
phosphorus and boron anomaly

Snaqqstarted grow question a day ago
Could someone please explain the precise mechanism underlying the phosphorus anomaly? As anticipated, availability decreases with increasing pH, yet it exhibits a sudden surge at pH 8.5. What is the exact (bio)chemical rationale behind this phenomenon? Boron has a similar pattern
Feeding. Chemical composition
Feeding. Deficiences
Feeding. Other
001100010010011110answered grow question 11 hours ago
"I believe the sky is pink and polka-dotted.. if anyone corrects me they are "small" Just let me be "me." Facts are not important. My insecurity is paramount! I write two long ass comments and a short 3rd and 4th, and complain about someone being too technical. Maybe you can help me with a crossword puzzle - The clue is, "A person that contradicts themselves." It is a 9 letter word that starts with "H."" LOL, get this guy a participation trophy, stat! ------ I do care about helping others.. Those that have the critical thinking skills necessary to do it well on their own without me holding their hand. I hated the dumbed-down bullshit answers i got from people when i was starting out. More than one led me astray. If my answers aren't your cup of tea, then don't read them. If you don't want to be corrected, don't say stupid shit like magnesium sulfate has calcium in it, lol. Don't give a false description of what pH is. Not knowing calcium is a cation. Copying and pasting a bunch of shit loosely realted but doesn't really help much, lol. This isn't nit-picking. You wrote out a bunch of erroneous stuff trying to sound science-y but clearly not having basic foundational knowledge of the first few semesters of chemistry.
Hashyanswered grow question 17 hours ago
Love the responses you got to this question. I'll make it simple. In soil watering between PH 6.0 and 6.5 makes most elements usable, in coco Ph 5.8-6.3 makes most elements usable. Use cannabis friendly nutes with the correct doses and in correct PH range.
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Ultravioletanswered grow question 17 hours ago
I just loveeee to blab technical jargon no one will understand because I don't care about helping anyone, I only care about picking imaginary holes in everyone elses answers, further showing how small I am. Blah blah blah blah blah, you make skin crawl btw.
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001100010010011110answered grow question 19 hours ago
Firstly, here is a link that can help explain it in a direct way: Secondly, you should never be near 8.5 pH anyway, so no worries if a lack of necessary foundational chemistry knowledge makes that link look like mumbo jumbo. there are different molecules that are used to deliver P, et al, in fertilizers. Some can't even enter the plant until microbes break it down further - which this extra step could definitely be impacted by pH too. If that was the narrow focus of a ph-solubility chart, it'd look different than a chart focusing on a different molecule delivering P. So each one could have some variation in exactly what results as far as a 'safe' pH range regarding solubility and delivering nutrients to a plant. Thirdly, i've seen numerous solubility charts that shift this stuff around. For the reason just stated, it should only be used as a generalized concept and not too literally unless you know the chart is dealing with the exact molecule you are focusing on. you need more than hs chemistry knowledge. Can probably extraplote after 3-4 consecutive semesters of undergrad chemistry, but it's been 25 years and minutia fades from memory. Maybe a chemistry teacher can chime in. ------------------ Just to clear up some falshoods below: Magnesium Sulphate - does not contain any Ca. That must be a type-o. Ca++(aq) is a +2 positive charge ion (cation). CO3-- is a minus 2 charge ("anion") when dissolved/disassociated in water. Maybe, another type-o? pH isn't about 'excited molecules' either. It;s about H+ ions... the resulting ratio of hydronium (H3O+) to hydroxie (OH-) that results in the water is how you calculate pH. Acids are proton (H+) donators and bases are proton acceptors. they impact the ratio of h3o:oh in water which results in a measurable pH. it is a log scale with "1:1" ratio at a pH of 7. Neutral doesn't necessarily mean it is absent of acid or base. It most often means there are equal amounts of it -- zero of either is possible but that wouldn't be a common natural occurence. chemisty is about probability - things just bumping into each other that have the propensity/affinity to react with each other or not. Something bumps into argon, an inert gas (valence shell is full), will just on its merry way. Multiple variables like temperature, pressure and pH will shift what those probabilities are at any one moment in time. Everything is in motion at all times... what seems like a constant is more often a resulting equilibrium that will shift when variables change in a predictable manner.
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Ultravioletanswered grow question 19 hours ago
Nitrogen, because most of the plant is made up of nitrogen. It is often used in ion cation exchange. Read this thoroughly. Kinda gives idea of how plant uses the same nutrient with different charges to offset uptakes pH balance. Breaking Down Nitrogen Forms & Their Impact: Forms of Nitrogen: Nitrogen, comes in three primary forms: ammonium, nitrate, and urea. Ammonium (NH4+) carries a positive charge, nitrate (NH3–)carries a negative charge, while urea ((NH2)2CO) carries no charge. Natural Processes in Media: Once these nitrogen forms are introduced into the growing media, natural processes kick in. Bacteria play a vital role, converting urea to ammonium or ammonium to nitrate. This latter conversion releases hydrogen ions, increasing media acidity. Urea Conversion: Urea undergoes rapid conversion to ammonium in the soil, usually within two days. Both urea and ammonium are often grouped together and referred to as ammoniacal nitrogen. When plants absorb nitrogen, they typically release a molecule with the same charge to maintain internal pH. This process can also alter the pH of the media surrounding the roots. pH Effects of Nitrogen Uptake: Ammonium (NO4) Uptake and pH: When plants absorb ammonium, they release hydrogen ions (H+) into the media. This increases the acidity of the media over time, decreasing the pH. Nitrate (NO3) Uptake and pH: Plants take up nitrate by releasing hydroxide ions (OH–). These ions combine with hydrogen ions to form water. The reduction in hydrogen ions eventually reduces the media acidity increasing the pH. Nitrate (NO3) Absorption Variations: Sometimes, plants absorb nitrate differently, either by taking in hydrogen ions or releasing bicarbonate. Like hydroxide ions, bicarbonate reacts with hydrogen ions and indirectly raises the media pH. Understanding these processes helps in choosing the appropriate fertilizer to manage media pH. Depending on the nutrients present, the media’s acidity or alkalinity can be adjusted to optimize plant growth. Risks of Ammoniacal Nitrogen: Plants can only absorb a certain amount of nitrogen at a time. However, they have the ability to store excess nitrogen for later use if needed. Nitrate (NO3) vs. Ammonium (NH4): Plants can safely store nitrate, but too much ammonium can harm cells. Thankfully, bacteria in the media convert urea and ammonium to nitrate, reducing the risk of ammonium buildup. Factors Affecting Ammonium (NH4) Levels: Certain conditions like low temperatures, waterlogged media, and low pH can prevent bacteria from converting ammonium. This can lead to toxic levels of ammonium in the media, causing damage to plant cells. Symptoms of Ammonium (NH4) Toxicity: Upward or downward curling of lower leaves depending on plant species; and yellowing between the veins of older leaves which can progress to cell death. Preventing Ammonium (NH4) Toxicity: When it comes to nitrogen breakdown of a nutrient solution, it’s crucial not to exceed 30% of the total nitrogen as ammoniacal nitrogen. Higher levels can lead to toxicity, severe damage, and even plant death. Ideal Nitrogen Ratio for Cannabis: Best Nitrogen (NO3) Ratio: Research shows that medical cannabis plants respond best to nitrogen supplied in the form of nitrate (NO3). This helps them produce more flowers and maintain healthy levels of secondary compounds. Safe Ammonium (NH4) Levels: While high levels of ammonium (NH4) can be harmful to cannabis plants, moderate levels (around 10-30% of the total nitrogen) are are considered most suitable. This level helps prevent leaf burn and pH changes in the media.
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BlocZanswered grow question 20 hours ago
It is the ability of water to carry certain elements. Below 7 it's an acidic solution, above it's a basic solution. Some elements dissolve or precipitate in an acidic solution, others in a basic solution. By being between 6.5 and 7.5, so being as neutral as possible, the closest to 7. Water chelates elements that are diametrically opposed in their mode of dissolution. The best of both worlds 😉
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MindFlowers68answered grow question 21 hours ago
I like the trading card analogy. I hope what I said was correct, lol and put into somewhat "layman's" terms. Man I forgot that temperature affects ph too. Shit is complicated sometimes lol 😂
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Ultravioletanswered grow question a day ago
boron adsorption increases with increasing pH and reaches a maximum around pH 9.0 and decreases with further increase in pH (Goldberg, 1997). The maximum development of adsorption sites occurs at a pH equivalent to the dissociation constant (pKa) of boric acid, approximately 9.2. At below pH 7.0, B(OH)30 predominated, but because the affinity of the clay from this species is relatively low, the amount of adsorption is small. As the pH increased, the B(OH)4- concentration increased rapidly. The amount of adsorbed B increased rapidly because of the relatively strong affinity of the clays. Further, increase in pH resulted in an enhanced OH- concentration relative B(OH)4-, and B adsorption decreased rapidly due to the competition of OH- for the adsorption sites (Goldberg et al., 2005).
Ultravioletanswered grow question a day ago
Hard explain it really gets Into atomic structures and how minerals themselves react to the pH. When we talk about nutrient. Calcium for example, no calcium is merely calcium alone. Calcium Carbonate. Calcium Chloride. Calcium Nitrate. Magnesium Sulphate. Etc etc etc Calcium - negative charge polarity. Carbonate - positive charge polarity. When something becomes more acidic, think of it like excitation of the atoms. They start to vibrate, because more corrosive. When you heat water it becomes more acidic. Neutral water at room temp 7.0 Same water at 100 degree boil =6.2 pH is logarithmic meaning a 6 is 10x that of a 7, a pH of 5 is 10x the acidity of a 6 and so on. We focus so much on pH of medium one might be unaware the plant itself keeps a pH. In order for example the plant to uptake very highly alkaline nutrient like calcium it must first trade opposite and equally charged ions. Like a extremely complex card trading game where the plant must always remain neutral pH. If it wants to uptake a with nutrient negatively charged ions at pH of 8 it must break bonds with and sacrifice opposite and equal positive charged ions I order to Maintain balance within the plant itself. It's all frequency, vibrations and electric charge on a scale almost unfathomable.
m0useanswered grow question a day ago
Looks like an old chart. IDK if i would trust it to be accurate anymore. I would also wonder what forms of P it is referencing. PH has highs and lows within the soil so its not normally the same throughout the entirety of it all. There is a person on here that had a background in this stuff, hopefully they will chime in. a quick google lead me to believe high and low PH on P locks it out and this is contradictory to that chart. so IDK..
MindFlowers68answered grow question a day ago
This chart is not the be-all and end-all. I'm sure you could find charts that show slightly different vales. It has to deal with what pH the nutrient is dissolvable at some pH the nutrients are not able to be dissolved and remain locked up until the solution reaches a certain ph. Thats why you have to be careful with some nutrients because they are almost always bio-available and is real easy to overdo things, and overdoing it in any one nutirent can cause their own problems and bio interactions. For instance, Calcium magnesium and potassium are all uptaken by the plant in a similar way so if you over due it in one of those it will show as a deficiency in the others. the plant only has so much energy to take up nutrients and if it wastes its energy taking up more bio-available nutrients that it needs because they is too much,it wont have the energy to take up harder metabolized nutrients. 6-6.5 is going to be the best range for most growers. once you start getting more acid than that, it is earlier to burn the plants with bio-available nitrates
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