
Skinny main stem

Chuddstarted grow question a year ago
Hey, I've got this velvet moon at 14 days now and although I'm quite happy with how it's looking, the main stem still seems kinda skinny. I've been htting it with a breeze to try to strengthen her up.. is there anything else I can do?? Thanks in advance..
Week 2
Plant. Stem - Weak
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question a year ago
You've got the right instincts here - having a fan gently blowing on her will definitely help... You could always up-pot her to a larger size and pull some of the new soil up a bit on her to give the stem more support (and thereby more opportunity for more roots to form). Other than that, a little patience is all she really needs, I think. And btw, when you give your "crash course" to your gf, make sure she knows what overwatering is (the state of being constantly wet) and guards against that... you don't want this little one to damp off while you're gone! Good luck!
Selected By The Grower
Hashyanswered grow question a year ago
For 14 days old she is what I'd expect really it's the next 2 weeks that main will start to thicken up.
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ernest_twwganswered grow question a year ago
Up-pot into a gallon container. this will allow the roots to grow outward and let the plant grow bigger. "Bigger roots, bigger fruits!" Good idea with the fan. Keep that going to keep air circulation and the breeze around your plants. Just remember, you don't want the fan blowing directly on your plants. Have the air from the fan hitting a wall, or a corner, before it hits your plants. Too much of a breeze can cause windburn. If you're new here, please select the answer that helped you out the most by clicking on the "answer" button underneath what the person said. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on here. You can pull up your messages tab by clicking on the little airplane in a bubble. It's located on the bottom-right of your screen. I hope this helps!
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Candoganswered grow question a year ago
Give it more light .higher ppfd it won't stretch then
FrontRowAG_BrianGanswered grow question a year ago
Looks good to me bro. When you transplant give it some type of root feed and the stem will out pace any thoughts of “is this right?”
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BrujoGardenanswered grow question a year ago
Our little ones are of the same age) Let's be friends)😋
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BrujoGardenanswered grow question a year ago
I put a small fan next to it. When a plant wobbles a little, its main stem becomes stronger! Such a workout! Recommend👌
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