Negative pressure is when the tents walls looks like you are sucking all the air in the tents and positive is when you box looks like a balloon so I feel like both are not that good , in the first case too much air sucked from the box and the second too much air is getting in the box.
Sorry as my own knowledge about the subject is limited I've googled it and found that link :
"When the walls of the grow tent are bowed outward, the air is entering the tent faster than it is being exhausted (positive pressure). When the walls of the tent are drawn inward, the air is being exhausted faster than it is entering the tent (negative pressure)."
"As previously mentioned, the key to odor control in an indoor garden is to have a slight negative pressure. With a slight negative pressure, the air within the garden space is contained (except for the air being actively exhausted).
The negative pressure will also keep all the odor contained within the garden space. This means a grower can set up a device, such as a carbon filter, to remove the odor as it purposely exits the garden space.
When positive pressure is present, the odor is not contained in the garden and can be pushed out of any crack, crevice, or pinhole before it has a chance to be treated properly. Simply put, the odor will leak from the garden."