From your photos, I would say that this plant is not yet flowering. I've had autoflowers in the past which turned out not to be autoflowers at all - I just had to flip to 12/12 and they flipped themselves within a day or two. I know others will say "ride it out" and that the auto plant will flip eventually, but I can tell you that I've had two outdoor "autos" that never flipped after nearly 6 months and had to be thrown away as they reached the end of summer as giant children!
mi è capitato anche a me un ritardo notevole sulla fioritura
comunque non ho mai sentito un fast buds che sia fotoperiodico,escluse quelle nuove fast,quindi
in una settimana dovrebbe darti segnali piu forti di fioritura
ora saresti in pre fioritura
preflowers can show in vege.. think of it as puberty for your plant :P
did you buy an autoflower? after 8-9 weeks of vege time you can assume an 'autoflower' is not actually an autoflower.
It is much more unlikely you get an accidental autoflower when buying a photopeiod plant.. not sure if i've ever heard of it... but within realm of possibility, i guess.