I give you the logic to do the math, but i'm not converting all that shit.. LOL. you have to fill in some blanks too
Assumes photoperiod plants and with those you meet needs of a 12hour / 12 hours off schedule. LEss light hours per day requires more powerful lights to provide what it can take. it's proportional... so 18h needs 66% of what you provide in 12... If you do autoflowers and use an 18/6 cycle, you can adjust the suggestions below in a proportional way.
not enough info... with HID you want 50w/sq ft (you can do the converting) e.g. with autos you need .66 * 50 or about 33w/sq ft in an 18/6 cycle. (and 150% the other way. 2/3 vs 3/2 reciprical)
with LED it depends on teh quality of your light. In general you pay more for efficacy, because you can easily get a well-tailored "Spectrum" (SFD) for growing.
Cheap LED you wan 40-50w/sq ft.. depends on how shitty they are.
midrange you want 35-40w/sq ft
and at high-end you can go as low as 30-35w/sq ft. (down near 20-25w/sq ft for autoflowers with high end LED)
The distribution of light is key too.. this is where LED will far exceed an HID. you can spread diodes out. QBs arent' bad but better to get somethign with long bars extending out covering most of where you will grow with just the structure of the light. fewer hotspots, more consistent buds along edges etc etc.
Efficacy is simple ratio of light created vs heat (how we measure waste)
w/s = j/s (heat measurement)...
umol is a measurement for number of photons/s emitted by a light. umol/J is efficacy. you can think of it as umol/watt since w/s = j/s too, but technically not right.. but makes more sense to ppl. So you can see why some lights need less watts to do the same job.
The other benefit of more efficient LED is longevity. an lm301-based light will last 50,000 hours only at the high-end... those same diodes are used in middle and low-end lights too, but because they are driven with FAR more watts per second, they deteriorate faster. do not expect 50,000 hours out of middle and low end lights.. even though they advertise them that way.
in general the "50k hours" of use is relative to a 10% loss or less of original intensit. All LED slowly dim. it'll take 50,000 hours under optimal conditions to get to 90% of original. low range ones may not make it 10-20k... the more watts per diode, the faster they die. 0.25w/diode is the ceiling for efficacy. you won't find them made above that and if they are they aren't adhering to guidelines from samsung... below that ther eis no guarantee the remain a consistent spectrum provided.