
Seedling seed shell

ED1126started grow question 2 years ago
Should I take the seed shell off myself or let it fall off naturally?
Week 1
Techniques. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Leave it alone - it's not going to prevent the plant from growing and growth itself will get rid of it! If you try to muck about and "help," you risk damaging the seedling and maybe killing it off... Just keep the soil MOIST around the seedling (don't drown it) and you'll have no problem! Good luck
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Selected By The Grower
Foffukuntzanswered grow question 2 years ago
By the end of the grow that leaf won't matter, I believe they hold nutrients for first week or two. Why risk damage and disaster, I am sure these plants have survived worse in the millions of years they haven't had a human to pick a seed helmet off for them 😄
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Robertsanswered grow question 2 years ago
If it is not causing a issue like how your shell is leave it be. Can cause more harm on a new plant removing it by accident. If it was not. Say it was helmet head. Then applying a drop of water on it, and wait 15 minutes then repeat. The can try to slide it off. In your case you are golden good. Happy growing 🌱
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Chow_13answered grow question 2 years ago
let it fall off naturally. its on a seed leaf so its not hindering any growth. If you want to help it along adding a drop of water to moisten it just before lights out.
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