
Dry Tent Temp 67F, Options?

A_Stoned_Llamastarted grow question 9 months ago
Dry Tent Temp: 67.3 F avg., What to do for cooling? My Rh is at 60%, if I can't reliably lower my temps should I adjust the humidity to compensate? If so, to what?
Week 19
Other. Harvest - Drying
m0useanswered grow question 9 months ago
67.3 f is not bad for drying if anything its almost perfect. I dry anywhere from 18-25c or 64-77f, my ideal would be 15c but I never get that unless I open the doors in the winter so 18c is my new go to. I try and keep RH around 60% with some small airflow happening. If no airflow then aim for RH to be 55%, no mater the temp RH should not be below 40 or above 60. someplace in between. To low = drys to fast, to high = potential for bud rot. The RH of the air its pulling into the tent / dry room should be lower then the RH of the tents ambient air. I set my tent up to dry the weed with pools of water on the bottom and program the smart exhaust to turn on low when RH hits 60%+ then by the time it auto shuts off the RH is back down to 40-50 and it does this for about a week or two. I only rely on my central AC and however cold the apartment is, I don't cool the dry room specifically and my shit turn out nice and dank. Good Luck!
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Selected By The Grower
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 9 months ago
Los parámetros de tu cuarto de secado son los correctos. Si subes la temperatura también subirá tu humedad y con estos 2 parámetros altos tienes más riegos de que se produzca hongos en tu hierva. Con la humedad relativa en 60% tus flores se secaran un poquito más lento pero llegaras a tu objetivo. No subas tu temperatura o correrás riesgos. Suerte
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