've tried and done plants from seed to harvest in very dry climates 30-40% RH during the whole cycle. Plants adapt. Also I've tried to strictly follow the books and go with the recommended values from 0.5 all the way up to 1.8kPa. And after these I'd say its good to know these, but you will be good if you're able to maintain about 35-45% RH and temps somewhere between 20-26C are more than enough for healthy growth without issues on transpiration.
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GMSgrowsanswered grow question 2 years ago
76 day and not more than 10 degree drop at night is the best heat levels for the plant. Nearing the end of the grow, letting the temp go lower at night will bring out some nice colour
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