Stickanswered grow question 6 years ago Hi there! I'm afraid your baby is suffering because of multiple reasons. 1) Could be a nutrients-burn if you gave her whatever fertilizer : it's too soon. 2) Probably over-watering because leaves are dropping. Your soil needs to be on a wet-dry cycle. Water when the soil feels dry when touching, with low amount of water [~20% of your pot size]. 3) Heat, you temperature is a bit high for such a young plant. A continuous cool breeze can help, is she exposed to [slow] wind?. 4) Multiple rempotting, transplanting/rempotting is a risky operation especially for autoflowering strains. You should plant your seed in the final container and avoid rempotting. I hope this helps, if you apply carefully those advices and give her much love, I'm confident she will recover soon. Good luck and happy growing!