
Ph que oscila solo y ec muy elevada

VicMallorcastarted grow question a year ago
Buenas a todos, tengo un parámetro que no me esta cuadrando. Porque las plantas con el paso de los días están bajando el ph?lo dejo en 6,2 y a los dos días esta en 5,7. Porque la ec del agua que cambio llega a niveles tan altos? En el cambio entra en ec de 3 y sale en ec de 6,45
Week 8
Feeding. Automatic systems
massivetidsanswered grow question a year ago
The plants are using more water than nutrients. Lower your EC till it stays stable. After you did this then your pH will automatically stay stable aswell.
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Selected By The Grower
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
i have to contradict soemthing that is blatantly false, especially in context of fully chelated hydro nutes -- the plant absolutely cannot selectively filter out anything. it works through diffusion. if the molecule can fit through the semi-permeable membrane, it's going into the plant. since you are using hydro nutes, all the molecules are plant-ready and fully absorbable -- otherwise it'd be just one more reason for me to shit on AN, LOL, and i wouldn't miss that opportunity. the plant has no control over what goes through that semi-permeable membrane.. purely about whether a particular molecule fits through or does not. the plant has no waste system. once in there it's in there. the only thing it can get rid of are gasses. it has no central nervous system. it doesn't think nor make choices. it reacts in a compartmentalized way to its environment. you can bury a limb and it'll grow roots. you can dust off some superficial roots and expose to light and they will become stem. you can cover up a bud site for 12 hours a day in complete darkness and it'll probably flower in that section of plant... probably pop nanners and sacs too, lol, bc it'd be confused as fuck, hormonally speaking. it's passive, not active.
MrDainAndToeniAsiaCrewanswered grow question a year ago
something is wrong in your soil.You should flush your soil till the comming out drainage is tge same ph as you feed than feed water for a week.Than u can give nutrients back.
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Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
try balancing to 6,8 to start, if the drift is constantly downward. nothing much you can do with an unbuffered product. mother fucker.. wrote out an awesome response, now you get the slimmed down, angry version because of fucking GD spam filter. pls note the tone is due to frustration of the web site. AN nutes suck a dick. they aren't ph-buffered products and claim to be "hydro" nutes, which is objectively stupid and incompetent. AN is a bunch of water-weight and needlessly splits nutrients into 10 different frickin bottles for no rason other than profit margin. the only molecule that can cause a precipitate is Ca++ and not typically at any concentration of common sense feeding dosage. 3-4 products that provide a well-balanced feed and ph-buffered is all you need to effectively adjust the formula until it works flawlessly in you environment. I was less aggressive toward AN in the first post, but ffs, frustration brought it out.. but it's stilll incontrovertibly true, too. jr peters, southern ag, cropsalts, et al often have a "pro" line or "hydro" line of nutes. they are dry and need to be mixed into solution - most cost effective option. some are much cheaper than others. there is no reason to overpay for ubiquitous commodities, which the components of fertilizers are. for example, i pay about 100 usd every 4 years growing 30-35 plants a year. i grow fewer plants now but waste more water with a automated system and more frequent irrigations.. still lasts 4 years. Some spend that on fertilizer for 1 grow or even less than one grow. that is insanity. find a 3-4 part system that is properly manufactured and buffered. i do not take care of my reservoir beyond darkness and well oxygenated / agitated/ room temp or better at all times. i never have pH swings. i refill at 50% and don't clean the bastard for an entire grow if i don't see anything slimy building up, lol.... not the best SOP and zero pH swings. that's what you get from a professional hydro nutrient lineup.
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