Hi, I was curious about why my plant is growing so slowly and I noticed that the roots are very small! is it strange right? tomorrow should arrive BioBizz fertilizers, maybe they will do something? (BioBloom, BioGrow, TopMax, BioHeaven, Alga a mic)
Looks like it is compacted. Large chunky woodchips aren't the best option to aid drainage. The fertilizer used isn't going to wave a magical wand over this and fix it. Find or make a fluffier substrate. Don't use wood chips or large chunks of anything for that matter. That will just impede root growth by making it expend more energy circumventing the large objects.
Better O2 in rootzone will help the most. This is the dynamic of compacted soil or soil with way too much water retention. No product will fix slow root growth in this case. Change the properties of your soil next time, and results should improve.
Hi there
I wouldn’t be too concerned about it it’s still very small so got lots of time to fully root, If its still growing then it ok just needs a boost..
Be careful when exposing the roots as it might shock it and slow down the growth,
Make sure your giving it a decent Veg feed and some X rooting for root production,
Best of luck 🌱
Get some Roots Organic Bio-Force or some sort of mycorrhizae inoculant. You need to build your rhizosphere so nutrients can be taken up better by your plants.
After you get some inoculants and get them into your soil, water once a week with a mix of 1 tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water.
I hope this helps.
Good luck!