The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

phosphorus and boron anomaly

Snaqqstarted grow question 6 months ago
Could someone please explain the precise mechanism underlying the phosphorus anomaly? As anticipated, availability decreases with increasing pH, yet it exhibits a sudden surge at pH 8.5. What is the exact (bio)chemical rationale behind this phenomenon? Boron has a similar pattern
Feeding. Chemical composition
Feeding. Deficiences
Feeding. Other
Hashyanswered grow question 6 months ago
Snaqq, as soon as you can close this question down before people start ripping off their shirts and start mud wrestling.
Selected By The Grower
Krisisanswered grow question 6 months ago
Some people seem to be in need of a phosphorus/boron enema ASAP
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 6 months ago
Don't listen to Hashy ;) Keep it open, this is hilarious!
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m0useanswered grow question 6 months ago
aren't you glad you asked a question and got all this attention @snaqq? BAHAHAHAH, Drama Lamas, the best free entertainment you can get on here.
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00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 6 months ago
11 replies and I'm the one that is hot and bothered? That's some neat mental gymnastics, bud. Plus, the super angry reply you deleted is #12. I can post that screenshot if you want? Then, you started fighting with a 2nd person, BWAHAHA. I didn't bother reading it. I hadn't given any of this a 2nd thought since my last reply. If I say 1+1=3 and you correct me, I promise I won't lose my shit like you have as evidenced by posting 12 replies expressing your frustration and anger while projecting those behaviours on to me while you do it. I was wrong about the humidity thing. I ate my shit and moved on. I even admitted to it publicly, because it is okay to be wrong, just as you said. You should take your own advice.
Ultravioletanswered grow question 6 months ago
It's okay to be wrong sometimes we are all human. Even me and you. What is not okay is to take it personally, and spend every minute attacking someone for every spelling mistake or typo out of spite, taking sentences out of context, just because someone corrected you, and you took it personally. Did it bother you so much? Must have. Then have the fcuking nerve as if you are the white knight saving everyone from my evil misconceptions fueled by arrogance. When in reality it's just your butthurt emotions looking for a petty revenge. What a piece of work.
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MindFlowers68answered grow question 6 months ago
I dont think there was anythig inhearently wrong with your answers and i liked a few of the things you had to say. and Okay i understand that part now. you're right about that I am relatively new on this site. That's good example of how online communication can be misleading. I thought you were shitting on my abilities. And was going to say all that really matters is results. Regardless of what anyone thinks they know. I'm sure there are plenty of things im doing wrong, yo uare right. But I have nothing else to say about this because i really dont know. I feel like I did a good job of answering the basic answer. this kind of question is honestly of of the scope of most people here. and with an old graph that's really questionable its bound to raise a few questions. and scientist dissagree on things all the time. its just a little anying because i'm here to learn as well and i dont want to get in between arguments but it just seemed like making personal remarks twards other growers is unproductive. Even if they are anoying. who cares what people think about masks when talking about nutirent absorbion levels at various ph levels. i'm not going to harp on that anymore. for now on I'm going to try my best not to direct address other peoples answers unless i find them helpfull,and just stick to what i think i know. Good luck have a good one
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MindFlowers68answered grow question 6 months ago
He can troll me all he wants. You can too. I don't agree with everything he's saying. At least I'm willing to admit what I don't know. that's the difference between me and you. I don't want to be another person to get under your skin. But once you start bringing up masks. I had to say something. apparently, some were affected more than it than others? Then you're gonna try to lie and say that's not what your talking about. Can a plant even get covid. should we be putting masks on our plants? will that stop tobacco mosaic virus? if I were truly a 1-year grower and growing the plants in my diaries. That's nothing to be ashamed of. I don't see many people here getting over a pound a plant of high quality indoors. and as an indoor grower, i am only in 1 year and documented 15 diairies. I'm pretty much killing it.
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MindFlowers68answered grow question 6 months ago
From the looks of it he didn't attack you you just disagreed with you. You were the one who started attacking after he disagreed. Don't try to pretend you are not referring to covid. Masks were not relevant until covid hit...4 years ago. In a way you are kind of undermining your own arguments but succumbing to him. If he's wrong prove it. Best way is to take what you think is wrong put it in quotations, then give your reasons for it not being correct. Not calling them small and saying they dont care to help people. Seems like he's putting a lot of time into his answers and you too. You both probably know a lot more than me but don't let it get to your heads. In reality, none of us know shit for certain.
Krisisanswered grow question 6 months ago
MindFlowers68answered grow question 6 months ago
Can we please not talk about fucking covid...seriously...why would you change the subject to masks and covid?
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 6 months ago
"I believe the sky is pink and polka-dotted.. if anyone corrects me they are "small" Just let me be "me." Facts are not important. My insecurity is paramount! I write two long ass comments and a short 3rd and 4th, and complain about someone being too technical. Maybe you can help me with a crossword puzzle - The clue is, "A person that contradicts themselves." It is a 9 letter word that starts with "H."" LOL, get this guy a participation trophy, stat! ------ I do care about helping others.. Those that have the critical thinking skills necessary to do it well on their own without me holding their hand. I hated the dumbed-down bullshit answers i got from people when i was starting out. More than one led me astray. If my answers aren't your cup of tea, then don't read them. If you don't want to be corrected, don't say stupid shit like magnesium sulfate has calcium in it, lol. Don't give a false description of what pH is. Not knowing calcium is a cation. Copying and pasting a bunch of shit loosely realted but doesn't really help much, lol. This isn't nit-picking. You wrote out a bunch of erroneous stuff trying to sound science-y but clearly not having basic foundational knowledge of the first few semesters of chemistry.
Hashyanswered grow question 6 months ago
Love the responses you got to this question. I'll make it simple. In soil watering between PH 6.0 and 6.5 makes most elements usable, in coco Ph 5.8-6.3 makes most elements usable. Use cannabis friendly nutes with the correct doses and in correct PH range.
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 6 months ago
Firstly, here is a link that can help explain it in a direct way: Secondly, you should never be near 8.5 pH anyway, so no worries if a lack of necessary foundational chemistry knowledge makes that link look like mumbo jumbo. there are different molecules that are used to deliver P, et al, in fertilizers. Some can't even enter the plant until microbes break it down further - which this extra step could definitely be impacted by pH too. If that was the narrow focus of a ph-solubility chart, it'd look different than a chart focusing on a different molecule delivering P. So each one could have some variation in exactly what results as far as a 'safe' pH range regarding solubility and delivering nutrients to a plant. Thirdly, i've seen numerous solubility charts that shift this stuff around. For the reason just stated, it should only be used as a generalized concept and not too literally unless you know the chart is dealing with the exact molecule you are focusing on. you need more than hs chemistry knowledge. Can probably extraplote after 3-4 consecutive semesters of undergrad chemistry, but it's been 25 years and minutia fades from memory. Maybe a chemistry teacher can chime in. ------------------ Just to clear up some falshoods below: Magnesium Sulphate - does not contain any Ca. That must be a type-o. Ca++(aq) is a +2 positive charge ion (cation). CO3-- is a minus 2 charge ("anion") when dissolved/disassociated in water. Maybe, another type-o? pH isn't about 'excited molecules' either. It;s about H+ ions... the resulting ratio of hydronium (H3O+) to hydroxie (OH-) that results in the water is how you calculate pH. Acids are proton (H+) donators and bases are proton acceptors. they impact the ratio of h3o:oh in water which results in a measurable pH. it is a log scale with "1:1" ratio at a pH of 7. Neutral doesn't necessarily mean it is absent of acid or base. It most often means there are equal amounts of it -- zero of either is possible but that wouldn't be a common natural occurence. chemisty is about probability - things just bumping into each other that have the propensity/affinity to react with each other or not. Something bumps into argon, an inert gas (valence shell is full), will just on its merry way. Multiple variables like temperature, pressure and pH will shift what those probabilities are at any one moment in time. Everything is in motion at all times... what seems like a constant is more often a resulting equilibrium that will shift when variables change in a predictable manner.
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BlocZanswered grow question 6 months ago
It is the ability of water to carry certain elements. Below 7 it's an acidic solution, above it's a basic solution. Some elements dissolve or precipitate in an acidic solution, others in a basic solution. By being between 6.5 and 7.5, so being as neutral as possible, the closest to 7. Water chelates elements that are diametrically opposed in their mode of dissolution. The best of both worlds 😉
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MindFlowers68answered grow question 6 months ago
I like the trading card analogy. I hope what I said was correct, lol and put into somewhat "layman's" terms. Man I forgot that temperature affects ph too. Shit is complicated sometimes lol 😂
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m0useanswered grow question 6 months ago
Looks like an old chart. IDK if i would trust it to be accurate anymore. I would also wonder what forms of P it is referencing. PH has highs and lows within the soil so its not normally the same throughout the entirety of it all. There is a person on here that had a background in this stuff, hopefully they will chime in. a quick google lead me to believe high and low PH on P locks it out and this is contradictory to that chart. so IDK..
MindFlowers68answered grow question 6 months ago
This chart is not the be-all and end-all. I'm sure you could find charts that show slightly different vales. It has to deal with what pH the nutrient is dissolvable at some pH the nutrients are not able to be dissolved and remain locked up until the solution reaches a certain ph. Thats why you have to be careful with some nutrients because they are almost always bio-available and is real easy to overdo things, and overdoing it in any one nutirent can cause their own problems and bio interactions. For instance, Calcium magnesium and potassium are all uptaken by the plant in a similar way so if you over due it in one of those it will show as a deficiency in the others. the plant only has so much energy to take up nutrients and if it wastes its energy taking up more bio-available nutrients that it needs because they is too much,it wont have the energy to take up harder metabolized nutrients. 6-6.5 is going to be the best range for most growers. once you start getting more acid than that, it is earlier to burn the plants with bio-available nitrates
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