So this week was busier in the garden compared to the last one’s.
I started to top the girls and made some LST right after. They are in the age when I have to teach them to be bushier instead of lanky so basically this was our challenge for the week.
2 bigger fan leaves from each were taken off from the middle of the plant but still waiting with bigger defoliation.🌱
Unfortunately, I noticed that one of the girls is more said than her sisters so I gave her a bit rest and took out from direct light. I think she was slightly overwatered.
Her leaves curled down and I was thinking this is the end but after a few days she was just looking better.🌞 Btw. It seems she is the sativa one in the family as she is the only with 9 finger leaves.🗽
Light intensity raised to 60% on 48cm distance.
Watered when the soil was completely dry. Every time with fertiliser.
RH light off 40-50%
RH light on 55-60%.
The Liberty Sisters are certainly looking healthy and are almost as tall as my Liberty Haze. 😄 Looking forward to watching the Liberty Sisters grow! Thanks for the holiday greeting! Peace, love, happy holidays and weed smoking to you fellow Gromie. 😎
Thank you very much @peacepipe66.🌞 I really hope at least they will be as pretty as the first Liberties I had.🌱🗽
That picture I saw hanging in Barney’s shop once.😎
@Ju_Bps, thanks, mate.👊 I do my best. End of this week I need to switch to flower, we will see how far we are with filling the net.🌱 Thanks for stopping by man.🌞
Hi Qutro,
Nice observations and an excellent plan. The Liberty Sister want to be trained, they just do not realize it yet😁.
Happy growing and tasty buds are coming your way!