
leaf diseases

Mnbudsstarted grow question 8 months ago
Yellow and brown spots with leaves curling up, have flushed a bunch and got ppm and ph adjusted right and move my light back up so my PAR is around 950. Any help would be appreciated?
Week 7
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Yellow
001100010010011110answered grow question 8 months ago
if it was greater than 950 umol/s PAR across canopy, it was probably a major cause of what you see. If this is an autoflower, you may want to be around 667 PPFD for 18 hours of operation. A good target for a 12h operation is 900PPFD. -- These are both the same DLI, which is what matters, You'd still need to observe and react to the plant. These are values that are meant only as a good starting point with minimal adjustments needed, but adjustments still needed. 950 may be fine, too... but if you were much higher, it's increasingly likely it caused the damage. You need 1300ppm atmospheric co2 to push higher than 35-40 DLI. Read up on "daily light integral" to get the gist. DLI tables are good to download for reference.
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Selected By The Grower
Hashyanswered grow question 8 months ago
As digit man said. Sound advice.
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001100010010011110answered grow question 8 months ago
sorry// 600 ppfd for 18h. should be 2/3rds of what is needed for 18h operation.. 600/900.... same dli over 18 or 12h, respectively
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