
Help me grow

Novicegreen123started grow question a year ago
Following from my post yesterday, any recommendations that will get this up and going again? Any nutrients I can give them or quick fixes ?
Plant. Other
gREEn7o0answered grow question a year ago
You have already reduced light intensity. Which would be my first bit of advice. Let them dry out. You can speed this up a bit with air exchange, a fan blowing at them and the soil, and increase your Temps to around 27c give or take if you aren't already there. Biggest thing is to just give them time to adapt to the new environment (more/better light) If it was me I would probably try to add the new light a bit at a time, almost like hardening off a plant for outdoor. I would have LED most of day, hit with an hour or two hps. Next day 3 hours, keep going for a week. Then full hps. Just to get them used to it gradually. That is what I would have tried, not sure it would make a difference. As for quick fixes, not really. You can try to swap light back and see if that was even the problem. But at this point personally I wouldn't bother (im too lazy, and they have already taken the beating). Just reduce light intensity, let them dry out, and let them adjust.
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