It absolutely doesn't need to sit out, and letting water stagnate for 24-48 hours before use is not great, either.
if your area uses chloramine, it won't matter either way. chloramine takes forever to evaporate by comparison to chlorine. Secondly the levels of chlorine or chloramine are so low, you will never see a difference.
Some whacky esoteric context may be out there, but for most people this is not necessary. I have a higher ppm out of my tap than you do and never had an issue even with longer-term mother plants.
The last 1.5 years i've been using soft water due to convenience of nearest faucet. Was worried at first, but after a fwe grows it clearly is irrelevant too.
now, if you ever go gangbusters with lab-precision, co2, temp, rh control etc... then you might want to bother with filtered or RO water, if trying to squeeze out 100% of return from all that sophistication...
where as if just loosely avoiding extremes, feeding wll and giving max dli for ambient co2, it's not so important. you won't ever need that extra headroom for fertilizer to match an elevated metabolism of a plant swimming in extra co2.