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SE5000 meets Kannabia

Approved by Kannabia Seed Company
a year ago
Room Type
weeks 3, 8
Plagron Soil (ProMix)
Grow medium
Grow medium
Root Riot
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
0.7 L
2 years ago
Nutrients 1
Root Riot - Growth Technology
Root Riot 1 mll
Welcome to my Swiss Dream Rose Auto seeds supplied by Kannabia. I'll be using my new SE5000 sponsored by Spider-Farmer throughout this entire grow (seed-harvest). Germ Day 0 18th May 2023 3.30pm. In GOW. My partner would loves Kannabia CBD flower. She recommendeds its the best she's gotten from any cbd flower/seeds every bought. And for their CBG auto, I think it was possibly the best tasting weed I've ever had. So, I've high hopes for this lady. Seeds are fresh. Going under big light, (light info below) with high co2, as I'm coming into the summer. Co2/Temperature Last Yr, I tried everything to combat my high temp. Knowing now, my ambient home co2 is 1000. I can put that down to my plants pull through last yr and the rapid growth I had in wks 2/4. So, to combat the temperature this yr. I'm using a fully automated co2 system. Co2 will be kept at 1000-1300ppm(co2) with deadband of 300ppm(co2), I will only add co2 if temperature is very high. Which I suspect it will be. It's already 27.5 with my exhaust as high as I like "5" setting. It's on 1 now, keeping my RH around 70%, temp 29-30.5c. Lights (Spider-Farmer SE5000) So, I'm well prepared to run a 3x3 with a great umol/ppfd output 1447÷1125=1.286 area output SE5000 OUTPUT IN 3X3. The lower that number the better. Under 2 is good. 1.5 extremely good, it's a ref to ppfd/umol even output. So, this means, your canopy recieves even umol/ppfd. You can do this yourself in your tent. To have your plant(s) hit the highest output umol/ppfd you need the lowest number you can get to. So, you can achieve this by getting your area size 3x3 in my case, and have your light in the middle of that. And use a lux meter or the makers chart. And the highest÷lowest= your canopy umol received.. DISCOUNT LINKS https://spider-farmer.com/?ref=w580lnhq https://spiderfarmer.eu/?ref=w580lnhq USE THESE LINKS FOR 3% discount. Just use the link and continue with your shopping as usual and your discount will be deducted automatically. Code "ggst" will work soon, links are active. DISCOUNT LINKS Thanks to my reps from Spider-farmer & Kannabia. Much appreciated to all who viewed, liked &/R commented. Look forward to seeing your diaries. Either way thanks for dropping by.
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
32 °C
400 PPM
62 %
18 °C
23 °C
24 °C
11 L
0 L
80 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 8
Mega Worm - PLAGRON.
Mega Worm 0.651 mll
Alga Grow - PLAGRON.
Alga Grow 2 mll
Power Roots - PLAGRON.
Power Roots 1 mll
Welcome to my Swiss Dream Rose CBD Auto Diary sponsored by kannabia seed company. Also sponsored by Bella from Spider-Farmer with their new upgraded SE5000. Seedling Days 0-6 Veg Day 1/D7 Days 0-7 Growing very strong. Really fast turn around. In veg on the 7th day. Is amazing. 30% in growth rate speed. Healthy & Happy. Holding her own in very hot conditions. RH is 60%. As my tent temp is between 31-35c (thankfully stomatas are still open. As co2 intake hasn't slowed. And, they're pushing through the heat. Good week. Light is great. It's rapid seedling growth is very impressive with the right co2 in a tent that just kisses the lights edges. Perfect umol 1125-1437. This lady is about 80cm away as my light is 100% for the 2 late flowering plants and then it'll be lowered to 70% in the next wk. And lower the distance then. No stretch, no mutos. Good healthy girl thus far. Good week. Diet Full plagron natural line. Shes in her 11L pot with all the extras from their line. And a few more for flowering. Their new Power Bud. And the norm + PK booster. Everything needed will be plagron. Except calmag (I like to control that separately either with cal powder or Epsom salt. Adding both when one is needed. Well, its not needed. Generally I rarely have cal issues. Co2 Jargin. (Not an advised read if you've no interest in co2) Co2 levels are kept within this level. But, I've set on delayed timing. As I need to make sure my plants are eating. So instead of a constant set co2 level. They're eating the level drops as low as 750min 800 (80% when it is dropped before its raised) and this way. I can tell my plants are eating. Its a method of co2 growing. Feed/eat/eat/feed. Its served me well. Saves on co2. But self application can be a bitch so 80% of the times its on fuzzy logic and its resets itself (this hmmmm. Hard to know when your plant is eating. I'll have to get a co2 monitor i can check on my phone. That way, I'll know how often co2 is injected. There's no count. You could of of units used. But, the math on a 10L tank per squirt, (im not that smart) nor would I even attempt it. Yes a co2 calculator can be used. But, that does not account of areas of the tent were the co2 rests on a low level. Co2 intake of the plants/how much they eat. There is a limit I've noticed. In late flowering plants after 10hrs of high co2 use. The intake drops of by about 90%. With autos, they'll eat forever. But id 8 fems and after 10hrs of solid co2 intake 200 ppm every 10m was going down and then late into the cycle they'd eat 200ppm in an hr. So, I'm learning. To know when my plants are eating and not, is just a gift alone. Not having to wait days, to notice an issue. But, it is very demanding. Nutrient 2x-3x the norm and 1-1.5L for fully grown plants twice a day so 2-3L , of which one needs to be nutrients every other day. Lights SE5000 seed-harvest. And this pheno has loved every umol from this beauty. So thankful to Bella for this chance to run a high powered light that has great capability for co2 (you don't need 1000w lights) for 3x3. This spectrum is proven itself everyday the plants co2 intake overall improved by 1/3rd possibly more. (Past test plants were under light as co2 rec) big improvement just finishing off my other plants. The fade alone is stunning. And the push these girls are doing from 50-30% faster across the board speaks for itself. Veggin plants in its 1st week. Thanks so much Spider-Farmer "Bella". & to Kannabia for their continued co-operation. Much appreciation to all who viewed and stopped by. Wouldnt be doing this otherwise. The support is great. And if not given in return ASAP I'll get to it. I'm a lazy pos 🤣. So look forward to getting a chance to see what you got cooking this Summer. Its gonna be a Swiss one for sure.
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
33 °C
610 PPM
62 %
18 °C
23 °C
24 °C
11 L
0 L
70 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 7
Alga Grow - PLAGRON.
Alga Grow 3 mll
Power Roots - PLAGRON.
Power Roots 1 mll
Pure Zym - PLAGRON.
Pure Zym 1 mll
Welcome to my Swiss Dream Rose Auto Diary, sponsored by Kannabia & Spider-Farmer. Veg Days 3-9 Days 8-14 Plant is pushing on fast. Really nice growth. And holding her own in crazy temps. Stomata/photosynthesis is still pushing forward. And really happy with this strain. Delight in co2 growing. Diet Running on full Plagron great nutrients. Really user friendly. Very happy with my 1st run. They're pushing the plant along fast. Lights Sponsored SE5000 from Spider-Farmer 480w 1350 average par out put in a 3x3 for co2 growing. You can tell this light would run better in a 4x4 and just using a 3x3 space. I think it'll be much better. As the tent is just too small for 6 big led bars. The temp hits 37c some days. 4x4 will not be used though. Sticking with the tent I'm using as it holds co2 great. It's light fabric is great at holding near ambient room conditions. 5-10% more. But, just by controlling my room is like doing my tent. I use a 1setting with the Smart Spider-Farmer 4"/10cm exhaust. I use poles at the side to stop it from bowing in. 3 fans 1 exhaust and 1 light at full power & smart co2 controller/sensor 615w/hr ///18hrs a day. Co2 sensor runs 24/7 as does all the fans. 2 are clip ons and one Oscillating.
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
30 cm
18 hrs
35 °C
610 PPM
62 %
18 °C
23 °C
24 °C
11 L
0 L
70 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 7
Alga Grow - PLAGRON.
Alga Grow 3 mll
Power Roots - PLAGRON.
Power Roots 1 mll
Pure Zym - PLAGRON.
Pure Zym 1 mll
Welcome to my Swiss Dream Rose CBD Auto sponsored by Kannabia & Spider-Farmer Days 15-21 just coming into pre flower for day 21 only in veg for 15 Days Seedling as 5 and in pre flower Day 1 Plant is moving along like a steam strain. Really happy healthy growth. Overcoming a bad mag issue due to a low Terpinator & Pure Zym feed x2. Ph4.5 -4.8 so, messed up a lot. Can already see purple hues coming into the plant in (Real Time) Light SE5000 with co2 has pushed my crop speed up my 50-60 averaging 50 speed overall. Diet Alga Grow was pult a few days ago. Switched so quickly. Thanks to my sponsors from Kannabia & Spider-Farmer. I appreciate all end drop ins, views, lies & so on. Look forward to seen your digs. Drop a like if you'd like a drop in.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
50 cm
18 hrs
35 °C
610 PPM
62 %
18 °C
23 °C
24 °C
11 L
1 L
70 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 13
Power Roots/buds / Vita Stop wk6 5 mll
UltraPure Epsom salts 0.13 mll
Power Roots - PLAGRON.
Power Roots 1 mll
Welcome to my Swiss Dream Rose CBD Auto sponsored by Kannabia 6 Week Diary Update in 1 week. I let a few Diaires lapse, especially the ones that are covered week by week in my 5 strains co2 Diary. And this pheno Weeks 4-8 Days 22-63 pre flower Days 15-17 Fattening 15-20 Days, Ripening 5-7 days about another 14 days left. As much amber as possible. Normally I'd do ripening in an auto typical 10-20 days. With CBD you need to push your ripening a lot longer. Now, just cause ripening takes longer. You have to cut the ppfd down to at least 1/3 or 1/2. Pre Flower Weeks 4-5.5 15-20 Days grew really well through this stage. Had a few issues with overwatering. And the edges and tips went light green. (Signs of overwatering) but, with the quick turn around. The pigment lost in the overwatering symptoms just wither away. And as the pigment isn't there to work the chlorophyll process that part of the pigment loss just dies. Its not nutrient burn or anything like that. With co2, any loss in chlorophyll in your leafs, (pigment) there is just no energy conversion. And the plant tips curl and die. She grew to 50cm tall and is starting to develop calyxs. Pre Flower is over. I dropped Alga Grow in week 3 and just fed fish force and a few other things like root stims/enzymes and so on & Sugar Royal for taste. 6-7.5-8 weeks in the fattening stage. 14+ days Plant is stacking up so much. So fat. Really great mover in Co2. Calyxs are huge making fist size main cola. Really dark colors of purple hit the bud early on. And has developed so much it really has beautiful flowers. She has a really unique Rose scent that blends well with its sweetness. Most of the pistils have turned amber. Ripeness weeks 8-9 7-10 Days in ripening. She's moving along nicely. At the moment. She is still in a high stress/heat environment. I've moved her away from the 25cm she was away from the light for ripening but, still is in the high heat/co2 but at 50cm away. Shes getting 35-40k lux which is still fairly high. So, she'll be going under my SF-1000. ATM she's 80-20 cloudy/clear. I've yet to see any ambers. But, its early days. Trichome wise the plant will be ready in the next 5-7 days. (That's cloudy/clear) but as she's CBD, to get the fullness of her potential. The more ambers the better. Without pushing her too far that she'll be too harsh to smoke. So I'd say by week 10 she should be 30% ambers and that'll be the peak cbd content without pushing her into harsh bud. I reckon she'll take 14 or so more days. She'll be put under my SF-1000 as my SE5000 will be working at full tilt, so it'll be too hot and to much light for a sensitive stage of late ripening. All other phenos will be done finished under the SE5000 except the autos that finish weeks early compared to the bulk of the fems that are flowering. They'll be able to be done under the SE5000 as I'll only be using it at 40-50% Diet Went through 1st 3 weeks on Alga Grow. (Stupidly I was PH'in these nute mixes. And I thunk that's where the overwatering came in. The mixes that were put in. Well more water was taken up. Leaving behind the nutrients and therefore showed too much water intake..as I know for a fact. It wasn't cause it was too much fluid rather the intake of the liquid not as a whole but mainly took in the water. Still learning, and co2 growing really is another ball game altogether. You really need to know the 101s and much more. It really has pushed my knowledge of growing. And in ambient conditions I'm sure I'll be in a much better place after this crop. It really has pushed my skill/knowhow knowledge by a ways. After Pre flower was over. Power Buds was pult (as its only a stim to get buds going, has no EC value) power roots was kept going until pre flower also, and a light diet of Alga Bloom was started half way in. Power Roots/buds was stopped after pre flower. For fattening the plant was put on green sensation and pk 13-14 and will continue until last week into ripening. I'll be clipping the leafs to trigger a stress in the plant to increase her resin and more amber trichs. I'm not 100% sure it works. But in theory it makes sense. Thanks to my sponsors from Kannabia & Spider-Farmer for their continuous support. Especially Kannabia. From day one, they've always been my biggest fans. And nothing I ask is any issue. Also, thanks to Bella from the Spider-Farmer Team. This is my 1st coloration with SF. I absolutely love their lights. The SF-1000 Kit was my 1st ever setup. And, to be able to showcase one of their top lights is amazing. Hopefully lots more Much appreciation to all who stopped by to view my diaries. Thanks for your likes, comments and so on. I look forward to seen your work. Either way. Thanks for dropping by.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
gottagrowsometimestarted grow question 2 years ago
Has anyone any idea why all my plants in after they leave pre flower. They lose their pigment and then the leafs die??I'm using plagron soil & alga nutrients (ph not required) but even when I was ph'in I still got hit with it on my Slurircane.??
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
Is your feed chart correct on the diary? 19.86ml of feed per 1L of water and its only equalling 1.2EC? I would feel these plants under c02 could take more feed upwards of 1.5-1.8EC If they not autos like the swiss dream CBD. They will 100% be drinking more water with higher CO2 and I don't see any overwatering symptoms. The temp is the only thing that sticks out to me at 35c, its hot, even with CO2. Temps can affect uptake of nutrients as well so manybe thats part of it? Can say for sure but that's where I'd start. Good Luck!
Week 11. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Well, another Cracker of a CBD (15-17%CBD,0.2-3%THC) Swiss Dream Rose Auto. She really really fast and strong building a solid base for a hardy lil lady. 59Grams dry. Was bountiful but, I want higher yields. Im running it again so if that doesn't speak to its greatness then idk what will. CBD plants need to be kept ripening longer. As more Amber's gives a higher CBD content. My weights are from all 14 plants. Got 59g dry from this. One of my lowest yields from this crop.
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Spent 30 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
321.43 g
Bud wet weight per plant
100 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Stress, Insomnia
Medical effects
Sweet, Woody, Flowery

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Got a lovely flowery earthy sweet pungent scent. Buds were huge. My partner only ever wants kannabia CBD seeds. She loves this 1 and their CBDV&CBG. I had a brief taste. I got some really sweet smoke, notes of aged pine. And lovely and sweet, no harshness at all from the long 77+ day grow. Another happy kannabia adventure. Thanks to all who stop by, and much appreciation to Kannabia.


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Coco4CocoPuffscommentedweek 22 years ago
Very nice 👌
resimaxcommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck and happy growing!
Kannabiacommentedweek 02 years ago
Thanks for choosing our Swiss Dream Rose Auto ✨ Good luck and great green vibes, we hope you enjoy it! 😉🌱🙌💚 Kannabia Team 🧡
Hou_Stonecommentedweek 32 years ago
Good luck friend🌲 🍀🌲
yan402commentedweek 22 years ago
Nice info 🙏👌 Good luck 🤞🍀
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy growing 👨‍🌾🌲
StarLorrcommentedweek 11a year ago
Congrats 👊🏻😀
DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 82 years ago
What a nugs 😍
BarneyRumble420commentedweek 11a year ago
Congrats on the harvest growmie 🔥🤜🤛
Leafy420commentedweek 82 years ago
Wow man they look good, nice purple color they got Thx for all the tips and I wish you the best happy growing! Good luck
Dwillsun1commentedweek 11a year ago
Congrats great groW
PapaNugscommentedweek 82 years ago
What an update! Good color, looking good! Good luck finishing
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 82 years ago
Looking good buddy 👨‍🌾🌲😎
Ringocommentedweek 11a year ago
According to your metrics you have 3.5 oz. dry flower per plant; which is very doable, but you also say you have 59 grams dry total.
Kannabiacommentedweek 11a year ago
Thank you for your beautiful words about our CBD strains 😍, greatly appreciated by the entire Kannabia team 🧡. Looking forward to seeing new grows blessed by your care 🙌.
Daffie_Tokecommentedweek 11a year ago
Hey brother congratulations but i will correct you on this , for higher cbd content you dont need to harvest later , cbd content usually stays stable from the 7th week on . When you harvest late thc will degrade into cbn and cbg wich give a more narcotic feeling
the end.
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