if it went straight into bloom that means it "re-veged" long ago. A plant will not produce flower in vegetative phase. So, what more lkely happened is this sequence of events -- plant went into bloom, yo somehow caused it to not finish during the correct time of year, the nights got shorter, it started to re-vege due to shorter length of darkness, then the nights somehow got longer again and it went into bloom again.
Length of darkness controls onset of flower phase... if nights get short, it will not finish.
So.. this is outdoors? is there artificial light nearby? areyou doing weird OCD stuff like bringing it in once in a while then leaving it out otherwise and not keeping a consistent length of uninterrupted darkness? things of that nature... anything that interrupts the dark cycle can cause a re-vege. in some regions you can simply plant it at the wrong time and the length of night will do it on its own as it changes through year.
do you see old flowers that persisted through revege and new flowers with recent bloom phase? If they are old flowers from before most recent "bloom phase" growth, then i'd remove those before they rot, sure...
if it's new growth leave it. you get amber throughout the grow if you actually look at it all the time. it's an ongoing process... some calyxes are older than others. cloudy and amber are a sign of molecular degredation within the trichome - they are breakign down when you see it. "Cloudy" is not peak thc, that's a fucked up bullshit rumor that gets repeated.. people are not idiots for repeating it, but some idiot or group of idiots are definitely responsible for the errant belief.