I'm a total newbie - so please - take this with a massive grain of salt - 2 gallon pots seem small. The larger the pot, more room for roots to spread out, more roots laterally should equal a wider stronger plant. Most folks i've talked to go with at least a 3 or 5 gallon pot - depending on what/how they're going. Myself - going w/ 7 gallon smart pots, will transplant from grow plugs into the 7 gallons at week 3 (I'm hoping) - using a living soil to make my life as easy as possible on my first grow. No need to tinker w/ nutrients, etc. for the most part, will use myco tea. Of course if you're doing a SOG or SCROG then perhaps you're spot on w/ 2 gallon pots. I'm only trying to share info, not lecture. In regards to your question about tents - GorillaGrow outta California has some outstanding ones available. Best of Luck !