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Maine Outdoor 2021

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 1, 12
weeks 1, 12
weeks 1, 12-29
BT spray
weeks 27
Preventative potassium bicarbonate foliar spray
weeks 27
Potassium bicarbonate foliar spray
weeks 29
weeks 1, 12-30
fox farm ocean forest
Grow medium
Happy frog
Grow medium
Grow medium
151 L
Pot Size
3.79 L
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
177.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
Hey guys Ive had technical difficulties but I've kept pretty good paper notes and pictures. I will try to transfer things here later. These clones were started March 20th.
Used techniques
Week 12. Vegetation
4 years ago
177.8 cm
151 L
Nutrients 4
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
Hey guys Ive had technical difficulties but I've kept pretty good paper notes and pictures. I will try to transfer things here later. These clones were started March 20th I'll start a new week tomorrow and post weekly conditions and methods. These plants have been through 30mph wind gusts, freezing temps and other extreme environmental problems as well as pests. I'm very happy with the progress they've made this far.
Used techniques
Week 13. Vegetation
4 years ago
177.8 cm
16 hrs
32 °C
51 %
21 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 5
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
6/7 Watered even though I did last night. Its been in the 90s. Transplanted 3 more into 50, 40 and 15 gallon. Gave two away and need to find space for three more. Will spray tonight. Noticed a few aphids. Should feed soon as well. Upload pics and video later today. Planning to transplant the last three and merge diaries. UPDATE: WENT OVER AROUND NOON AND ITS HOT AS HELL. I NEED TO MAKE SURE SOIL WILL MONITOR WHEN I GO SPRAY AND FEED TONIGHT. 6/8 Watered lightly and fed two gallons of feed to the garden leaving out the fresh transplants. Its been four days in the 90s. Today supposably the last. I need to spray lost coast plant therapy to keep up with my IPM. Also need to transplant the 3 remaining. I'll upload the pics tonight. UPDATE: I won't be taking AS many pictures in the future but I wanted to get some on here. The strains of the seedlings that are being transplanted got mixed up. I know the strains but not which is which. Strains are; GMO, Purple Punch, 4 Kings, Wedding Crasher, Dosido, gaslight and Chem Dogg. ALWAYS LABEL THE SEEDLING ITSELF NOT ITS POSITION in the peat moss tray ( or whatever you may use). I know better than that but it started as just an experiment. WENT OVER AROUND 4 AND PLANTS WERE DRY. THEY LOOKED AMAZING BUT SOIL WAS BONE DRY SO I SOAKED 'EM. 6/9 Planned on transplanting the last three plants and it started to downpour. At least I hadn't watered yet. I'll continue to monitor. Went back and plants were drooping so I watered. I transplanted the last three and by the time I was done plants perked right back up. Internet is slow will upload pics later. 6/10 The heat wave has passed. Early this morning soil wasn't dry so I didn't water. I figured they could wait until tonight. I'll see if that was a good decision or not when I go back. I noticed PM on the back of some plants and inside. I did some defoliation but will do more once I go to spray tonight. Internet is still slow so it's hard to upload.UPDATE: Went back over and had to water. Grow bags are drying out quick with this wind. I defoliate a little on the bottom and removed the worst PM. I will be spraying tonight since this heat wave is over. UPDATE: WENT OVER AND SPRAYED EVERYTHING WITH LCPT. I DEFOLIATED INSIDE AND TRIED TO REMOVE WHAT WAS NEEDED TO IMPROVE AIRFLOW. 6/11 Plants don't seem negatively effected by the LCPT. However I noticed some spots of WPM that I must of missed. I pulled those couple leaves and will follow up. The cage is a tight fit and plants are big and bushy. I may look into totally lollipopping one. Much colder today. Plants were watered last night. Didn't need it this morning. 6/12 Temp is in the 70's. Lightly watered before feeding two gallons of solution. Cleaned up around and in the cage. Plants are doing phenomenal. I've continued slight defoliation on some plants due to WPM to increase airflow. 6/13 Didn't water this morning. Soil seems hot (temp wise). I had to leave unexpectedly at 6am for a family emergency. When i got back around 11am almost all my plants were drooping. I soaked everything but the little fresh transplants. I watered them lighter. I will return this afternoon to monitor. UPDATE: Went back over around 7pm. I received a message earlier that my plants had indeed perked right up after getting water. Plants are huge. I'm regretting not having a space bigger space (12x12). Found some more WPM on the interior of some plants as well as a few yellowed dieing leaves on the very inside of the plant. I'll keep an 👁️ out.
Used techniques
Week 14. Vegetation
4 years ago
177.8 cm
16 hrs
21 °C
59 %
13 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 6
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
6/14 These are some thirsty girls. It seems the roots have filled the grow bags. The added wind makes it so that I need to stay on top of the water. I also need to spray again. When defoliating I saw some WPM on the very inside of a couple plants. I killed a few aphids on one plant. It seems if I just manually kill them it takes a while for them to repopulate. Also found a worm. I should bust out the BT but I am undecided considering I have the WPM as well. Foliar spray will probably be Dr. Zymes or lost coast plant therapy. Note LCPT seems to not do shit against aphids. Will update as the week progresses. UPDATE: Went back over after noticing strong wind. 15mph sustained wind had my plants going as sideways as possible. Luckily the vertical trellis and supports I made have stopped any major damage thus far. I decided NOT to put tarps up on the south which is where the wind is coming from. I hope I do not regret that decision. I plan to spray tonight. 6/15 Rained all night so I was unable to spray. Surprisingly no damage from all that wind. 6/16 Rained during the night and soil was still wet so didn't water this morning. I noticed markings on one of my transplanted seedlings. Found Thrips. I've never dealt with these before. I was planning on spraying BT but now I'll need to switch to something else. LCPT, Dr. Zymes, or spinosid (captain Jack's dead bug). Considering I have been dealing with PM I'll try to use something that will deal with both. I'll update as I go. I have defoliation I need to do on at least one plant. I also need to reevaluate my space and consider moving a couple plants that way it isn't to crowded. Another windy day but it's from the north west which is better as the tree line and tarps help.UPDATE Went back over and watered all plants. One plant had a slight droop which is surprising considering the two days of rain. The wind dries those grow bags out quick and it was sunny day. I watered the one that looked a "little" droopy first before applying Lost Coast Plant Therapy to the entire garden with a half gallon pressure sprayer. I hope this was a good idea. The droopy plant got treated last. We shall see tomorrow. 6/17 Everything looked great this morning. Lightly watered before feeding 2 gallons. Replaced microbe brew with kangoroots this time. Plants looked very happy. No negative results from the lost coast plant therapy. If anything they look better. My cage is getting overwhelmed. I need to remove at least two smaller plants. They are exploding in that 50gal and the tote. If I removed just those two I think it would work a lot better. I would have more room to work as well. 6/18 LCPT doesn't seem to effect aphids. I noticed a few on ONE plant and had been killing them manually. Population was only on literally a leaf or two. I think my follow up treatment will be Spinosid. It works great and hits pretty much everything. I've used it once already. Plants are incredibly healthy. Leaves were wet so it lightly rained last night. I lightly watered as the soil still seemed moist. Different size containers makes a consistent watering schedule difficult. UPDATE: Went over and watered tonight. Checked the one plant that had a few aphids for aphids and found like a dozen lady bug larvae instead! They survived the wind and had babies! These are just wild guys that are all over the place here. Couldn't find a single bug other than that lol. 6/19 I watered early this morning lightly as the soil was not totally dried out but then it started pouring. Plants looked great this morning. After the rain I'll do some defoliating and check for any remaining thrips. Later in the day we had torrential rain that knocked out my cameras. Plants look fine as you can see and all cams and motion sensors are back online. I have backups but still. 6/20 We had torrential rain but plants are fine. Watered what needed it lightly. Bags dry out fast and I've found I need to water often or some will droop. Found spiders that had killed a couple of my lady bugs. I killed what I could. Still need to defoliate and apply second application of whatever I decide.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Can anyone help identify the issue on this leaf. Dreamcatcher is the strain and I can tell they were a reveg. It was root bound and I thought it was an issue with the roots. After transplant outside and sprayed with my IPM the plant has recovered but still has a few like this?
Leaves. Color - Mottling
1 like
Hashyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Nice plants in the background by the way. To me it looks like a slight magnesium problem.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I found what I believe is thrips. Anyone have experience dealing with them? I plan to use either LCPT, Dr Zymes, or Spinosid. That and pyrethrum is what I have on hand. I am also battling WPM and was planning to preventative BT. Looking for advice and what product to use. TIA
Other. Bugs
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey friend, Thrips aren't the worst so thats good. I know they love onions, and some other outdoor plants so be mindful of carrier plants nearby. My best success with killing them dead and gone, was a combination of first using a spinosad spray at dusk, and a dr bonners/water spray bottle. The soap spray is perfect in health to the earth and plants and living things so be free and liberal with it. Dr Bonners is Castille soap so in my opinion safer and more effective than when I've used dawn dish soap. But any soap will do. Good luck and do a few applications a few days apart until you see lower numbers. Happy growing
Week 15. Vegetation
4 years ago
177.8 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
60 %
16 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 6
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
6/21 Didn't go check the plants last night. They were fine though. No drooping. I may increase my feeding schedule as I'm noticing a few leaves in the middle inside of the plant turn yellow and die. I'll update as I check stuff out. Can't upload pictures right now so it will be later today. Went back in the pm and watered. Noticed a few of the wild lady bug larvae are getting pretty big. Fucking spiders ate a bunch. 6/22 Went and watered before feeding 2 gallons. I need to make solution stronger add more growbig. Also need to spend more time defoliating and LST and relocate the two plants in the cage that are able to be moved. UPDATE: After checking the weather I decided to water despite the meager .1in of rain we might get. Also need to follow up on my IPM. It seems like roots have completely overtaken some containers.Maybe that's why I am watering twice a day. Perhaps I need to water more at a time. PH still high at around 7.3, 7.4. Anyhow I've got some work to do. 6/23 It rained a little last night so I didn't need to water this morning. I used the extra time to do some LST and slight defoliation. I used plant clips and string to tie branches down. Noticed some PM on the inside of a couple smaller plants. I need to move one more plant to a different location, spray for my IPM and defoliate a little better. My anxiety makes it hard for me to cut my plants. I need to watch some more videos on PROPER outdoor defoliation. Went back over and watered. I was able to maneuver some branches through my trellis for better airflow. Noticed some cricket and leaf hopper damage on the smaller plants I tied down. I squished a couple but I think I'm going to do a treatment of Dr. Zymes or LCPT tonight. Also, I got promoted on here to apprentice. I was stoked until I found out it only takes into account the number of likes you get for promotions lol. 6/24 Soil was still damp so I lightly watered. It's hot today and I'd rather have the bags not dry out in the wind. I need to spray tonight. Due to an unexpected death in the family I haven't gotten everything done that I need too. Watered when I went back over. 6/25 Lightly watered despite soil being damp. The grow bags are just basically roots. They go through the bag into the ground making it tough to do the "lift test". They are thirsty plants. I found a dreaded worm (moth larvae) as I didn't do my preventative BT. Tonight I'll be spraying. Just not sure which product yet. Did some small defoliation today. I'm afraid of taking to much. Just want better airflow. Plan to spray tonight. UPDATE: Sprayed LCPT to treat the PM and hopefully as a catch all for the worm and thrip I found. I will upload pics of my trunk after the defoliation. It won't let me edit the pic and I'd rather not have my tag showing. 6/26 Treated with LCPT last night. Amazing how much better the plants look after an application. Fed two gallons today and upped growbig to 2tbsp. I was feeding on the fifth day but this it's only been three days this time. I'll monitor for results. Pictures weren't taking this morning. Couldn't upload pics of the stalks after I defoliated which sucks because I think I did pretty good and wanted see feedback. 6/27 Had a rushed morning. Had time to quickly water before I had to leave. Will examine and update later today. Went back over and everything looks good. Just normal issues and work to be done. 60% RH 90 DEGREES today.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey does anyone know how to upload edited pics? I have stalk pics but my tags are showing and I can't upload the edited pic.
Other. General questions
Hashyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Try naming the file/picture a different name to the one that refuses to upload.
Week 16. Vegetation
4 years ago
177.8 cm
16 hrs
21 °C
65 %
21 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 5
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
6/28 I had to water deeply despite watering thoroughly yesterday. This heat wave is supposed to pass today. We have had temps in the 90's. Ihate it but the girls seem to love it. RH is super high and controlling pm is a pain in the balls. When my connection is better I'll add my vid and photos. Still need a follow up preventative spray. BT is really awesome but super narrow and I've found random stink bugs, earwigs, crickets and grasshoppers as well as easily identifiable leaf damage. I'm thinking Spinosid. Save my PM stuff for PM. Tried checking my PH with a soil meter. The bags are basically just roots. The only two plants it read came to 6.5 which is strange because I usually run around 7.3. I'll certainly take it. If it's correct that is. RH 64 TEMP 84 6/29 Didn't water this morning due to a torrential downpour last night. Nothing broken after first glance. The thunder and wind woke me last night. This storm was horrific yet my plants still seem unaffected. Need to rearrange the cage. It will be a pain to have to move that ice cream cake. Maybe I could find a way to modify the cage outwards. I also need to move the plant in the tote in the back. Luckily I got back and watered before plants dried out. Noticed a FEW dead or yellow leaves on the middle interior of some plants. I upped dosage of growbig last feed and fed a little earlier. I'll go back to my normal feeding schedule and see what happens. Thing is the plants are getting huge so I would think increased nutes would help. Couldn't he lockout. Too much water. Maybe nutes in the soil are leaving? I'll figure it out. I temporarily pulled the stalk on the ice cream cake back and tied it to the posts to get it off the fence. 6/30. 90s again today. I deeply watered and noticed a couple more yellow leaves (bottom middlish). Only thing that was changed was feeding. I may go back to original schedule. Funeral today so I'll have to check things out later. UPDATE: Went back maybe sux hours after watering to find the grow bags dry. I reached my hand in the side and it's pretty much all roots. These high temperatures and wind are drying my plants out. No droop but the soil WAS dry. I watered again and plan to check again tonight. When temps go down I'll probably do a preventative Spinosid spray. 7/1 Watered and fed two gallons. Grow big at 1 1/2 tbsp. Still some yellow leaves on the interior. I'm talking like maybe five. Accidentally destroyed lace wing eggs. I knew it was something to keep an eye out for but I mistakenly thought it was BAD. Oh well it was just two eggs. I'm sure there are more. Tried measuring PH with soil meter but the only two plants that registered were 6.5 and 6.6. I believe the PH to be a bit higher. The bags are so full of roots it's hard to get a measurement. I know my soil and water WAS on point before my gauge broke. However I leave the 7.3 as that was about what the big ones tested at last time measured. 7/2 These are some resilient strains. Currently 54 degrees at 9am. It had been 80 or 90 in the last few days. Perfect rain today. A light shower all day. Obviously didn't water. Found a few yellow leaves but the plants look so good. The also seem to be stretching but it's far to early for the preflower stretch. I'll keep an eye out. Things are looking pretty good. Still need to move that plant in the back. 7/3 Watered today. Looks like it might rain but top soil was a little dry. Also noticed this site measures teaspoons not tablespoons which is how I measure. I'll need to adjust that. There's tell tale damage from a variety of pests (leaf hoppers, pillars, grasshoppers ECT.) So I think I'm going to do a spray within the next couple days. Im leaning towards Spinosid but Dr. Zymes supposably helps the PM as well. I'll do more research and update. 7/4 54 degrees and raining. Haven't checked the girls out yet today.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I recently increased grow big to 2tbsp/ gal (from 1) and feeding to every 3 days instead of 5. I also sprayed LCPT. It has been 90's and I have to water plants twice a day. Could either of these contribute to the few yellow leaves on interior low and middle? Should I switch back?
Feeding. Deficiences
1 like
lefthandedJanswered grow question 4 years ago
Gotta agree with InspireMe, sounds like a little nutrient lockout. Only guessing that because I have the same issue, to a much lesser degree, and my medium is at an irritating 7.0 with some spikes. The plants I have showing yellow leaves just Ph'd the other day at 7.2, the ones without yellow still Ph'd at 7 even.
InspireMeanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey mate, I had a look through your diary and I think it could be related to your ph. I noticed that you ate running at 7.4. I'd try and bring that down to anywhere between 6.0 and 6.8. They may be struggling to uptake the nutrients they need. Hope this helps 🙂
Week 17. Vegetation
4 years ago
177.8 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
70 %
13 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 5
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
7/5 Plants look great after the last few days of rain. Nothing broken despite the storm. I think more rain is in the forecast but at some point I'll need to spray. I'll update later today. Went back over at 4pm to check. Soil was still damp with 40% chance of rain so I held off watering. First day I've never watered. Noticed a few more leaves turning yellow and falling off on the middle and bottom interior of some plants. It looks like nitrogen deficiency. Can't notice unless you get right in there. Noticed leaf hoppers and other minor pest damage. Spraying soon. 7/6 Hose wasn't working as the water needed to be shut off. Soil still seemed damp so everything should be fine. Temps are MUCH lower (66 right now). Still have internal lower/middle leaves turning yellow. Noticed that I hadn't fed in five days. That could have something to do with it. Really looks like nitrogen deficiency. Fed two gallons to the garden this morning and will monitor. Humidity is stupid high. It read like 90 something percent but it's not raining. I plan to spray tonight. Due to other issues I haven't been on top of my game as much as I should be. Will update later. Oh and I do measure in teaspoons not tablespoons. I'm just an idiot. 7/7 Water is still off. I carried water to the plants and watered approx. a gallon a big plant. Less for smaller. Lots more yellow leaves on my blueberry's. They fall off. Looks just like nitrogen deficiency and the plants are getting huge. I also noticed I hadn't fed in 5 days. I figure most nutes in the soil must be used up. I only have a soil PH meter and the only readings I could get read 7.3 and 7.4. I checked my water PH with a test kit and to me it looks around 6.5 so I have no idea why the pH could be off. Could definitely use some help. I think I'm going to get some dry amendments like worm castings or guano. Noticed a random beetle munching away. I keep putting off spraying but it needs to be done. I'll add my question when I get a chance. UPDATE: Went back over and noticed soil was dry. Watered again approx a gallon each. I need to figure out the issue with the yellowing leaves. I added roots organic Ancient Amber to the water for a small nitrogen boost. I'll ask a question. 7/8 I lightly watered but probably shouldn't have as it's supposed to rain tonight and all day tomorrow. Better safe than sorry. I feel much better after some research and answers to my questions. I feel more confident. I just need to get my IPM up and running again and I should be good. Still threw away dead leaves but in places the sun doesn't get and plants have grown substantially. 7/9 Rained last night and supposed to rain all day today. I took a couple pictures but I'll have to wait until the rain subsides to spray. Wow it's still really pouring @4:45pm. Tropical storm Elsa or something is dropping like 3in of rain. Oh well hopefully helps lower my pH. Feels really good to look at the profiles of the growers on Facebook that have talked down and acted narcissistic towards me after I asked a question only to see their itsy bitsy scrawny little plants. Jealousy is real I guess. I'm praying to the pot gods that everything holds up through this storm. I love my garden but I can't get cocky. Outdoors in Maine anything can happen. 7/10 No damage from last night's storm. I measured the pH of the rain water and it appeared to be around 5.0-5.5 so that should help to lower my PH. Very nice day today. Plants should explode after this rain. 7/11 Very sunny day yesterday and looks like another today. 73 degrees at 9am. Last night I got halfway to my garden to spray and had to turn around due to several stomach cramps. Its always something. I VERY LIGHTLY watered before feeding 2 gallons of feed to the garden. I've been slipping. Its been another five days since feeding. I'm going to try Dr. Zymes tonight. UPDATE: Went to my garden around 6 and sprayed Dr. Zymes at 90 degrees on all plants. I used the two two oz free samples that are supposed to make a gallon. I saved half a bottle and used the rest so it wasn't max strength. I fed today too and I'm not supposed to spray above 80 degrees and it was 77 so hopefully this works out. I've never used this product. I wish I hadn't forgot my phone as my plants looked and smelled amazing. Still pulling off yellow leaves....
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Interior lower and middle leaves turn yellow and die. Seems like nitrogen def. PH measured w soil meter read 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 at the highest. Plants are huge. Have the just used up soil nutes and I need to increase feeding or is it PH and how to fix. Water pH is good. Plz see diary
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
Rap_a_capanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi Smeagol, looking at your diary I can see only a gorgeous weed garden. I'm an outdoor grower too and little by little I've learned to don't care about falling of lower/middle canopy expecially if the plants look healthy and with the right tone of green. Looking closely I've noticed some leaves infested by mites. Sometimes lower leaves yellowish and fall because of a combination of factors like age, nutes deficiencies (is not your case), high humidity near the soil and parasites. In any case with senescence bottom leaves will fall anyway. Be relaxed and control the critters around. Cheers Bro
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I try to add a new week and it will allow me to do so but it won't save. When I try to save it says "something went wrong". I've deleted and tried four times to reload and re-type everything. Has anyone else had problems using this platform? I'll go back to paper if this keeps up
Other. General questions
MrStinkyanswered grow question 4 years ago
We've been having issues with posts and questions recently (uploading pics especially), hopefully they get it fixed soon cause the app and community is awesome.
Week 18. Vegetation
4 years ago
177.8 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
70 %
13 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 5
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
7/12 Soil was a little damp so I watered lightly only what looked like it needed it. Dr. Zymes seems to have no negative effects. Plants just look super clean. I still saw some patches of PM and I only had the free samples so I'm going to have to use another product in conjunction to treat this. Overall I'm pretty impressed with the Dr. Zymes. HAD MY VIDEO AND TONS OF PICS UPLOADED BUT THIS SITE WOULDN'T ALLOW ME TO SAVE. I'LL UPLOAD THE REST LATER "IF" THIS EVEN ALLOWS ME TO SAVE. Went back over at three and watered the girls. Everything looks amazing. Trying to upload video now. 7/13 Didn't water this morning. Plants look fantastic. Went over at 4:30pm. Things looked great. Definitely stretching. I took some good pictures. Didn't water as plants seemed VERY happy and soil still had a little moisture. I gave them a touch of kindness which means I gave them a tiny bit of water to hold them over until morning. I know this is not a good practice to get into but I didn't want to come back to wilting plants. The little seedlings are turning more lime green (which isn't good) and have some yellow leaves. They have recycled soil from last grow. May need to feed more. I went through them and moths flew everywhere. We have a major brown tail moth problem here. I know I just sprayed Dr. Zymes but I'm going to have to spray BT. I must've seen at least half a dozen moths. On just those three tiny plants. Still struggling with PM. 7/14 Went to the garden briefly this morning. It rained last night and was drizzling while I was there so I obviously didn't water. Its still sprinkling and I'll be over there later to check. Plants are really stretching into "the asparagus" stage as I like to call it lol. What will eventually be a bunch of colas stretch into what I think looks like asparagus spears. That may be part of the reason why some of the leaves turn yellow and die in the lower middle canopy during this time. Everything looks great though and I certainly have plenty of leaves. I looked at last year's diary at this date and got some relief noticing the same things happening last year at the same time of year. UPDATE: Went back to the grow as the "rain" and "thunder showers" weren't producing much water. I checked the soil and it seemed to have dried out some (more on smaller bags) and hadn't FULLY watered the plants. I watered lightly. I listened and I could hear the water work it's way down the medium. Even if it pours tonight plants will be ready for a feed tomorrow. The 3 little ones in buckets outside especially. I have work to do tomorrow. 7/15 It's overcast today and looks like rain. Forecast called for a nice sunny day. Anyway I fed two gallons to nutes to the garden and did some slight defoliation. I had to hurry as I had a doctor's appointment. I have branches that need to be tied down and plants need to be cleaned up a bit. If it's not raining I may do a preventative BT spray. We have a HORRENDOUS outbreak of brown tail moths. I don't think the bother cannabis but they are poisonous and the rash that develops is hell. 90 degrees at 6:30 plants weren't totally dry but the top inch or so was so I gave them a good drink. Took some pictures and a video I'll upload when I have a better connection. Cop was watching me. Good thing I'm in a legal state and my grow is totally on point. 7/16 No water this morning. Soil was still wet. Plants are looking good. Will update more later on. Defoliation, pruning and spraying are on the agenda. Made a video and took more pictures but internet is spotty and doesn't want to upload. Went back and watered lightly before a massive thunder storm dropped sheet rain for like an hour. Internet is still slow so I'll have to wait till tomm to upload. 7/17 No water. Brown tail moth rash is driving me crazy. Plants still stretching and look overall healthy. Defoliated some this morning. Will update more later. Went back over and gave a little water before it began to downpour. 7/18 Raining with what looks like more rain in the forecast. Good. Hopefully will help me lower the pH a little. I didn't take pictures or even go in the cage this morning. This brown tail moth rash has me scared lol. It really sucks. Makes poison ivy seem pleasant. When rain stops BT will be sprayed.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
When do you outdoor growers that use liquid nutrients start switching to flowering nutes? I typically wait until after the stretch and slowly introduce my tiger bloom until they are on a flower feeding schedule. I'd be interested to hear how others do it. Especially with Fox Farm
Feeding. Schedule
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
For the last 25+ years, I have been giving/continuing with grow nutrients until there are small budlets formed, before switching to half grow and half bloom for the next 2-3 weeks, before changing to just pure bloom nutrients through until maturity. This seems to produce the biggest blooms on plants that do not exhaust themselves and end up canabalizing themselves to a sickly yellow colour. I will also give one dose of half grow and half bloom about half way through the "just bloom nutrient" phase as a plant booster, but probably one third grow nutes and two thirds bloom nutes would be a more accurate description. Cannabis does still need a good supply of nitrogen in early flower and switching to bloom nutrients when the first pistils appear will/can lead to a reduced yield and certainly reduced health in late flower, and seems to be a common rookie mistake amongst a lot of growers on this forum. The routine I use is the evolution of my experiences growing outdoors for 35+ years and the result of much research and experimentation. Others may disagree, but it works outstandingly well for me and in my situation. Hope this helps, Organoman.
Week 19. Vegetation
4 years ago
177.8 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
80 %
13 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 5
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
7/19 Rained all last night. Weather report says it will be rainy for several days. I "suited up" did some slight defoliation and fed two gallons to the garden. Still need to apply BT and get inside and prune with clippers. I'm hesitant due to this huge rash but I need to find a way to do this. Plants look good just need to be cleaned up. 7/20 No water as it's been pretty rainy. Thunderstorms tonight and rain tomorrow. I'll have to wait to apply either Spinosid or BT (as a preventative). I took down the tarps on the back. The wind isn't bad. Usually it's like a wind tunnel but I think this was the right decision. They are still attached at the bottom so the cam go back up quick if high winds come. Considering top dressing with cow manure. It's what I have on hand. I also need to find time to defoliate inside the plants. I'll have to do it when it's wet I guess to avoid the moths. I saw nests at my girlfriend's house on a bunch of apple trees so maybe I got this rash there. I hope so. 7/21 I watered despite some of the soil being damp. It MIGHT rain today but even if it does it wouldn't REALLY give my plants the water they are used to. I also cut some branches inside the plants. I have a lot more to do though. I found a brown-tail moth caterpillar crawling on the soil of one of those buckets outside my cage. Leaving his little poisonous hairs behind. I killed it with fire. I'll update after I spray and/or prune. Humidity is 98% today 70 degrees at 9am. "I'm going to need a bigger boat." 7/22 I put the tarps back up after finding the tall unsupported plant looked all blown over. I removed it from the cage. It's a 30 gallon tote so it opened up my area a little more. I watered this morning as it's supposed to be a nice sunny hot day. Later I plan to LST that seedling that I just left in the 30 gallon tote and kinda neglected. At least I didn't show it the love I had the clones. It's in reveg as well (the only one) and I'm questioning whether it might have a better home elsewhere. I'll check it out when I go for my evening inspection. Looks like possible thunderstorms tonight so I don't know if spraying is feasible. Thank you to all who have been following and helping me on this journey. Much cooler than it has been 65 degrees at 10:30am. 7/23 Watered this morning. I also did some defoliation and pruned lower limbs. I need a night without rain so I can continue with my IPM. I see pillar damage so it will probably be BT that I use. I weed Wacked around the cage this morning and was planning to feed but I ran out of time. The girls will have to wait until tomorrow to eat. The garden looks very healthy as a whole. Slight issues here and there but nothing an outdoor grower wouldn't expect. It's been a great year for growing cannabis thus far! I'll do another video once I get the cage weed Wacked. 7/24 Watered slightly before I Fed two gallons to the garden. Still have leaves turning yellow and falling off but I think its normal. At least the same thing happened the last two years right around this time. Plants have EXPLODED in growth and look great. The stretch is real. I took a minute video that might or might not upload. Took a few pictures too. Internet is pretty slow so I'll probably have to upload pics tomm. Reached the 80s today. Nice and sunny. Oh and walking down to the garden is like getting punched in the face by a skunk lol. The smell is incredible. 7/25 No water as it is supposed to rain today and they drank pretty good yesterday. Still need to defoliate a bit. A few of the seedlings are reveging. That's ok though. I hate seeing leaves die but looking at my previous diary (and the paper one before that) it seems to happen the same time of year right when the stretch starts. For the most part the garden is in preflower so I may start the next week as flower. I also STILL need to spray preventative. I don't really have a problem (besides slight pm and a few random critters but hey it's outdoors) but I need to keep up with the IPM. Im super happy with progress this far.
Used techniques
Week 20. Flowering
4 years ago
177.8 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
80 %
7 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 3
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
7/26 Rained last night and looks like it will rain today as well. The periods we've been having with rain then sun then rain has really exploded growth. I have tops over my fence already. You can see all the dead leaves I pulled. Plants look healthy but I always worry when I lose leaves like this. Luckily I can look back on my old diary and the paper one before for some peace of mind. I've decided to label this week as flower even though we still have about 14 and a half hours of daylight but we're losing light every week. My plants get shade in the evening. My tarps provide a little shade as well. Everything is stretching incredibly that's why I labeled flower. You can see preflowers starting to form. I hope that's why I lost so many leaves (starting preflower). I mean the plants are healthy. I'll check pH with a soil meter tonight and make sure things are good. I would think with the rain it would lower my pH if anything. Definitely using dry amendments next year and dropping the liquid nutes. Soon I'll start adding flower nutes at low doses and see how the girls respond. Still haven't been able to spray BT for the pillars and my IPM. Hopefully tonight it won't rain and I can spray. 7/27 watered today. Still seeing some leaves yellowing and dropping. I left my pH meter so I'll have to check to see if that's the problem. I've been researching and I may need to adjust my nutrient dosage and add more P. I still haven't sprayed. I found a shit ton of earwigs under the wood outside I use to hold down my tarp. I thought they were predators but maybe not. I'll have to research them. I may have to use captain Jack's instead of BT and hope it combats the earwigs. 7/28 Watered as the soil was dry. Killed some earwigs and tied up a branch that is to close to the fence. I researched earwigs and they aren't beneficial but I've noticed that I no longer have ANY aphids that I could see. I'll check lower leaves with my scope as I haven't checked in a while. My pH meter won't work in ANY of my grow bags. It seems like the bags are just a bunch of roots. When I stuck the meter in a pile of last year's soil (next to the grow) it worked fine and read at 6.6. I don't get why it won't work with the grow bags. I'll have to research and see if I can use test strips or something. Still noticing some random damage here and there but it's time to spray and I just haven't done it. Plants are in that transition stage. All the big clones are at about the same stage. I really hope losing the leaves is normal. Looking at my father's tomato plants I noticed the same thing. I looked at other foliage and trees and I'm seeing similar signs of senscence. 7/29 Fed two gallons to the garden this morning. I was able to get one reading off my pH meter and it read 7.3. Still losing leaves but plants are stretching like crazy. Even the little 5 gallon ones I have been neglecting are forming there "asparagus tops" and starting to transition energy. I think I'll start adding bloom nutes next feed or so. I need to treat the PM. I've been slacking on my IPM. Also noticed some weird looking damage on a bud site. I hope it's not those earwigs. I usually have aphids but this year it seems the lady bugs and my treatments kept them at bay. I'm wondering if the ear wigs that I saw were eating other bugs and ran out and started munching on leaves. Hope not. I plan to make a ear wig trap and I need to research more. Planning on spraying LCPT tonight and cleaning up the cage but we'll see how that goes. Very little wind so I took the tarps down for now. I'll update as I get things done. UPDATE: I inspected tops and bud sites for damage. Random damage mostly on seedlings outside the cage. It's hot today and the mis-labeled indica (it's ONE of the strains listed other than DJSBB AND DREAMCATCHER) in the 50 gallon pot seemed a bit droopy. Granted all those strains are highly indica dominant and it could just be the pheno. I gave them a little water just to make sure. It should hold them over till the rain. I took a small plastic container and made an earwig trap with soy sauce and olive oil. Let's see what I catch. I plan to spray LCPT tonight. 7/30 Rained all night so I couldn't spray like I wanted too. Rain and 49 degrees at 8. My earwig trap caught zero earwigs but I killed a few around it. Noticed damage on a bud site that I'm pretty sure was from ear wigs. My bags are on the ground and I allowed the roots to grow through into the ground so I am hesitant to use something like borax to kill them. I'll have to give this a little more thought. Tarps are still down I'll monitor and update. I was able to get two pH readings but they were the five gallon plants 7.2 and 7.3. I'd really like to lower the pH. My water going in is always good and I even measured the pH of the rain so I hope I'm good. May need to check run off for accuracy. 7/31 Didn't water as it poured last night. Wind is high so tarps went back up. Got a read of 7.3 on basically all plants. I don't get it. I'll have to lower what I'm putting in. I also need to figure out the earwig situation and get off my ass and MAKE time to prune the insides and treat the PM. I did this shit last year when I had COVID so I can do it with a stomach flu. UPDATE: I finally got around to applying the lost coast plant therapy. Two hours later and I'm pretty sure I applied it properly. I took some immediate pictures. I also watered a little before treatment. Found and killed two japanese beetles (which I think are the culprits behind the unknown damage). Fucker was on the top of a starting cola way taller than me. I never would've seen him if I didn't treat. I'm going to need to use a ladder and inspect tops a little more closely. On another not WE ARE IN FLOWER!! No question about it. The "spears" are starting to thicken and beginning to start flowers. It was so much more apparent this afternoon. Probably because I was pruning the interior and defoliating as well as getting close to spray. I'm beyond psyched and im going to start reduced dosages of tiger bloom. I'm also going to try to pH my water lower and see if that doesn't make a difference. 8/1 Soil was wet so I didn't water. LCPT did great at eating up that PM. The plant in the tub in the back seems like it may have a virus or something. It just seems weak. It reveged as well. I'll keep an eye on it. If it continues with a weak appearance i'll get a second opinion and if it truly is a virus i'll trash it. I'm not going to risk the rest of my plants. I'm experimenting with the plant. I have the branches tired down at 90 degree angles. I'm thinking about adding a dry amendment and top dressing. I have work to do next week. Weather has been awesome. Sunny. It was 49 this morning though. 75 at noon.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Has anyone dealt with earwigs? I noticed some small damage on the top of a plant bud site Made the trap didn't work. Are they usually a problem if around? I'm sure they are under the wood cage but I'm hesitant to use borax as my plants grow through the bags into the ground
Other. Bugs
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 2 years ago
Just so everyone sees this I'm answering my own question. Ear Wigs are horrible! They kill all cannabis pests and LOVE aphids. However after that they will ear your buds from the bottom up or chew the stem on a bud disconnecting it from the branch. They overwinter and are prehistoric. If you've built your a population move the grow.
Hempy_The_Kidanswered grow question 4 years ago
They Normally eat rotting plant matter but they will eat fresh plants as well. I would exterminate.
Week 21. Flowering
4 years ago
177.8 cm
14 hrs
24 °C
80 %
7 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 6
Calmag 1.302 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 0.651 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
8/2 Fed two gallons this morning and took some hurried pictures. Did SLIGHT defoliation of dead leaves. Didn't have much time to inspect things. I'll check things out later this afternoon. Need to go in at night and see what critters are about. Woke very late so it was a very hurried morning. Rained last night like I expected. It's 68 at 9:30 and looks like rain. 8/3 Nice and sunny and 80 at noon. Didn't water as it rained last night nor did I get a chance to defoliate. After seeing a comment about mites I decided to break out the ol 100x scope. I took random samplings of leaves on different plants. I found ZERO mites. Just because I didn't find any doesn't mean they aren't there but it brings my anxiety down a little. While looking I did notice something is munching leaves. I wanted to use something to continue treatment for WPM and any random bugs but I may need to use captain jack's. I have lady bugs and don't want to kill them but I might just have too. I don't know if earwigs are a big problem or the holes are from pillars or hoppers or whatever else. Observing the weather and the 40 degree mornings and the wind tunnel I seem to be in, I don't see mites setting up shop or sticking around too long in these conditions. Either way if I missed something the IPM will get it. I bought general hydroponics cool bloom that I'm considering switching from tiger bloom. My tiger bloom is from last year and it seems to be crystalized a little in the bottom. We shall see. This is the last year of liquid nutes I hope. 8/4 Watered this morning and defoliated dead leaves. Looking on the inside of the plants I've noticed what looks like small leaves by bud sites dying or being chomped on. Not a single fucking aphid anywhere. I think those earwigs got a taste for those sweet lower bud sites and may be causing damage. It kinda helped as all they did was lollipop a couple lower branches in spots. Still I believe it will become a problem if left unchecked. Plan is to treat plants tonight with captain Jack's. I have a little more research to do but I believe that's the route I'll take. I noticed some pillar holes and other assorted pests so I think now's a good time to hit them with the Spinosid. Plants are looking good though. I can see cola's forming and hairs coming together to make small buds. What a great time. I have so much to do but I'm so busy with the other things going on it's hard to keep up. I'll update as I progress. Plans are fluid. 8/5 Topsoil was dry despite the rain we had so I watered and defoliated what needed and pruned some inner branches I missed yesterday. I don't like leaving exposed matter when it's wet. It's not supposed to rain until around 1pm. I'm getting frustrated. I can't find the earwigs anymore and "life" had kept me from being the best gardener I could be. Last year I woulda been out with a spray bottle every night looking for them. I need to visit the garden at night. I think I need to lower my pH too. Hopefully the apple cider vinegar spray I plan to use will help some. The water going in is good so I don't get how the pH is higher at the root zone. I've seen random damage from different pests. Tonight I'm putting petroleum jelly on the stalks and anywhere the bugs can climb up. I also plan on spraying spinosid tonight. I will update as I progress. The traps I made haven't caught a single bug. A little frustrated this morning but the garden looks gorgeous. 8/6 Rained last night. This wet weather sucks. Found a couple spots where bud shoots had been eaten as well as other tell tale signs. It's got to be those earwigs. I've researched my ass off and have none of the normal pests I usually would this time of year. Especially aphids. I have lady bugs but no way they controlled pests this well. More likely the wigs ran out of food and got a taste for nice cannabis shoots and leaves. I can't seem to make it happen at night so this morning I liberally sprayed all plants with a gallon of captain Jack's dead bug at 2tbsp a gallon as recommended. Spinosid works good and I've used it in the past with BT. Should take care of whatever. I sprayed around the cage too but I couldn't find anything. I read Spinosid is good at controlling those fucking earwigs too. Did you know earwigs are 20 million years old and the only species in their genus. I certainly didn't. I see leaf septoria all over the foliage around. By around I mean just driving or walking in the woods. It seems bad this year. At least it hasn't gotten to my garden yet. Garden is away from most other vegetation. I have ONE plant In that 30 gallon tote at the back outside my cage that I can tell has leaf septoria 💯. I don't know if I should cull it or try to fight it. I'll pick up a copper based fungicide and try first. I'm at that point where this plant was just extra and neglected so maybe it would be better of somewhere else. I may just isolate it. Hurried morning. No time for defoliation not pictures. I will update as I go. I will start apple cider vinegar spray probably tomorrow after I feed. I'm researching how to check my pH with an indicator liquid. Maybe I can get a better idea of the pH at my root zone. Those soil meters suck. Update I went for a hike just to check out the foliage in the area. I'm lucky. Japanese beetles have stripped a lot of vegetation around here but have luckily left my cannabis alone. I've killed like four total. I also noticed tons of fungal infections in trees (different area from my grow but within a mile). Hopefully I can come to decision about treating or culling that plant. 8/7 Looks like it's going to be a good day weather wise. Like I said my tiger bloom has what seems like small crystals that rattle when I shake the bottle. I know it's probably better to use one line of products but I switched to GH liquid cool bloom 0-10-10. It came highly recommended so we shall see. Plants seem to be doing well with the transition to flower. They look healthy despite the little ones outside the cage and the one with the fungal infection. Even that has nice tops it's just the bottom that looks fucked up. I think I'll bring it away from the others and attempt to treat it. Luckily it was just an experiment and a bag seed. After taking a hike I realized I'm quite lucky. Local foliage has been skeletonized by japanese beetles. This relentless rain has brought about fungal infections in trees, shrubs and even fruiting plants like blackberries. Things could definitely be much worse. I'm picking up a fungicide today to treat that plant. PM seems to be in check for now but I'll need to stay on top of it. Also need to try to get litmus paper or something to test soil pH. Meter is junk. I have indicator liquid though. I'll update as I progress. 8/8 Its been raining almost every night. Another challenge for the outdoor grower. I defoliated more leaves this morning. I noticed previous damage on bud sites that appears to be from earwigs. Also dead sugar leaves on new bud shoots down low and inside. Glad I got the Spinosid treatment in. At least whatever ate it will be dead. Need to still figure out what to do with that plant and whether it has leaf septoria or just a more advanced powdery mildew. I'm in town now and I'm planning to pick up a copper based fungicide just in case. I may isolate the one plant and treat everything and go from there. It's a large plant but seems to have lost most of its leaves. Not sure if switching the nutes was a good idea as I read that tiger bloom doesn't really expire and it's made to go with the rest of the nutes I'm using. Next week I need to stay on top of treatments and continuing to monitor for PM or other damage. Other than that plants look healthy and are transitioning to flower pretty well. Sunny and Tempe reached 90. RH is stupid high
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I have an extra plant outside my grow cage and it has leaf septoria. It was neglected to begin with. Is it worth treating with copper based fungicide or should it be culled. I have no experience with this. Someone please help.
Leaves. Other
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Whether it is worth treating and rescuing back to health is something only you can decide, but if it does have leaf Septoria, (or possibly powdery mildew) moving it far, far away from your other plants would be my advice to you. If it is growing in the ground directly and can not be moved, and if she does not interest you that much, then yes, cull it and throw it in the garbage and make sure it is as far away from your other plants as possible. Cheers, Organoman.
Week 22. Flowering
4 years ago
177.8 cm
14 hrs
80 %
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 6
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
8/9 It didn't rain last night and there is no rain in the forecast so I lightly watered. I actually had a copper fungicide in my hand yesterday but decided against buying it after research saying it burn cannabis. I didn't research enough and I may end up going that route. I may also move the problem plant. We shall see. Instead I treated all plants early this morning with the amazing Dr. Zymes. I'll follow up with another form of treatment and see what happens. All around I can see foliage with septoria. Not around my grow but still. It's in the area. Burdocks, maple trees and other small foliage on the ground. I hate having to make decisions like this. Otherwise plants seem to be doing great. Definitely transitioning to flower. Found moth eggs and damage on inner leaves in the pm. 8/10 No water today as the plants were soaked. It rained last night. 68 at 9am. This morning I defoliated and really got on the inside of my plants. I wanted to see if I could find what was damaging leaves. I found an earwig on a plant. That makes me fairly certain they are responsible for the sporadic damage I'm finding. Lower branches have some small leaves dying and in a couple spots it looks like the ate off a bud site. It was were I would've lollipoped but still. I think another application of Spinosid may be needed. Plants are definitely in flower with the dreamcatcher's leading the bunch with small little buds formed. Flowering seems much later than the strains I grew last year. I need to go in the cage at night with some kind of light to see what's going on then. pH meter wouldn't read. 8/11 It had rained earlier but it's been so hot that the plants needed water. I watered but not thoroughly as pots weren't completely dried out. I didn't see any earwigs. I was prepared this time with a spray bottle with dawn. That is supposably supposed to kill them on contact. Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to test it. I did find a jpn beetle this morning. I believe they may be responsibly for some of the damage I've noticed. I had a very early appointment this morning so I didn't get a chance to take any pictures or a chance to feed. Plants are definitely flowering. The seedling (I say seedling only because the others are clones) in the 50 gallon pot hasn't been watered as much and I'm not sure if I have been watering enough. I figured the rain would help but I noticed that the soil is very compressed and appeared dry before watering. I also had no idea how much the nutrients effect the pH of the water after added. I have the drops I use to measure pH but that's basically impossibly with big bloom murking the water all up. Also I don't think the plant I was going to cull has leaf septoria. I think it's just been ravaged by pests and has white powder mildew. I will continue to monitor. Temps are supposed to be very high the next few days. 8/12 Fed two gallons to the garden today. Used tiger bloom as I think it plays better. I'll use the Kool bloom though. I do need to say my plants were much further along by now last year. Different strains though. Added a pinch of pH up but it appears the pH is fine after mixing my nutes. Rained AGAIN last night. All this rain brings the earwigs out to climb plants. I included a picture of the damage. I need to do another app of Spinosid it appears. Then alternate with a spray treating the wpm that I see. It's a bad year for mildew. UPDATE 90 degrees out at 2pm. Defoliated the dead spots inside and looked to see what kind and how much damage from ear wigs. It's all minor but still. A few lower branches (bottom that probably should've been clipped) have shoots that are damaged. At spots it appears the earwigs lollipopped the stem. Nothing up high or middle though. Buds are developing and they (luckily) haven't gotten there. I've tried a few things already but today I put petroleum jelly on all my stocks and supports so hopefully those little bastards can't get up to the plant. If the rain laid off it would probably be better. Not a single aphid though and no signs of typical cannabis pests so I guess it's a little give and take. Made a video but will have to upload later. 8/13 Didn't water this morning. A storm came through at 6pm last night. Torrential rain and high winds but no damage. Found more moth eggs and two spots where leaves were rolled up with webbing and inch worms emerged when opened. Other growers suggested the damage could be from inch worms so I think before I do much else I'll apply BT tonight.today is going to be even hotter than yesterday. 85 at 9:30. Will update as I progressed. Added a video. 8/14 Watered this morning as it's been dreadfully hot. In the 90s with super high humidity. Found another leaf with moth eggs and a inch worm crawling on a bud. I did a treatment of BT this morning that I hope will take care of things. Plants look amazing. Walking down to the cage I get hit in the face with a pungent skunky smell. Plants are huge and seem to be flowering more everyday. Strange the amount of difference I notice in just a days time. 8/15 No water today as it rained yesterday off and on and soil was damp. Plants are flowering nice with dreamcatcher in the lead and ice cream cake bringing up the rear. Everyday the little buds seem a little bigger. I will probably need to do another application of BT since it rained yesterday. Still finding some lower branches stripped of new growth shoots where a bud site should be. I don't know if inch worms are capable of this or whether it's earwigs. I WILL find out though. I'll go out LATE tonight and look with a flashlight and spray bottle. Smell is incredible. As long as we have a nice September and a warm fall this is going to be a good year. It got down to like 50 last night but it was 90 yesterday. These plants are resilient to take temp changes like that without it phasing them.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Anybody here grow outdoors in soil and use fox farm products? I was wondering if someone could approximate how much 2tbsp big bloom, 2 grow big, 1 tiger bloom would lower a neutral 7.0 gallon of water. I have drops but it's hard to see after adding bb. No meter. No money 4 one.
Feeding. Other
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 4 years ago
Mmm real hard to say bro but I’ve noticed that Tiger bloom is quite acidic and drops the pH significantly. I wish I could give you a guess of where it would be but it depends on your water so much. Here’s what I’d do is check your ph with your drops or whatever without the BB cuz it should barely effect your pH compared to the other ones, then add BB after you have a decent idea of where it is. Anecdotally, my pH was usually pretty low after my FF feeds were mixed up.. 5.5-6.0 so a lot of time I’d be adding a few mLs of pH up. Feel free to PM me if you’ve got any other questions about it.. I’m using GH for my outdoor grow now but I use FF for a lot of my indoor flowering plants.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Can inch worms do this type of damage? Destroying bud sites and the little sugar leaves brown and die? I was thinking it was earwigs but someone mentioned inch worms (which I had found) so I treated with BT. No tops damaged it's like they 🍭 branches for me. Ideas on culprit/tx?
Other. Bugs
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 2 years ago
What was eating all the budsites were the earwigs. I'm mitigating that problem this year by placing my cage on tar. Try going through my sand moat and then tunnel through the tar you prehistoric bastards! I hope that borax did you some good!
rhodes68answered grow question 4 years ago
rabbits or other vermin, they only eat what they can reach, if you lucky
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Week 23. Flowering
4 years ago
177.8 cm
14 hrs
80 %
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 6
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
8/16 Watered before feeding two gallons to the garden. Defoliated a bit and noticed an open folded leaf that inchworms must've crawled out of. Also found another japanese beetle today. They are in the area but this far I've only found four. Up the road they've skeletonized plants so I'm crossing my fingers. Next year that's one thing I'm doing for sure. Bird netting. No pillars and no japanese beetles. Can't be that expensive. I may need to do another treatment. Of Spinosid or BT to be safe. I haven't seen much fresh damage like I had before on lower branches. Plants seem to go more into flower everyday. Dreamcatcher furthest along followed by a seedling in a 5 gallon then blueberry and ice cream cake is bringing up the rear. This is when the fun starts. I've put a lot of time and money in since March. Temps are lower today seems like it's going to be a great day. 8/17 didn't water. I figured I'd let things dry out. Defoliated a shit ton of yellow leaves. Every day plants seem to be flowering at a rapid pace. I plan to apply another treatment of BT as a saw another inchworm nest. Also found a japanese beetle that I think is responsible for some of the damage I've seen. 8/18 Soil was dry so I gave it a good watering. Buds are developing extremely fast. I can't believe the changes I see on a daily basis. Still damage. At least it's not destroyed by the japanese beetles like some of the neighboring plants. I did have to defoliate a lot of yellow leaves after this last feed. I know about sensenece and I had the same issue last year. It still seems worrisome to see leaves die. Temps swing thirty degrees here so that might be a contributing factor. I hope it's not some kind of nutrient lockout. Don't know how to tell but I know I don't feed much or often to try to avoid that. I haven't flushed and I really don't want to. Next year super soil. I need to do another preventative spray and go over during the dark. Will update as I go. 8/19 Hurried morning and plants were wet so I didn't water. Looks like it's going to rain. Plants went through a huge growth spurt and buds are developing at a rapid rate but I haven't gotten to the reason why the old big fans turn yellow and drop. Especially since it's after a growth spurt. I probably need to flush. It started at the bottom at first but it's moved up a little. I'll update further today. UPDATE: Went back over and fed two gallons to the garden. Replaced 1tbsp tiger bloom with 1/2 Kool bloom and no microbe brew. Plants seem like they need nitrogen. After finding three sets of leaves with moth eggs and finding what looks like septoria or another fungal infection on the plant outside the cage in the 30 gallon tote. I almost put the ax to it but for now it's just isolated. Stalk is bigger than the ax handle so I'll let it do its thing but not with my other girls. I need to spray BT but I also need to treat WPM. I'll check maybe I have some lost coast plant therapy left. 8/20 No water. Plants were wet. Lost another shit ton of yellow leaves. May be WPM that has progressed. Treated the garden early am with lost coast plant therapy. Will update further today. UPDATE: Took a short video I'll upload tomorrow. Made the decision to water as plants were dry. Probably should've waited but it's been so hot. Humidity is ridiculous. Plants look cleaner after LCPT. Buds developing fast. Looking back on my old journals and seeing the same questions pop up from last year is reassuring. I need to order more LCPT and I also need to get in and prune any shoot that has dead stuff on it. There is some more on the interior I should take as well. I spent a good deal of time (twice) today defoliating and making sure everything yellow was gone in case of a fungal infection. 8/21 Didn't water. Looks overcast. Plants are transitioning to flower. They seemed to like the last feeding. I think I may have been underfeeding. I defoliated what needed it and the dead stuff but there wasn't as much. I can still see WPM this morning. It's just so humid here and it's been raining EVERY night. I'll probably use vinegar or h2o2 tonight. With all the moths and moth eggs I've been finding it wouldn't hurt to do an application of BT. I also need to keep an eye on my ice cream cake. Plant is enormous and it's only in a 20 or 30 gallon bag. I can't remember which. Anyway maybe it's just the lighting but it doesn't seem as rich green as it was. I'll keep an eye on them. 8/22 No water as it's raining. That hurricane Henri is supposed to around here today or tomorrow. I'll have to check but I think I'm fine. My supports are sturdy. I'll do a double check but things seem fine. Flowering nicely. It's kind of discouraging that it's been raining every night and the rh is always ridiculous as of late. The fog this morning was horrendous. It's like I could cut it with a knife. Let's see if it is going to rain tonight. If not I'll spray.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Losing a bunch of yellow leaves during early flower. I have WPM but it wouldn't progress like this would it? I think I may have just been underfeeding or my pH is off. What do you guys think?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 4 years ago
Yes I have noticed this happens more in outdoor grows and it’s quite normal and not as concerning as if you had yellowing dying leaves in and indoor set up. Several of my outdoor plants have started with some yellowing a dropping a few leaves also. I don’t believe WPM would have anything to do with this.. I also realized I was likely underfeeding a bit as you mentioned.. I’ve got some big girls outside and wasn’t used to their nutrient needs. That said I wouldn’t go slamming it with nitrogen - seeing ass your flowering has begun. Maybe up your source of N for one feed then go back to your normal feeding schedule!
Week 24. Flowering
4 years ago
177.8 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
80 %
16 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 5
Calmag 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
8/23 Fed 2 gallons of nutes to the garden. I'm planning to increase feeding to three gallons as plants look hungry. Ice cream cake isn't as vibrant as it once was. Still losing leaves but I find that is consistent with others in my area according to the local growers page. The hurricane missed us but the rain and humidity are still a problem. It's not raining (plants were soaked so it rained last night) and rh is still 100%. It's outdoor so what can I do? What I NEED to do is spray BT and something to combat PM. Plants are flowering nicely. It's good to actually have some flowers to look at. The smell is great too. 8/24 Didn't water as it rained last night. Defoliated what was dead. Fog was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Everything is in flower. The little ice cream cake flowers don't look like they like this rain. I don't blame them. I don't remember the last time it didn't rain at night. I noticed more damage on plants or maybe old damage. Either way bud shoots are gone on a few lower limbs. I can't pull up my bags as the are firmly rooted. I checked under the five gallon buckets (which were also somehow firmly rooted) and found a shit ton of earwigs underneath. I killed what I could. I tried spraying a bug with dawn but it didn't kill it or at least didn't kill it right off. I stomped on them and tore open the earth. Logic dictates they are probably under the grow bags as well. I'm going to try Spinosid tonight. I'll look up some other methods as well. If anybody has advice please hit me up. UPDATE: Went back down at 6. Super sunny and humid today. Temp was 92 with humidity about 90%. I couldn't spray. I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Found four more moth leaves on the sick isolated plant. They must like the injured ones better. 8/25 Watered and defoliated what needed it. Buds are growing rapidly. Took pictures but have been unable to upload due to slow internet connection. Hopefully the weather will allow me to spray tonight. 8/26 Watered heavy as it's been in the 90s. Couldn't spray as it was to hot last night. Buds are tightening up. Ran out of LCPT so I need to find an alternative. Now that plants are flowering it's easier to see the damage from the earwigs. No buds where they should have been on some low branches. Not many and hopefully the few that got lollipoped will focus growth on the top. I hope I'm able to make it down late tonight to work. I was worried about my plants flowering late but that might be a blessing in disguise. I've seen lots of people losing plants to bud rot. Thanks for stopping by and please leave any thoughts or advice in the comments. 8/27 UPPED MY FEEDING REGIMEN TO THREE GALLONS AND USED TWO TBSP TIGER BLOOM IN PLACE OF KOOL BLOOM AND USED A WHOLE TBSP KELP FOR THE HEAT. This heat is killing me. Yesterday was over 95f with rh in the 90s. My medication makes the heat harder to bare. Defoliated what needed it. I'm in town looking for a fungicide. Planned to use apple cider vinegar this morning but of course I couldn't find it. Buds still rapidly forming. I'll update later. I picked up potassium bicarbonate and citric acid and have the recipe and ingredients for both diy green cleaner and green cure. Once the sun starts going down I'm going to use the potassium bicarbonate recipe. Bought a bunch of potassium bicarbonate and citric acid. I am now able to make diy versions of both green and green cleaner. I mixed 1tbsp potassium bicarbonate with 1/4 teaspoon dawn and sprayed two gallons on the plants last night. Leaves were yellowing more and traveling upward on the blueberry. Bleeding like nitrogen deficiency. I'll monitor. If plants don't improve I'll need to do a flush and an application of Spinosid. Wanted to take pics but the phone died. 8/28 Thoroughly watered today. I also had to defoliate a ton of yellow leaves on my blueberry's. I'm hoping it's not nutrient lockout. I still have three issues that could be my problem 1) the WPM 2) PISSIBLY ph fluctuation or worse w lockout and 3) earwig or inch 🐛/ moth larvae causing damage. I'm coming out of my funk so hopefully I can fix these issues. Smell is amazing and the buds are really starting to develop. They looked bigger in the evening than they did in the morning. It was over 90° f yesterday and I woke up to 50 this morning. I'm sure these big temp swings don't help much. 8/30 Rained last night but I watered slightly as there wasn't much rain. ADDED TWO MORE I.R. CAMERA'S last night. I feel more secure as the area is also protected with motion sensors and a whole bunch of other stuff I'm not going to mention. Anything bigger than a porcupine and things get bright and loud and signals get sent, roads blocked ECT. Not my first rodeo deep in the Maine woods. The grow will not be left alone and hadn't been for a few weeks. Anyway I lifted a 5 gallon bucket and found more earwigs. It jives with some of the damage I've been seeing. I'm thinking of spraying spinosid instead of BT tonight. At least the buds are starting to fill in. They don't seem to bother those as much. They did bite off a bunch of grow shoots though. Either way I have a few issues to deal with. As long as the weather stays alright until October I should be fine. My ice cream cake is barely flowering and it's HUGE. I have another seed that's in a similar state. Others are further along. We shall see how things go. The little ones could be transported inside at night if necessary.
Used techniques
Week 25. Flowering
4 years ago
177.8 cm
13 hrs
24 °C
80 %
8 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 4
Calmag 1.302 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
I DID A PREVENTATIVE SPRAY OF BT THIS WEEK BUT I DON'T REMEMBER EXACTLY WHICH DAY. I THINK I MIXED AT 3 OR 4 TBSP GALLON WITH SOME DAWN. BONIDE BRAND THURACIDE. 8/30 Fed two gallons to the garden. Watered before and after the feed. Defoliated what was dead. Its scary seeing so many leaves go but energy is shifted to the buds. Buds are ripening but on one mislabeled mystery seed and the wedding cake they look far behind the rest. Wondering how they could possibly finish in the 6 to 8 weeks I have left. If needed I MAY be able to put something in the garage at night. I'd have to RIP the bag out of the ground though which wouldn't be good. I mean some of the plants are pushing ten feet but we use it for heavy equipment. So foggy this morning. Horrible weather. Still fighting PM, possible lockout and ear wigs. We will see how it goes. I'll continue weekly treatment for the pm and I'll find something for the earwigs. I'm hesitant to use the Spinosid in flower. 8/31 Rained last night. Surprise, surprise. Talked to a few other growers and consulted my last year's diary. I had a couple early pheno's last year but things seem on schedule. It's amazing the amount of growth that can happen in a day. Even my ice cream cake has small flowers. Time is running short. Probably six to eight weeks max growing time left. I hope everything finished up nicely. I need to continue monitoring PM and pests. Considering spraying preventative BT tonight. Yesterday I saw the biggest pile of powder mildew and leaf septoria on a tree an hour from my grow. It literally looked like snow flakes on leaves then someone dumped a bag of flour on it. This gives me some perspective and gratitude that the TINY spots I'm treating could be much worse. Weekly treatments until harvest. Hopefully BT or diy green cleaner tonight for earwigs and worms (if they are there). 9/1 Watered thoroughly. Leaves still yellowing. I hope it's senescence. Still need to continue treatments with BT and potassium bicarbonate. Sunny day but rain tonight. Need to add more supports for heavy branches. Will update as I go. 9/2 Rained all night and it's still raining. I'll update when the rain stops. Went back over and added a couple higher supports and defoliated a shit ton. Spent two hours in the garden last night. Too tired for pictures. 9/3 Fed two gallons to the garden and upped Kool bloom to a full tablespoon. I'm thinking about using beastie bloom then cha ching as I have them both. I'm a little hesitant. Wondering what others thoughts are on those products. I plan to spray either tonight or tomorrow with another helping of potassium bicarbonate to help with the WPM. To be honest it seems to work great. I just don't want to go overboard. I wish you guys could smell the pictures. Shits getting fun now. 9/4 Had a torrential rain storm with massive wind. No damage. Buds are getting huge. Had to add a few more supports this morning as branches were hanging. If I had room I'd do a second vertical trellis. Unfortunately I do not. I AM able to run string across the cage though which really helps things higher up. I need to put some pictures of my stalks. Legit bigger than soda cans. I wish you guys could smell my pictures. Re-checked all cameras and everything is working good. On high alert. I'd be very surprised if anyone even attempted to rob me but you never know. That's why it's 24/7 supervision until Croptober. 9/5 Lots of sun yesterday but if course it rained last night. Buds are progressing at a rapid rate. Leaves seem to be dropping to soon on the blueberries. I need to do another potassium bicarbonate treatment tonight. Branches are really getting heavy. I'm hoping all this rain doesn't cause bud rot but so far so good.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 26. Flowering
4 years ago
177.8 cm
13 hrs
24 °C
80 %
8 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 5
Calmag 1.302 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
9/5 PREVENTATIVE SPRAY OF 1TBSP POTASSIUM BICARBONATE AND 1/4 TBSP DAWN TO TREAT WPM. Foggy this morning and rained again last night. Weather hasn't been the greatest. Not seeing much PM unless it advanced so much that it just killed all the leaves. I still have yellowing leaves that die. It's probably septoria and I probably should've used a copper fungicide but I'm in flower. Ice cream cake and a couple seedlings are far behind but everything else seems like it will finish. This weather has been getting me down. I may feed later today or I might wait until tomorrow. I also need to add a few more supports. Wet buds are heavy. I'm getting there. Slowly but surely. 9/6 FED TWO GALLONS TO GARDEN PLANNED TO USE BEASTIE BLOOM BUT COULD ONLY FIND CHA CHING. Rained heavy all night. I came back to hanging branches but no damage. I added some supports quickly and tied up a hanging branch. Ran a couple strings across the frame but I have more work to do. I took some pics and a video. At least now I'm seeing buds. Walking down there is like getting slapped in the face with a wet bud (which happened today). It's a super strong smell. Trichomes are developing at various stages. This is when things get paranoid but it's also fun. I can't wait until fall. 9/7 Plants we're wet this morning so I gave them a good shake. Defoliated what needed it and added a couple more supports. I don't like these leaves falling like this. Didn't have time to work on the ice cream cake that's growing into the fence. Now it's a race with the weather. Things are looking pretty good but I'm getting antsy. Also I'm not sure what caused all this weird damage from earlier and if I should just cut off useless branches. I'm hesitant as I don't want to create an open wound for more fungal infections. 9/8 Rained like crazy. Super heavy at times. I added a video I took yesterday. and took some pictures. Defoliated some dead stuff but it's hard to work in the pouring rain. Forecast said three inches. Plants are booming thoughgh 9/9 Still raining. Hard. No damage. Defoliated what I could and added supports where needed. I do need to say the plants I'm growing are some resilient girls. They've taken a beating and come back kicking butt. If we can get a few good days in a row shit will really start taking off. Need to spray BT and do another k bicard spray or switch it up with peroxide. I've checked the tops of my plants with a ladder and things look good so far. I'm super excited. 9/10 Poured like crazy. I fucked my diary up a bunch of times so I'll probably have to upload vids/pics again. Cannabis gods heard my cries and at noon time it's all sunshine. Was able to defoliate what needed it. Plants are just exploding. I'll do pics tomm. BT and K Bicarb spray needed. YEAH IM MISSING A BUNCH OF PICS AND A VIDEO. WILL HAVE TO FIX LATER 9/11 Beautiful sunny day. Found my beastie bloom and fed two gallons to the garden. I started low but I'll increase if it seems to benefit. Continued with only 1tbsp of grow big. Then if I like it I'll move on to cha ching. One plant will be ready VERY shortly. I took out my scope to check things out. In the bright sun ours easy to spot little pm patches. Oh well. I'll spray tonight. Everything looks so amazing. Also found more moth eggs it's time for a BT spray. Defoliated and added more supports as it's windy af out here
Used techniques
Week 27. Flowering
3 years ago
177.8 cm
13 hrs
24 °C
80 %
8 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 5
Calmag 1.302 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
9/12 Sprayed 1 tbsp K Bicarb with 1/4tsp dawn. Only had time to use a half gallon. I've used more but with all the defoliation this seemed to work and I was in a hurry. I can't ask those watching my plants to do actual labor when I'm not home. I wouldn't want anyone working on my plants but me anyway. I defoliated dead stuff. Still have this rusty looking leaves dieing on my ice cream cake. I need to finish a little defoliating. Broke out my 100x scope and checked a few buds. Things are exploding. Another nice sunny day today. Beastie bloom had no negative effects. I'll use it again and I'll probably use cha ching as well. Went back down to defoliate a little more. I'm getting excited. Still a lot of work left but it's nice to see the progression. Had to cut out a small nug last night that looked like it might start to rot. It was probably fine but I wasn't taking chances. It's so dank and crystally. One of my mystery seeds in the 5 gallon will be done soon. Milky trichs and hard as a rock. Im hoping they will beef up a bit. Little to no amber but things are progressing so fast. I mean nights are in the 40°'s. 9/13 No need to water as it had rained so much the bags need to dry out. Sunny day today. Plants are doing great. Buds increase in bulk on the daily. Took a few pictures and defoliated what needed it. A dog was added to the grow for security. It hasn't gotten used to me yet but it's extremely loud and annoying. Nothing will get past it though. I tried to last night. I shut down the motion sensors informed the other growers (except the person who's shift it was to watch) and I couldn't make it down there on foot let alone a vehicle. Hope the dog liked me but it's certainly useful. It APPEARS we will be having some good weather so I'm excited. I think my plants will be able to finish properly. At least I hope. Either way if I have to harvest early do to the weather so he it but I'll cross that bridge when it comes. Plan to do a preventative BT spray this week. 9/14 FED TODAY. LOWERED GROW BIG TO HALF TBSP. AND AGAIN used 1/4 TBSP Beastie Bloom. Buds are swelling with the sunshine that we've had. I defoliated what needed it and found more dead foliage. It's so weird this damage. I'm pretty sure it's earwigs but the only bother new shoots so that's a good thing. Things are getting close and looking good. I need to do another app of BT. I heard a storm may be coming I'll need to check the weather. 9/15 After a few good days of weather we are in for some rain. Supposably a big storm but it looks like I won't get the worst of it. No water obviously. Something (probably earwigs or jpn beetles) eating or lollipopping lower things. They seem to leave flowers alone. It's just low shoots. Everything is flowering incredibly. I checked trichs on one of my mystery seeds and it looks done. I'm considering taking it. It's in my garage for 24 hrs of darkness and to avoid rain until I make my decision. I also took the two lowest branches off on DJ Short blueberry to taste test and see where I'm at. I probably shouldn't but o do this every year. It will be good to try the mystery bud before I harvest it all. It's just a little guy but the buds are rock hard and with the weather and pm and stuff I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. UPDATE: APPARENTLY WE HAVE SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS WARNINGS WITH GOLF BALL SIZED HAIL. I can move the other little ones in the garage but everything else is firmly rooted and have taken a beating already. I pray things will be ok. 9/16 No damage from the ridiculous storm last night. I need to spray ASAP. I have a fungal infection with just a few weeks to go. Looks like PM but I know some is a different fungal issue. I'll probably use the k bicarb or citric acid. So far no bud damage or damage up top. The things the earwigs ate were low like the lollipoped lower limbs. It's getting so close. I've been checking trichs and they look great but the buds have some filling out to do. 9/17 DID K BICARBONATE TREATMENT THIS AM. I didn't even look to see if I needed to water. Fuck. buds were soaking wet though so it must've rained. I have to go back down anyway to add a couple strings and do a little more defoliating. Did a treatment with k bicarb this morning.. 1 tbsp with dawn in a half gallon sprayer. I also need to address this earwig problem. They are ravaging some secondary lower branches and Im sure they are spreading disease. I only have a few weeks left and I want the best quality I can possibly get. I plan to put gorilla tape on the outside of the grow bag (double width) and petroleum jelly on the stems. That way they can't climb the bag. If they are in the soil of the bag hopefully the jelly will stop them. I'll also try beer as I've heard that works. I really don't want to resort to borax. Oh and I may have had a visitor last night. I'll have to check the cams. Nothing on the ones I checked but I have some game cams at different angles I haven't checked yet. It was probably just a nocturnal animal. Great to know that the dog announces though. This was at like 12:30 and I was out quick. I only have a few more weeks. I hope the cannabis gods are with me. 9/18 Whatever is eating my plants (earwigs I assume) are progressing from lower secondary or tertiary branches and new shoots to small buds. Looking at trichs some plants look ready. One seedling and the blueberries. I'd like the blueberries to go longer but I'd risk losing them. Fungal and mold issues aren't the greatest either. I was hoping for a big swell but if the weather stays raining and foggy like this it might be better to harvest a little early. I got a second opinion this morning and I'm leaning on taking the seedling and at least the one blueberry with the worst damage that dropped most of its leaves. I'll see how the bottom branch smokes this afternoon and make my decision then. Didn't feed for fear of lockout or if decide to cut. UPDATE: After the second consult with a different local grower I decided to harvest the blueberry that was furthest along and dropping it's leaves. It was done. Luckily it had been flushed with all this sheet rain we've gotten. It rains hard as I speak. Last year I think I had two strings the length of the huge garage and that lasted me all year. This one plant took an entire string to itself. If the weather cooperates this will be a good day. I also flushed the mystery seed I was going to take hoping it might fill out but trichs are very Amber and the bud is DENSE. Not risking mold or insect damage or theft. This took hours to harvest this ONE Blueberry plant. I had to harvest limbs. This was when I could see damage best. I also am curing the buds from the lower branch I took earlier and the other bud that is done. I plan on testing it out tomorrow. I could smoke now but Im already burnt and tired and want to try this with a clear head. I can't believe how long this took. One Big and one little down 10 more to go. Phone died so I couldn't take any pictures.
Used techniques
Preventative potassium bicarbonate foliar spray
BT spray
Week 28. Flowering
3 years ago
177.8 cm
13 hrs
24 °C
80 %
8 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 4
Calmag 1.302 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
9/19 FED TODAY ONLY USED ABOUT A GALLON OF A HALF AND I LEFT OUT BEASTIE BLOOM AS I FORGOT AND WAS IN A HURRY. Wow. Yesterday was quite the day. I smoked a joint of the bud I had taken earlier. It was fire. Trichs look good and I didn't want to risk sustained damage from the storm or earwigs (more later). Took forever but I got the one ten foot blueberry hanging and one of my 5 gallon seedlings. I want to wait a little longer before I took ANYTHING. The seedling is was overdone if anything though. I'll add trichs pics. We are supposed to have some fairly good weather. This brings me to my next point. These earwigs must like blueberries because those three plants are the ones they damaged the most. That and one in a bucket. I mean they fucking strip it. I was going to take a branch off another blueberry as it looked awesome and kept hitting me in the face. I left it. I came back this morning and all the lower part of the branch was stripped. I mean fucking nothing. Im so fucking pissed. You can look on the interior and see secondary and tertiary branches that are just destroyed. Obviously my ice cream cake and a few others need more time. Dreamcatchers are totally unaffected by them. I could take those if I had to but they are fine. I could take the blueberries too if needed but this is when they really bulk up. It's a hard decision to make. Especially when they can work that fast and demolish a plant. If I don't chop I'll be using everything at my disposal today and hunting them after dark. I wonder if they are in the bag? 9/20 Harvested another blueberry yesterday. I left one to maybe catch a frost. I put petroleum jelly on every stalk and branch Of the other plants. Came here this morning to more striped branches further up on the lone blueberry. I don't care about the damage on the 5 gallon small experiment plants but it still sucks. I still don't totally know what is causing this ridiculous damage. As you can see in the pictures the damage is progressing up the plant. I'm cutting the last blueberry today. Trichs are good. It could go another week but with the damage sustained from ONE night I'm not going to risk it. Whatever is eating my plants don't seem to like the dreamcatchers. Luckily. I hope whatever this destructive fucking bug is doesn't move to another plant. I'll be on the look out. I'm ready for this season to end. 9/21 I think I lost a day in my diary. I've been so fucking busy. Took the last blueberry yesterday. Spent hours in the garden. Watered today. Need to do a potassium bicarbonate spray. I'll update later. 9/22 It's raining. Shook off the plants this morning. I cannot believe the rate of flowering. Maybe it's because the last four days I've been working my balls off harvesting and trimming those plants. Ill do a review and a harvest report of the blueberry once it's dry. The stuff is fire. The seedling is crazy too. Trichs are through the roof. I compared with a local dispensary pot and mine was better. Not as good as the dispo I frequent though. There is one on ever corner down here. 9/23 Didn't have time to feed this morning. I'll be back down in a bit and feed. We are expecting rain I guess but I'm not dealing with any mold issues other than the mild WPM. I plan to do a k bicarb spray today. I defoliated everything dead I saw. I've smoked my blueberry and it is amazing. The little seedling experiment I grew in the 5 gallon turned out AMAZING. Some of the densest buds I've grown. Trichs off the charts. Piny citrus taste and heavy sedative effects. Im waiting for the blueberry to at least dry before I do the harvest report. It's nice today. Plants have continued exploding into flower. For now I'll be in trim jail. 9/24 Watered lightly and fed 1 gallon. Started cha ching today at 1/8 tsp. Gallon. Still no idea on mysterious damage. I noticed a bit more. I went over at 4am hoping to find the culprit but nothing was there. We are supposed to have three days of rain. Everyone seems worried. I'm a little worried myself. I cut out a small branch on the middle of the dreamcatcher that had rot. Other than that it's just slight PM on some. I tried to mark damage so I can see what else happens. I'm letting the rest of this stuff ride. I'll do what I can to protect it but it's not coming down early. 9/25 The massive storm descended last night. Winds turned my ice cream cake literally sideways. Dreamcatchers are so fucking sturdy and strong that it would take a tornado to Damage them. The big plant in the fifty gallon pot had some branches that were 90° down. I tried to tie up what I could quickly. I noticed some damage on the ice cream cake. Same as on the blueberry's. I hope I made the right decision waiting this storm out. Defoliated and added supports where I could. Rushed morning.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
I have a strain that some nocturnal insect (ear wigs) I think that have been STRIPPING lower interior branches. Last night I almost cut a branch that looked done. This morning I showed up and the bottom half of that branch was stripped. Try more methods or take a week early. Tia
Other. Bugs
Rap_a_capanswered grow question 3 years ago
Mate, sorry for this issue. I got the same with clematis. I use to spray on these bastards a solution of pure alcohol and water (1/3) and it works fine.
Hempy_The_Kidanswered grow question 3 years ago
You could make a solution of dishsoap and water and spray them off your plants, (use a pump spray for better pressure). I grow basil close to my plants which seems to keep most insects away.
Week 29. Flowering
3 years ago
177.8 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
80 %
8 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 4
Calmag 1.302 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
9/26 This fucking sucks. Site won't let me upload pictures. Flood warning in effect. I believe this is the fifth day of rain. Not trickles. Sheet rain and high winds. My dream catchers have been taking this like a champ. Ice cream cake was totally sideways for awhile despite vertical trellis. I came down this morning to branches bent at 90° angles. I could've taken them but if I make it through this rain today it's supposed to stop tonight. Then I'll have a week of good weather. Buds are exploding. Even the ice cream cake. That will need more time but I'm getting close with the others. They are never out of sight. I'm surprised they've held up so well so far. I made my decision it would be stupid to alter it now, seeing how the storm is ending. I was going to spray k bicarb but I'll wait until after this rain.UPDATE: Went back over and the garden was flooded. I needed to put one grow bag on top of another as one plant was in six inches of water. I drained it and added supports and pulled off any dead leaves. I tried taking a video but it was raining so hard it stopped after 7 secs. Luckily my dreamcatchers are strong AF. Took to little ones and put them under the barn under a light. It's FINALLY stopped raining. After I smoke I gotta go back over and shake buds again and check for rot. Luckily nothing was broken but it was hanging right down. Fucking sucks. Spent like two hours in sheet rain. UPDATE: Stopped raining. I went over and continued to defoliate and cut little bits of rot from the interior. Sprayed a gallon of potassium bicarbonate and dawn on ever spot of rot I could find. I've been to the patch multiple times today. Found a few earwigs. I think I've found my problem. Late stage leaf septoria with earwigs eating the rotting plant matter. Fucking sucks but at least I have an idea. Can't upload pics and phone wouldn't even work in the rain. One 7 second video. 9/27 The extra work I've been putting in has certainly helped. I got in touch with a company who will do any type of extraction I want for $200 a lb. Fucking awesome. My cousin got 250 grams love rosin last year with this same company. I am sore. I checked trichs but I'm not seeing much Amber yet. Buds are gaining density fast. At least now that I have an idea what my problem is I can address it. Plants showed signs of pm after drying out. I did a k bicarb spray and this morning there isn't a spot. I need to take care of what's hanging so that's the plan today. 9/28 I think I made the right decision.my plants are looking good. Not where I want them but it's getting close. I checked the trichs this morning. Under 24 hour surveillance till harvest. Well it has been but now I stay up every nigh watching the cctv. Went down in the middle of the night to check for nocturnal bugs. Didn't find any. I've been defoliating the yellow septoria leaves. I went through every plant and cut out any rot and removed andy sugar leaves that started to turn brown. This and the k bicarb seem to help. I think that Leaf septoria has dwarfed the growth of the smaller dream catcher. Buds don't seem to be growing much more. Even my ICC has buds almost the size of the little one. The other dreamcatcher will probably be an elbow plant. The ice cream cake has beefed up incredibly and is covered in trich's. I'm super excited but I'm cautious at the same time. I hate that fucking dog but it's an added layer of security. Soon I'll do the harvest report for DJ short blueberry. 9/29 Trich's are changing fast. Haven't been watering lately do to all the rain. Plants are real real close. Up all night watching. Dog flipped out at 4am but no one was there. I want to wait until I have a little more Amber but I'm super excited. I may end up taking some tops. May end up doing a k bicarb spray today. Haven't decided yet. I'll update as I go. I've been making head way trimming the blueberry. 9/30. Things are looking beautiful. The smell at the garden is amazing. Lots of hard work left. Plants do have septoria and slight pm so I may do a bud wash. I cut a branch from each plant. I think I'm at the point of diminishing returns. Every wet night mold and critters take more and the chances of some idiot coming to try and take my shit increases. I may end up harvesting a little earlier. I'd lie to wait but the trichs look pretty good to me. Still doing all the maintenance required. I am extremely proud of this grow. I fought everything this year. Started with mites and thrips. Powder mildew came with them too. Now I've faced every pest or disease this year. At least it seems that way. I've seen the horror stories on my local Facebook thread. Leave your comments and let me know what you think about trichome stages and whether it would be ok to harvest. 10/1 Rained last night. Defoliated and removed some rot. I'll update later in the day. 10/2 Rained last night and I have A LOT to update which I will later.
Used techniques
Potassium bicarbonate foliar spray
Week 29. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Despite being taken a bit early this stuff turned out great. Smells good tastes good and great yield. However these plants were under hardwoods and I struggled with what seems like every issue a grower can encounter. Still I pulled out a respectable harvest with good quality cannabis. Very relaxing high with no paranoia. This strain seems a perfect balance for day or night.
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Spent 143 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
396.89 g
Bud wet weight per plant

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
This was a very rough year for growers. I tackled spider mites, thrips, pm and leaf septoria. Unfortunately these needed to be taken a little early due to a number of factors. The smoke came out amazing. Closest I've come to a lb a plant. Smokes great and had that citrus taste that comes with blueberry. I am very proud of myself. I'll finish this review later. Phones dieing.
Week 30. Flowering
3 years ago
177.8 cm
11 hrs
13 °C
80 %
4 °C
151 L
4 L
Nutrients 4
Calmag 1.302 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
10/5 Im still alive. Just incredibly busy with no help. Still have a few outside. Pulled the dreamcatchers and they are drying. A week or so for the others. I'm letting the last ones go as long as possible. I'll try to complete the harvest and smoke reports as i had taken tester branches before the harvest. So much work though. For some reason trichs pics aren't showing up. 10/6 Watered today. Calyxes are swollen and I've got SOME Amber trichs but we have good weather for the upcoming week. Lots of sun so I'm leaving the remainder for a little bit. I'm checking daily.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 30. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 143 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
This strain was wicked fun to grow. Yield is amazing. One plant filled a 30 gallon tote once dried. WPM and leaf septoria was horrible this year but this strain seemed to do just fine. Very resilient. Grew short and stout like an indica. Covered in trich's and smells amazing.
1 like
Week 30. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This strain struggled in the Maine climate. Not a strain I'd grow again outdoors. I lost a lot to bud rot and earwigs. Ice cream cake was the least resilient of the strains I grew. The septoria probably hurt the yield some. It certainly is some very potent cannabis though. Grew tall and sativa like. Super long flowering time with small lime green bugs that reek. I'm going to review the other strains in with this. There were five and one is still outside. The mystery one in the fifty gallon pot grew amazing. It was monster cropped and had soda can size buds everywhere. Smelliest pot I've ever grown. My wife lost her sense of smell. I had one bud from this plant (I cut off this morning) in the car for a short period and she noticed it right off. I did good this year. I have multiple strains that are all awesome. Whatever was in the 50 gallon was the best pot I've ever grown. EVER. These two strains are still hanging but I tried a tester bud and it blew me away. I am so proud of this one. I don't weigh my pot wet. Shit I don't even weigh it dry. It's just my medicine. I share though. First year getting a pound off one plant though.
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Spent 143 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
I dry trimmed everything I harvested. What I mean is I cut all fan leaves while the plant was still in the ground. I trimmed what I could and hung the whole plant for a few days then separated branches. The ice cream cake and the large seedling are both still hanging intact. Ice cream cake was easy as it grew more like a sativa them the indicas I usually grow. Plant reached a height of 9 to 10 feet. Yield was some what diminished due to septoria. This strain seemed particularly sensitive to plant diseases.


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masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 134 years ago
Thanks folks! I just uploaded a new video. Any suggestions or recommendations are certainly welcome!
SegaYGriegacommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, thank you
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@SegaYGriega, Thank you for your compliments! You are correct. You get what you put in. I am very lucky to live where I do. I will do my best to document and share my experiences and try to share what knowledge I have with the community. Thank you again for kind words.
SegaYGriegacommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, bro you have a beautiful garden where you grow big and small flowers (our beloved😉) your flowers look great because you work a lot on it !!! keep up the good work !!! 😉🤙and share your successes with us. P.S. SegaYGriega
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 174 years ago
@Rap_a_cap thank you so much for looking through my diary and taking the time to answer my question. Thank you for the compliment as well. You made my morning. I have an anxiety disorder so I worry more than I should sometimes. You helped put my mind at ease. My IPM has been slacking due to external circumstances but I'll start my routine back up and hopefully be right as rain! I love this site and I'm grateful for all the help I've received. Happy growing my friend!
Rap_a_capcommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, Bro, you're welcome. I think the biggest enemy of plants is the grower himself. The anxiety, the rush of the harvest, made us make huge mistakes. We think that stuffing plants with fertilizer to the point of burning them can give us pounds yields with a 5 gallons pot. After 25 years of indoor growing and expecially after the results of last year's run I can definitely say that outdoor stuff is another planet. Nursed with balance and enough sun weed is one the most powerful plant on the earth. The most of growing questions here are concerned about burned/intoxicated plants and very often these poor plants are small seedling....WTH. I'm anxious too, an advice to you, avoid super high THC strains or let the buds mature more, THC worses anxiety. This year I've had lots of anxiety seizures smoking Royal Gorilla and Pineapple Kush. Luckily Special Kush saved me 😅 Cheers Bro 👊👊👊
SegaYGriegacommentedweek 134 years ago
Great job, looks great !!! I wish you a great harvest👍 watch my reports and leave your opinion in the comments😉
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@SegaYGriega, I will do my best. Best of luck to you!
Maryjane23commentedweek 14 years ago
Like your job!!! Happy growing!!! ✌️✌️
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Maryjane23, thank you miss maryjane
spydercommentedweek 134 years ago
good luck with the grow......enjoy.
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@spyder, thanks man.
DreamITcommentedweek 14 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🦄👍🍀
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@DreamIT, you as well!
Ferenccommentedweek 164 years ago
What a garden mate. Followed @masterofsmeagol
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thank you my friend!
Experimentgreencommentedweek 144 years ago
I have a very good closeup of a thrip if you need for comparison. I will agree this bug does seem a bit bigger and longer legs and antenna. But the spinosad and soap spray will work on basically any soft bodied insect.
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Experimentgreen, that's the problem I have with identification. The different species let alone the life stage of the insect can sometimes make it difficult to properly identify. Some things like spider mites are much easier. I can't find the tagged picture but I'm just getting the hang of this platform. Thanks for the help bud. I certainly appreciate any and all advice/knowledge I can get. Like you said above the treatments I mentioned should take care of pretty much most problem pests.
Experimentgreencommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, I won't say it isn't a thrip...but it definitely does look a bit bigger and slightly different leg/antenna lengths. But there are more than one kind of thrip after all. That close up I tagged you in, is 100% a thrip, one kind of thrip that is.
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Experimentgreen, Strange. Those photos have been up for like two weeks on six Facebook cannabis growing websites with lots of advice and no one other than you and the other guy on here mentioned it being anything but a thrip. I would be interested in seeing another photo though. Even Google lens picked it up being a thrip. I would definitely like to know if I have a different problem.
Ferenccommentedweek 234 years ago
Long long journey.... really nice @masterofsmeagol
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, super long journey but it's well worth it in the end. Patience is key! Can't wait till Croptober!
ThePassionForWeed420commentedweek 144 years ago
Buona coltivazione e felice crescita amico 👏 👏
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@@ThePassionForWeed420, Thank you my friend. Good luck to you!
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommentedweek 184 years ago
Looks like you will need a bigger spot soon bro🤣🤣🤜🤛 those will be monsters. Good job
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, haha she called it bro. Gotta listen to the wife my friend lol🤣🤜🤛
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, lol that's exactly what my girlfriend said!
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, haha atleast it's a good thing bro. It will look like 1 giant plant soon🤣🤣🤜🤛
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Rock_n_Roll_Randycommentedweek 154 years ago
Looking good bro 👌 dj short blue.... nice old school stuff my friend. Enjoy it and have fun
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, Northeast U.S.
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, sweet bro what country are you in?
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, thanks bud! It does great in this climate! Very resilient!
lefthandedJcommentedweek 204 years ago
Man your garden looks good!! Looking forward to following your grow, should be killer!
lefthandedJcommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, ditto! I was tryin to figure out how, but guess that's not in the cards just yet. Maine's on the map-- it just doesn't know it yet!
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@lefthandedJ, Thanks man! Back at ya! Good to find someone in my climate to talk shop with. I hope this has a private message feature. I'll look and if it does I'll message you. Take care!
TenderBudscommentedweek 184 years ago
Wow, awesome garden! 👍💃🏻
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@@TenderBuds Thank you! Happy growing!
SegaYGriegacommentedweek 283 years ago
Great result👏great harvest👍😉
SegaYGriegacommented3 years ago
@masterofsmeagol,this is cool👏🤝😉
masterofsmeagolcommented3 years ago
@SegaYGriega, 1 Down 11 more to go lol. I've got my hands full for sure.
Rap_a_capcommentedweek 214 years ago
Hey Mate, looking good but I still can see (yep, I can see even through blurry pics 😁) mites infestation a little here a little there. I think it's time to prepare some kind of roof to protect them from the rain. For now there is no problem but you can't afford to get plants wet in flowering. I've used for my structure 0.2 mm PVC ultraclean tape (55 ft² for less than 20 bucks). Good luck
Rap_a_capcommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, sorry for your troubles I hope things and health will getting better Bro. I know you are doing it in the better way, keep it up and "may the weather be with you" 👊👊👊
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Rap_a_cap, I just got my IPM up and running again. Death in the family and my wife having a stroke resulted in my IPM slacking. Treatment again tonight. This is outdoor bud so I definitely won't be putting a roof on man. Thanks for the suggestion but my cage is just to keep animals out, slow down people and comply with local laws. I have thick rubber I can throw over the structure but I only use it for sheet rain and hail. I've used it once and that was only for hail. I was in a big hurry this morning and the camera didn't seem to function properly but I wanted to stay consistent with my diary. I'll check again but I thought my pictures usually come out pretty good.
iHateSativacommentedweek 303 years ago
Happy Harvest
masterofsmeagolcommented3 years ago
@iHateSativa, Thanks man. Trim jail is a bitch
DevilsBudcommentedweek 293 years ago
Good luck with your outdoor grow hopefully you get better weather
masterofsmeagolcommented3 years ago
@DevilsBud, Went there this afternoon and six inches of water was on one side. I drained it though and propped up and added supports. Luckily it's stopped raining and supposed to be nice for a while. Luckily I grabbed my blueberry's before the storms. Got some elbows hanging. Humidity is a bitch though.
Hazemaster420commentedweek 234 years ago
Grow that shit ,grow that shit, grow that shit! They look great, shits about to pop off! Your place is gonna be terp city real soon! The smells in the air! Jus love it!
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Hazemaster420, Thanks man! Walking down to the cage is like getting smacked in the face with a huge cola. Such wonderful fragrances.
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommentedweek 214 years ago
Wow bro they are getting fuckin huge👍👍👍💪 good job buddy
masterofsmeagolcommented4 years ago
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, thanks man! Bout 8 or 9 ft for the big ones (including the bag) right now. The fence is ten feet and some spots are over it! I am beyond stoked!
the end.
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