Sometimes the first sign a plant is getting too much light is all the leaves start pointing up or “praying”, like this (though sometimes you don’t see any symptoms until the yellowing starts)
Example of a cannabis plant that is getting too high levels of light so all the leaves are pointing up
With light burn, often the inside veins stay green. Yellow leaves won’t fall off or be plucked off easily, unlike a nitrogen deficiency where leaves fall off on their own.
Example of cannabis symptoms caused by light burn. Yellowing top leaves under the grow lights, and the leaf margins often stay great. With light burn, leaves may turn red instead of yellow.
The leaves closest to the light may appear much more pale than the rest of the plant, and tips may turn yellow.
Light stress or light burn cause cause the edges of cannabis leaves to turn up and tips to turn yellowAnother example of yellow tips from light burn
Light stress has caused the edges of these leaves to turn up and the tips to turn yellow. If you see this, move your grow light up at least a few inches!
Sometimes light burn causes edges of leaves to turn up. If it goes on a long time, the leaves also start to become crispy and can even break off if you try to bend them
These leaves are so light stressed that the edges have turned up and the leaves have become crispy
You may noticed just the tallest colas getting droopy, which is sometimes a sign the light is too intense (though it could also be caused by root problems or over/under watering)