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TFTC: The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do Chat Show

a year ago
60x80x150 So broken it could be a politician.
60x80x150 So broken it could be a politician.
Room Type
weeks 4-9
weeks 5-7
Grow medium
12 L
Pot Size
1 L
2 years ago
TFTC: The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do Auto Chat Show Good evening people of the hemp hemisphere, welcome to the third instalment of Tales from the Closet, recently we have marked the passing of our previous sponsor Mars Hydro, we would like to thank them for the wonderful light they brought into my life, it was a beautiful partnership. Now however, we have some great news, we have a new sponsor, so put your hands together to welcome the very best place to get your seeds and accessories, say hello to Zamnesia, who have kindly provided you with this entertainment as they provided me with some awesome seeds, including the name sake of this particular segment of our channel, so welcome to the Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do Auto Chat Show, here we are taking a break from creative writing and will discuss various shit that I think about. So sit back and relax, enjoy the show and don’t forget to check out Zamnesia. ======================================================================== Hello my lovely friends and welcome to the Yogi Bogie chat show, thank you to our sponsors for making this happen. Let us first address the name, The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do Auto Chat Show, we are growing two Do-Si-Do Autos, straight away something struck me about the name: as most of you likely know the “Do-Si-Do” is a dance move where two people will rotate around each other whilst still facing the same direction, this will be the main topic for tonight. The first thing to mention about this was that the dance move is a great one if you are in a rough club where fights break out, whilst you rotate your partner and yourself will keep almost a full 360 degree field of vision. Second thing to look at is that this move is cyclical, more than other people, growers should understand that all life behaves in this manner, there are is a waxing and waning moon (btw all three segments were germinated under a new moon), we have seasons that change in a constant eb and flow, life is also cyclical, we are born, we consume and we die, in turn being consumed by the very system we consumed from. Third thing, it is fun to say Do-Si-Do, it is a funny little dance move, dancing can be very fun, this show is all about happiness and contentment, sometimes it is important not to take things too seriously. When you put all these things together, we realise that it is a safe move to do that safety allows us to have fun, fun is important as it will help release all the good chemistry in our body, that all this good chemistry is a cycle too, so it is important to keep it moving, with the opposite side of this cycle of emotions, sometimes things go badly, you just need to keep working and wait for it to turn round. Many of these topics will be covered more fully in the upcoming episodes, so keep an open mind, take some time to think and to enjoy the waves that life throws at you and things will always be better if you just keep working at it. SO, what does Do-Si-Do make you think of? Where are you currently in life's cycle? Give me your comments and messages and let us talk. Until next time, be safe, dance to feel good, cry if you need to feel better and become one with the cycle. Keep on growing, good night. ======================================================================== Thank you for turning into The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do Auto Show, we hope that you have understood something within yourself and come to a better place in space and time, we would like to thank our amazing new sponsor Zamnesia, I really like their products, they have an amazing approach to the industry; less focus on just hard sales and mono culture (WEEDWEEDWEED etc), they look to promote a fuller experience including more ways to supplement your high, more cool gadgets to improve your grow and some really cool things that any stoner should experience. Take a look and see the awesome things that are available. Use this awesome code and get yourself a treat, to paraphrase the philosopher R. Paul: If you can’t love yourself, then how the hell are you gonna love anybody else? So treat yo self, Get 20% off with ZAMMIGD2023, only at Zamnesia.com. Until next week, have fun and be good! ======================================================================== ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC: BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS AND MIND-BLOWING FLAVOURS Do-Si-Dos Automatic offers a unique cannabis experience. Not only do her flowers look like nothing you’ve ever seen, but she treats users to rich tastes of sugar and fruit with every hit. Get these seeds in the soil if you’re looking to shake up your growing room, garden, and stash jars. Fire her up whenever you need a cognitive boost, or save her for special occasions to impress your weed-loving guests. 550-600 gr/m² 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest And yes, I did just copy and paste stuff from their web page, if you do not know how to look up a strain on Growdiaries, then maybe you need some sleep. Lots of love, Jobbie. ================================================================== Notes: Both seeds were put in a shot glass with room temperature water, they were kept floating on the surface, apparently this allows access to both water and air, after 36 hours they had both popped out the shell with a little tap root. I am quite excited about these, Do-Si-Do is a well known strain and I am currently working on a list of strains to try. The soil was prepped with Mykos and dampened to help start activating the Mycorrhizal activity shortly before planting the next day.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
51 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
0 L
20 cm
Good day to you my dope loving devils, welcome back to the closet for another random messed up philosophical nonsensical chat, we hope you enjoyed last week's episode, this week we will continue exploring cycles and how they affect the world. But First, we would like to thank Zamnesia who have kindly sponsored me with the seeds; Zamnesia is a company that provides you with almost endless possibilities; want something to add to the smoke, they have you, want a new tray, they have you, want to grow shrooms, they have you. Which is why I love them and are very happy to be supported by them. Now thanks to Zamnesia, it is time for “TFTC: The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Dos Chat Show”. ======================================================================== Welcome back to the show, last week we discussed what Do-Si-Dos were, and talked about how the manoeuvre was a cycle performed with a partner in the safest way possible, this week we will discuss the balance of water, like all things in life it needs to be moderated and there is a fine cycle to all things which allows for optimum growth which includes stress and relaxation. During the past week of growing we have begun to see the plants take root, however they are young and at this early stage they need extra attention to make sure they are given what they need. The main subject of today is watering and how the careful balance between wet and dry will allow a plant to grow without hindrance. Water is vital to all living things on this earth, each living thing requires water within a certain spectrum to give it the necessary sustenance for existence. With our plants we had issues with over watering. Over watering is a common occurrence when growing, especially when you are super eager to get the plants off to a good start: there is a fear of under watering as a dried out young seedling will just die, it has a lot less water reserves than a developed plant, so when you see it wilt there is a higher chance of the plant not making it. This sort of insecurity often creates panic which leads to over watering: much like a snow plough parent providing too much protection and creating a detrimental environment, over watering will stop a root zone from being able to breath and cause the plant to drown. Therefore there needs to be a cycle of hydration where the amount of water given is adequate, yet there also needs to be a period of dry. This stress will encourage the plant to go in search of more hydration with its roots. This in turn can also be bad, if the plant finds no water before too much energy is expended on the root zone, then the plant will suffer and wilt, recently I have learnt that when a plant wilts from over or under watering is a sign you have gone too far. It is key to find the parameters of watering within which the optimal growth is encouraged, and to remember that as the plant grows, its needs also grow, therefore the parameters will change in line with the plants needs. Now, let us apply this to everything in life, as all things are connected and nothing should be studied in isolation. We all require water, this will be a good starting point, much like the plant we will die if we have too much or too little, the amount depends on the activities carried out by the individual. If we also apply this to exercise of our own bodies, if you have too much or not enough of one thing it will harm you: If you work out too much it will fatigue the muscles and cause damage, in extreme cases it has been known for ultra runners to experience muscle death, where parts of their body shut down due to overuse needing months of recovery, in extreme cases people have died from exhaustion, however, we are told that if we do not exercise then it will also have detrimental and often debilitating effects. So much like the plant we need to find our optimum range of exercise, also much like a plant, as we progress and get stronger then the requirements increase. The key is micro stressors, finding out to what point you can push yourself where it stresses the body enough to release growth hormones and will grow back better and stronger, but not too much that you cause harm. This point is often just beyond our comfort zones, each person like each plant is different, learning your boundaries is an important first step, the next is to learn how to push those boundaries to promote growth. During the past week we spent too much time adding water to plants that could not drink that much, in turn some of the plants grew a lot slower, so we have removed some of the frequency (watering once a day or once every other day depending on soil hydration), we have also increased foliar feeding, as we might find that in life it isn't always how much you are doing something, but how you are doing it that could make the difference. So what in your life do you feel needs the boundaries reassessed? Where else do you see this analogy around you? Where do you want to grow? Let us know. Just remember that optimal growth is a cycle between stress and relaxation, like dancing the Do-Si-Dos it is a constant cyclical movement between positions for the optimal fun. Until next time Growmies, keep moving, keep growing and never, never ever, be too hard on yourself for making a mistake, after all, learning is the true spice of life, and experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes. Thank you once again for joining us, thank you to Zamnesia for the seeds, you are wonderful people who just keep on giving, like the 20% discount code: ZAMMIGD2023, so in the gift of giving, get yourself a treat or treat someone else. We hope you have gained something to think about in the coming week, let your mind relax and until next time, keep growing! ============================================================================ ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC: BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS AND MIND-BLOWING FLAVOURS Do-Si-Dos Automatic will shock growers of old-school autoflowers. Unlike those bygone varieties, she produces sky-high levels of THC, huge yields, and a terpene profile that refreshes the mind and makes the mouth water. This unique auto puts out colourful buds that exert a two-pronged high composed of a heavy body stone and a cerebral surge. What's not to love? ============================================================================ Notes They were the quickest to pop up, yes there are not many photos, no I do not enjoy taking pictures of dirt, just tune in next week to see pics of the little sprouts. They have their little dome, I spray the soil and the little babies morning and night, with about 30 ml of water a day, there is no difference between the one in the little cup and the one in the big pot, we will have to see what happens when I transplant. Finally, the light is sitting at about 25% (around 38 watts) just to start with.
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
7 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1 mll
Formulex - Growth Technology
Formulex 5 mll
Hello friends, welcome back to the channel and to this weeks episode of “TFTC: The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do Chat Show” brought to you in partnership with Zamnesia, the place which helps take care of your needs on the journey of mortality. We thank you for joining us in the studio today and hope you are ready to listen to more… stuff. So let us go down to the studio now and join Yogi Bogie and see what topic he will be talking shit about now. ============================================================================ Welcome back friends, we are so glad that you could join us in our little closet today. This week has been an interesting one, my mind has been brought back to a topic which is another difficult balance, that is what it means to be a nice person, seems like a pretty simple thing, much like watering a plant, but it requires a bit of thought when you consider the pit falls down each side of the balancing beam. There was a time in my life where my interactions with others were rather toxic, my personality was brash and abrasive. Then one day when I was around 13 I decided to change this as people did not like me, so instead the action plan was being nice to people, it worked as people spent more time in my presence. Seems like a happy ending to a short and shitty story, however there are two sides to any balancing beam: on the one we have the aforementioned no one likes you if you are a complete asshole, unless you have an overwhelming quality to redeem this (being hot, rich etc). The otherside of the beam is that you are too nice, and this is the one thing that many people who claim to be nice, always have an issue with. You will often hear a guy moan about being super nice and not getting picked by the girl, instead she goes for some complete ass hat. There are a few things we are going to talk about today, these are just my thoughts and in no way should be seen as facts, however if you wish to talk about it just comment, since most of you are unlikely to read this far, we will just get into it for the one or two who are hardcore. If you are going to be a nice person, you should not do it for any return. It is a decision you make for yourself in a reflective exercise, if you want to be a nice person then you are doing it because you want to be that person. Despite this being your choice and has nothing to do with other people, there is a lesson we must learn about boundaries. When meeting new people or associating with people you have known for any length of time, it is important to realise that some will want to take advantage (up to this point in my writing I was pretty high, now I am sober and don't think I will go back). Taking advantage is not the actions of someone who needs your help, they are people who will use your kindness for gain, because they know you are nice they will continue to use you to do menial tasks that they just do not want to do from laziness more than anything else (if someone constantly asks you to get things from the shop because they know you will, or ask for your help doing their garden and then they piss off and leave you to it). Due to people often taking advantage it is important to work out boundaries or as I like to put it “Set out your market stall”, you make sure people know who you are and what you are looking for, do not be frustrated if people do not believe your intentions, over time your actions will speak and people will come to learn the truth, but by being open and honest with people you add great value to relationships. There is not enough time to go into full detail, so feel free to comment and open up further discussion. The last few points we will go over with the previous plant analogy: think about watering your plant, you could water very sparingly, much like people who keep others at a distance by using a mean or negative façade as a defence, being careless in the care of your plant is the same thing, an action of carelessness (as in you don’t care) in an attempt to stop yourself forming attachments that will hurt, it is an action often rooted in insecurity. Much like my first attempts at being super nice, it was an action rooted also in insecurity, when watering a plant we will feel the need to give t as much as we can, which is a toxic practice, however both have major drawbacks as they will never work having built the foundation for such behaviour on uncertain ground. Ergo and in conclusion, use this new age word called self actualisation (I am not talking about wishing wells that will get the universe to give you a kilo per plant), self actualisation is the positive affirmation of who you are as a person, when you make your mind up as to who you are, you will then start to become it, one step at a time. Much like watering the plant, once you are confident in what you are doing and trust the plant and yourself, then you will get along better, after all, every relationship is about communication, give and take. Especially the relationship you will have with yourself, be kind, but know your boundaries, be secure in yourself that you will take care of yourself. As Rupert Everett once said “To love oneself, is the beginning of a life long relationship”. ============================================================================ Thank you once again for joining us, to the people who made it through and are still awake “congratulations”, you are a stronger person than I, To all of you who claimed to understand what he was saying… we look at you with doubt and the desire to say “Bullshit”. Remember to check out Zamnesia and use code: ZAMMIGD2023, if you don’t then it is your loss for not living life to the full. We hope to see you next week, but completely understand if we don’t. Take care, be kind and live a little! ============================================================================ ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC Parents - Do-Si-Dos x Ruderalis Genetics - Indica-dominant Auto Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest THC - 20% CBD - 0-1% Height (Indoor) - Medium Height (Outdoor) - Medium Yield (Indoor) - 550-600 gr/m² Yield (Outdoor) - 100-150 gr/plant Available as - Feminized seeds ======================================================================== Notes: I hate this part, not the note writing, I hate the part of growing where it feels like nothing is happening and nothing is going on and you are just waiting, that has been this week, due to the anxiety it seems my watering still wasn’t quite right, so once again as the watering increases I need to keep up, not to go wild and think the plant needs an ocean. True leaves have come out, they are tall, the increase of light strength to 50% has helped the spread horizontally rather than vertically. Just need to be patient. They are still behind what I would like to see and the stem is beginning to look like it cannot handle the height. Another issue is that the humidity is low, spraying twice a day does little to 40% humidity.
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
7 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 6
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.5 mll
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1 mll
Welcome back, we hope you have had a good week and that your own plants are doing well. Here we are again in the closet with Yogi Bogie for more words of questionable wisdom, it is always a good time to sit and think about the universe and how we fit in. Thank you to Zamnesia, they gave me seeds and I have began to grow and learn, as the seeds have grown I have grown… Now I want to grow all sorts of plants thanks to Zamnesia. Without further preamble, let us enter the closest once more for this weeks episode of “TFTC: The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do Chat Show”. ======================================================================== Welcome back friends, sit with me for a while as we explore more of the cycles of life that we all go through. Today I am hoping to talk to you about something that I feel is pertinent to growing and life in general, the times when you feel like giving up or that things are not going perfectly or do not wish to start something without having the perfect situation or time to do it in. As fishermen often say “you will catch nothing if you don’t have your line in the water”. It is a common practice to wait for the perfect moment, using it as a tool of procrastination to continue waiting for things to improve before venturing out, much like when you Do-Si-Do, you might be waiting for the perfect partner or the time when you are secure in your dance capabilities to first begin, however, you will never get to the desired moment without first seizing the moment in front of you. When I first began to grow it was in the toilet of my caravan where I lived. We had an extractor with a filter, some reflective material, a few pots, some nutrients and a light. We thought this to be cutting edge growing, using blurple LEDs to power a life form. I knew nothing about growing weed, it was a very confusing time as the person who bought the seeds thought they were autos and so we kept the lights on 24 hours a day and wondered why after nearly two months no flowers had started to show up… I didn’t even know what flowers were supposed to look like, so it was safe to say that we grew a few Super Silver Haze monsters, they were decent enough to smoke. The people I was growing with soon lost interest, to begin with I was not terribly interested either, but if this was happening in my living space then it would be done right. Little did I know that years down the line my favourite hobby was to grow weed, the true monster that had grown then was my love of cultivating. Now imagine if I had waited, done lots of research and listened to people saying about how you need all the nutrients, better pots, better grow space, perfect humidity, temperature and a ph pen. The cost that is involved in starting the hobby with all of the things I have now would have been daunting. There is no better experience than the act itself, when people apply for a job the person hiring often pays less attention to your grades and schooling and more about what you have done, a recruitment specialist I once knew explained that “if I was to choose between someone fresh out of university gaining their degree in 4 years and a person who spent four years working in the industry with zero qualifications, I will always pick the person with experience.” If it is safe to start something (do not go sky diving without training), then do it! Let the experience guide you to better practices in the future, sometimes you might feel saturated after a grow and want to take a break, my thoughts are that you should never do that, instead, try a different experience and continue to grow but with less effort, put a plant in and don’t train it, maybe try a new technique like SoG or a tiny cup, you will learn something, it won’t be as serious because you are doing it for a bit of fun and in every instance that you make yourself grow, even at a fraction of your normal care or effort, you will get something out of it, whereas 100% of the time when you don't act, you will get nothing from it. This was the story with my last grow, it isn’t on growdiaries because I just wanted to try something different, and so I did. The grow wasn’t amazing, things went wrong, but I have learnt some valuable lessons: never skip foliar applications of bug spray and keep light leaks away. If you apply this to life it will go a little something like this: ask the person on a date, it is just a date, no point worrying about the ideal moment as the moment is right now and you should make the most of it (unless someone is in a bad way, don’t ask after they find out their father died or after a bad accident), if you want to go to the gym then go, even for half an hour, want to learn to sing, use youtube to get you started. In any instance that it wont be destined to failure due to things out of your control, it is better to do than to not do. While you are living your life out there or in the closet growing, you will only ever achieve the balance you seek by taking the opportunities you want, carpe diem friends, life is a cycle and it is better to have funny stories about times you failed than regrets for never trying. What do you want to change? What things do you feel are not ready for? What could you do now and save yourself a lifetime of “what if”? Until next time friends, keep growing, keep experimenting and always look after yourself. ======================================================================== Thankyou for joining us once again, it has been an interesting journey with that person at the helm, not as crazy as trying to visit the wreckage of a ship with a tin can and a playstation controller, but still pretty out there. Thank you once again to Zamnesia for providing the seeds, use the code: ZAMMIGD2023 for further discounts. Until next time my friends, just enjoy the ride and do what you want now! ======================================================================== ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC Parents - Do-Si-Dos x Ruderalis Genetics - Indica-dominant Auto Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest THC - 20% CBD - 0-1% Height (Indoor) - Medium Height (Outdoor) - Medium Yield (Indoor) - 550-600 gr/m² Yield (Outdoor) - 100-150 gr/plant Available as - Feminized seeds ================================================================================= Notes: This plant is doing well, there has been a little issue with some bugs, but we quickly ordered some Cannacure and that seems to be helping a little, if they do not fuck off in time then we will have to go down the nuclear route and use peroxide, i would however, prefer not to do that as I want to smoke this stuff, also the soil would be left barren after that and I would need to then add more microbial life… which I do not have, note to self, invest in some. They are getting bigger and as such the watering is going up, currently thinking about getting a sonic humidifier as the humidity is very low, the twice daily spraying helps but also creates extremes where it will be 40% most of the day and then for just a few hours a day will go up to 80-90%. Who knows it is all a process. So watering is up, size is going well and I started some training, just a simple bend after the support for the stem was taken off, I am now trying to monitor the PH levels, keeping it between 6.2 and 6.4 when possible. Let me know if you have any tips or tricks to share, always eager to learn.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
8 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 5
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1 mll
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1 mll
Welcome once again my friends, it is time to join Mr Bogie back in the closet as he will once again talk about stuff which makes very little sense but seems to be supported by many anecdotes which loosely make any sense. Let this not dismay you however, as this lovely talk show is supported by Zamnesia, after the show we will tell you a secret mantra which can be entered on the website and open the universe up to giving you a discount on seeds. Until then, enjoy the wacky journey that is “TFTC: The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do- Chat Show”. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Welcome back to my cupboard friends, last week we talked about how it is best to start things as soon as possible rather than delaying until the “perfect” moment. It is important to remember that if you design the right environment and system then the things we want to stat will be more easily continued. This week as we dance, let us discuss and consider the ugly issue that might arise from stepping outside our comfort zones, that is the issue of failure. In your life you will fail, everyone at some point will fail. The outcomes of failure will be modified by situation and the repercussions of failure can often cause us to create barriers to prevent us from gong through the same horrible experience, this is how comfort zones are generally created. The barriers to comfort zones are created when our mind does a quick calculation: If the effort is not worth the reward, we become lazy towards the task, if the risk of failure is too high then we will be unmotivated, or if the consequences of failure is not worth the reward then we believe it is not worth the time or effort. This process of deciding what behaviours are worthwhile and which are not have led our species to the place we have right now… goring plants in cupboards by using MF Science! Bravo human race, however, things can often be misleading, sometimes things will happen, sometimes we just get delt a really bad hand and things go horribly wrong, as Bill Hicks once said “I’ve had good and bad relationships, but I ain’t giving up on pussy”. It is important after each failure to do some conscience calculations, often times set backs are learning experiences which could actually greatly benefit us, so when you do fail always take a little time to review why and how, you might find out it was something very simple and this will encourage you to try again, if it still feels daunting take time to contemplate what you really want, review the person you think you are, then decide if the behaviour or action you want to quit will be in direct conflict with the person you wish to be, if it is in conflict, then try again, take it slower this time, try something different, maybe care less about the outcome and remember this: if you are doing something then you are that person, everyone who has read a history book and then thought about it after is a historian, everyone who has put seed to soil or pulled a weed is a gardener; we might not be good at these things yet, but that is who we are, the next step is to practise until we are the amazing all knowing expert we wish to be. Finally, it is most important that when you succeed at anything, no matter how small, celebrate, give yourself a pat on the back, because you know that if you fail the natural reaction is to be hard on yourself. So combat the negativity, nothing is a straight line, we have ups and downs, but if we continue to diligently practise the things we wish to incorporate, then we will become who we want to be -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Thank you for once again joining us, this weeks talk wasn’t completely pointless, there was some interesting talk about me being a historian, kung fu master and porn star, however I doubt the veracity of such claims… or at least my ex-girlfriend certainly doubts these claims. As said previously, adopt your meditation position, place your mobile device in front of you, go to Zamnesia (the higher plain of shopping) and use this mantra/code: ZAMMIGD2023 for a discount on seeds. No nonsense, just the power to grow your own and save money. Until next time, go your own way and keep getting back up. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC Parents - Do-Si-Dos x Ruderalis Genetics - Indica-dominant Auto Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest THC - 20% CBD - 0-1% Height (Indoor) - Medium Height (Outdoor) - Medium Yield (Indoor) - 550-600 gr/m² Yield (Outdoor) - 100-150 gr/plant Available as - Feminized seeds -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Notes: One for myself, please start writing a standardised segment for notes as the plants are in the same tent so no need to type the same thing three times. See, we learn and we grow and we move forward, this is life. We have been struggling to make sure that there are no issues with the plants, we have a few bugs but nothing too bad, we are spraying a lot, which is helping the plants grow. I have to say that Folia feeding is something which actually works wonders, a lot of people claim various things really help, but foliar feeding during veg is priceless. Things are going well, this strain is progressing the fastest which was to be expected, I keep resupplying CO2 every few weeks using the old fermentation in a bottle method, we feed semi regularly as the soil is a complete one which has loads of nutrients in it. We have begun to train the plants now, this means just bending the suckers over. That pretty much does it, not much to report, I love growing but it is sometimes boring to just wait around. Leave me any tips or tricks for autos please.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
2 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
We are sorry that your usual schedule of story telling is currently unavailable, the writers strikes are on which meant the actors did not come in, likely because an actor without a writer is pretty boring and pointless. However, I am still here, no one cares about voice overs and presenters, so here I shall stay until all this is sorted. Have no fear as we have provided some pictures for your viewing pleasure. The usual schedule of programmes will return soon. On another note I will whine a little bit more about the flies, yes I will do this a lot, but they really are ruining my life. They have calmed down over the last week and seem to be a lot less in number, which is good as flowering has started, do not want to be spraying much while flowers are growing, as we all know that leads to mould. Feeding is going up as well, we water less often but a lot more in volume per fertigation (feeding) and irrigation (just watering). The Do-Si-Do have been having a little bit of a problem with the watering's so we are using more opportunities to use just water, this I find (especially in soil) helps keep the soil from storing too many nutrients that will kill the plant, does not matter if you are organic or not, if you constantly feed the soil without enough being drawn from it by the plant, you will run into problems. We are bending like crazy and have snipped a few leaves that are no longer any use to the plant, most of these will be very self evident: plants are smart, they know a bad investment when they see one, so when a lower leaf starts to go a little yellow and there are no other obvious issues such as PH, then it means that the plant is pulling nutrients from that zone and you might be able to take the leaf off with just a gentle tug. Apart from flower and a change in supplements soon, they are doing well. Now, let us hope the people striking from this company realise that it is a cooperative and we have no union, so they best get back to work before the doors shut permanently. Before I go, i would like to encourage you to visit Zamnesia, use the code ZAMMIGD2023 to get a discount on seeds, you deserve a little treat and you can never have too many options for what to grow. Till next time, enjoy the grow!
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
2 years ago
13 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 5
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1.5 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Welcome dope dream delvers, please take a seat and relax as we will soon begin this weeks episode of “TFTC: The Yogie Bogie Do-Si-Do Chat Show”, brought to you by the wonderful Zamnesia, a company I am enjoying working in collaboration with, most companies would be pissed if I wrote a tirade about rebellion and strike action as a post for their plants, but they were totally fine with it, the fact that I used the strike to provide time for sorting other things out in the studio was neither here nor there. So make use of Zamnesias kindness as they offer a discount with this mantra: ZAMMIGD2023. Now friend, spark up, lean back and enjoy the show. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Welcome back to the show, let us talk some more about life. There is a really odd theory that I would like to share with you this day, it is about weed and the trip it gives you when consumed, sure enough you are all probably familiar with what happens and likely confident in your studies within this topic, however, let me try to shine another light on this, during this I would fully encourage you to light up and follow me on a journey. If you think about any living entity, it has the desire to communicate and procreate, other than pandas maybe, but pandas are another very controversial topic. The interesting part regarding communication is that even among the same species, let us say Humans, communication is difficult; we get caught up in relativity, that without a relative perspective or common ground with the person you wish to communicate with, that communication becomes very difficult. Take away a common culture and language, then most of us are completely lost, things that we think are “common sense” are actually cultural norms that are not always shared; sticking up your middle and index fingers with palm facing you in the US is considered a friendly sign, do that in the Uk and it means something very different. If we apply this line of thought to other species, then communication is very rigid, meaning that our communication with things that have very little in common with us physically is problematic. However, we manage it! Yes, you as a grower manage to communicate with your plants, you learn when it needs something and bloody well give it, you learn to interpret various physical cues that will illicit a response; PH fluctuations means you fix PH, deficiency means you feed it what it needs, dry soil and droopy leaves means you fucked up and you should water the plant. All of these count as a form of communication, especially considering that most communication is non verbal. All well and good, but here is where I take these talking points and open it up to something… different. I have this mad theory about the process of being stoned, my mind is very systematic so I tend to break everything down into systematic chunks. For me being stoned has three parts. Part one: It is the hit, that flood of Cannabinoids into your system, all of a sudden your body and mind feel very different, it is like when you step into a sunny day from a dark place, or when you jump into a cold or hot bath, it takes a while to adjust, this takes around 15-30 mins, while your mind adjusts to its new environment, this is where most people freak out and begin to have a bad trip, just remind them that this is a trip, an experience, just relax and let weed take the wheel, it will get better. Part 2: The high or low, it is when the confusion is gone, when the adjustments have been made, you are now more secure in the feelings, you have adapted, you know what is going on. Most of the time when we feel like a strain is easy to smoke because our body is so used to the confusion it automatically starts making the adjustments, you no longer have a period of shock as you already know what will happen. This is when you really feel what the weed is meant to do, the true effects will give you the trip you are looking for, whether it is a high and you want to go play minigolf… bloody love minigolf. Or a Low where you just want to lie on the couch and watch rick and morty. Part 3: The after effect. This is often the next morning, or the come down, to me it lasts hours. Most people will report feeling a negative effect, especially anxiety the day after, it will be a lack of desire to do anything, a lack of motivation and a general unwillingness to engage with others. It is important to manage these effects as they can have a big effect on the type of person you become as you continue to use weed, make no mistake, using cannabis will change you, but you need to take a bit of control when the changes are happening or as the old saying goes: “It is choosing the path of least resistance that makes rivers and most men crooked. These are the three parts of a trip in my experience, feel free to comment your own thoughts and ideas, we are out of time, so next week I shall take you through the rest of my ideas and will marry everything up in a nice little bundle of sense that kind of doesn’t make sense but you hope other people don’t laugh. Until next time, relax, take a trip and don’t be a useless person. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Thankyou for joining us in the closet once again, it is a funny thing in life; you spend so much of it waiting for things such as these three episodes, then all of a sudden it is over, experience gained, time is up. There is however plenty of time for you to take advantage of the Zamnesia kindness in getting a little off your next seed purchase, use code ZAMMIGD2023. Until next week friends, keep the faith, live the good life. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC Parents - Do-Si-Dos x Ruderalis Genetics - Indica-dominant Auto Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest THC - 20% CBD - 0-1% Height (Indoor) - Medium Height (Outdoor) - Medium Yield (Indoor) - 550-600 gr/m² Yield (Outdoor) - 100-150 gr/plant Available as - Feminized seeds -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Notes: this one danced into flowering, she is now happy and excited growing little buds. I am stretching my spraying, just want to do what I can to prevent any issues: I had a dream last night where the grow room was utterly infested with flies, big ones too! It was a dream and like most dreams they collate experiences based on the strong emotions you tend to be feeling at that time, except for those dreams which just feel different. She is now being fed with some blood nutes, ignoring the “fluid per 24 hours" number, I do in most people's journals. I have never quite understood it and have suggestions on how to change a bunch of things on GD… such as a decent interactive grow app. The plant is small, I had this suspicion as the first few weeks felt not so productive for the plant, however, I have faith and am looking forward to seeing the flowers develop.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
2 years ago
13 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
2 L
30 cm
Nutrients 5
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1.5 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Hello and a good day to you my friends of the cultivation collective. Thank you for stopping by for another episode of “TFTC: The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do Chat Show”, we hope that this week has been peaceful and afforded the opportunity to stop and smell the roses, or at least give you a chance to stop by Zamnesia and get yourself a discount for new seeds using code: ZAMMIGD2023. Go on treat yourself. Now without further talk from me, let us get on with the episode. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Hello again friends, welcome to my cupboard. We hope to find you well this day and wish you well in all you are doing in your life, but for now, take some time out to relax with us, thats right, just kick back, spark up and let your mind wander upon the waves of the cognitive plaine in your mind, it is time to wander in wonder. Last episode we talked about how communication is vital to all of the species which inhibit this world, that communication is difficult as we often require some sort of common ground to begin the process of understanding. We also discussed my theory about the three stages of weed consumption as being the initial hit where you can feel a bit disorientated, then the second stage is the real high where the effects can be different depending on the strain, lastly is the latent effects, these tend to be after the main purpose has worn off and people often report feeling anxieouse and lethargic in this state. Many of you since last episode might be thinking “what the hell is this person talking about?” have no fear, there is a mad theory that I will explain in this episode. . There has been many cultures on earth where the eating of flesh was seen as having the ability to bestow attributes of a worthy opponent, now, I do not agree with cannibalism enough to say we should all go out there and do it on a whim or vague religious belief. What I am saying is that the old phrase “we are what we eat” should be changed to “we are what we consume”. Our entire bodies are made up of the “dust of the earth” meaning what we consume makes every last piece of matter contained within you. If something wee consume is from a biological source and especially if it has a psychoactive effect, then we can imagine that in some part we gain certain things from the experience of using weed. Take the first and confusing moment, this could almost be seen as the seedling stage, where the substance takes root in your mind and begins to grow in experience and adapt to its surroundings, the second… FML the dog just farted and it is vile. WOW. Anyway, the second is the established hacion days of late veg and all the way up to late bloom before senescence begins to happen, the effects are pleasant as we enjoy the experiences of life and happiness in all of its glory. The final stage is the late stage of a plants life. There is one lesson everyone should learn in life and take seriously: You will all die. This often creates a big fear and is in my opinion the major source of existential crisis, however death is inevitable, it will happen, even if we manage to upload our conscience to a computer there is no guarantee that it will be us, it could just be a mimic or a clone of our brain, and we will die while it continues. When I wake up, before I put on my makeup, it will often be a groggy process of forcing myself out of bed still under the third effect of weed, my mind wants to stay in bed that little bit longer, my heart will say “maybe take it easy, there is so much to do, just avoid doing it and it will be okay, you have loads of time”. While it might be true that we have lots of time, would you really want to bet on it? Everything in a cannabis plants life will influence it one way or another, this is why you will rarely get exactly the same weed even with a clone, it will be very similar but never perfectly the same, this will effect everything ever so slightly. When we reach the third phase it will be different each time, likely because the chemicals that the plant uses to communicate during the stages of life, especially when trying to procreate: yes, I am talking to you kids out there in your early years full of lust and desire, plants have their own chemistry for this. The way my mind looks at the last stage is like a letter written before a loved one passes, you open the letter and it is full of admonitions to go out and life your life, it can be overwhelming to think about the size of life and try to decide your path, this creates anxiety; when you are given a task and you do not know how to go about the task, it creates stress. So why do I like it? Apart from living off stress for much of my life, I see it as all the reason to go and do something, just one thing, and get the ball rolling. There is no point thinking of how to climb everest if you can’t climb out of bed, so start with that, when your feet hit the floor remind yourself that it is a beautiful day, be happy you are alive, then get the hell up and get something done, even if it is just the dishes form the munchies last night. There are life lessons all around us, most of all it is for you to live it: yes things are often hard, but when you overcome things take time to celebrate, to enjoy the moment. I remember one day waking up in hospital and no longer feeling pain, no longer feeling so messed up, I had no money in my bank account and had to stay with a friend to recover, I had to cancel work which meant I wouldn’t get paid, worse was the fact I had lost a close friend a week earlier. When my eyes opened I was not sunk with depression and sadness as my position in life looked utterly hopeless, instead I felt utterly full of joy, I was alive and could live a little longer. Take the advice of the plant, live life now and don’t delay, even if living life means going to work or washing the dishes, it is a chance to run around this silly game of life a little longer. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Thank you for visiting once again, myself and Zamnesia hope that this was an uplifting experience and you can leave our little cupboard feeling better about yourself and the world around you, if you are in need of some more good vibes, don’t forget to visit zamnesia.com, I promise it will not disappoint. Until next time my friend, farewell and don't forget to have fun. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Notes: They are steaming ahead. PH is fine, temp is high, still flies but hey, that is just part of life, they do not seem to be doing too much damage so it is something we can put up with. Watering has reached what I think is peak, around 1.5 ltr per watering is doing well for an 11ltr pot. Not much to say other than things are looking good.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
34 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
2 L
30 cm
Nutrients 3
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1.5 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Hello friend, I am so happy to see you here with us again in this little sanctuary that I call my grow closet, it has been a good week thanks to Zamnesia seeds, they after all are the partners in tonights programme TFTC: The Yogie Bogie Do-Si-Do Chat Show. So kick back, relax, take a load off and spark up, for here is your host, Yogie Bogie! -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Welcome back friends, we hope that you are having a good time and things are happy in your affairs. Time has come to join me in this cupboard and we can open up our minds together to learn more and become better people. So spark up, kick back and relax, let us just enjoy some time together in my little happy place. Frustration is something that everyone likely feels at some point in their life, it is that feeling of helplessness, a child who cannot fit the block in the hole, a teenager who cannot figure out how to catch the eye of their love interest, a teenager trying to plot their career when everything seems so foreign, a spouse trying to figure out how to understand their partner. Frustration is simply having a task or desire to do something but not know how to complete it, the inability to reach what we desire is the source of this feeling that often plagues a person. In today's modern society we have this odd conundrum where we have more knowledge at our fingertips than ever before, your average teenager has a better education and understands more of the world than the smartest people a thousand years ago. You, right now, are reading my words from various places around the world, and it likely took you less than a minute to bring this up on whatever screen you are reading it from. Despite having this wonderful world with all of the opportunities, it creates more paths and goals that are still difficult to get. A thousand years ago a person pretty much was what their father or mother was, you might get a position in some sort of trade or craft, but you likely were to live in the place you were born, never travel far, only hear gossip and die in the same place you were born doing the same jobs your dead parents did… unless you died before them, illness was pretty bad, a cut could kill or dismember you. I do believe people were happier back then, they had a lot of things to fear and a lot of risk, but they were content, they had little frustration as when something bad happened it was often something that just could or could not be helped, if a crop failed then you had to figure out where to get food from, it is something you can just apply effort to and go get it. There were often safety nets, your local leader would have supplies and would help, the church would help the poor, your neighbours would help too knowing that you would do the same for them. Living, loving, working and being good was pretty much life, this simplicity helped keep people happy. Today we have a million expectations of how to gain the millions of accolades that society demands we get, if you don’t get them then you are not working hard enough. I want to just zero in on this before closing: working hard is not the answer to every problem in life, we are told that “hard work” is all it takes, which is really frustrating as i've worked twelve hour shifts and did not become a millionaire, I have worked four jobs and never made my millions, been to university and still this hard work and go to uni never got me to the millionaire club. In a phrase, modern life is frustrating, so many apparent options yet it is so difficult to become the person or achieve the accomplishments that society continues to pile on them, even most of the assholes who claim to be self made got “small loans” from their rich or influential relatives, even being brought up in a home with private education in it will give you more of a foot up than someone who had public schooling. So how to untangle this web of frustration, how do we sort ourselves out, being a ball of frustration and angst will not help you achieve your goals, neither will running from the sources of frustration (more on that later). Join me next week as we delve more into this, but right now it is late and I am wanting to go smoke and go to bed. Today has been fooookin boring. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Thank you for joining us in this grow closet, we hope that you will come back to visit soon, if just to complete this fooookin long post. Well we must be on our way soon as we like everything alive, most continue to move and grow. On your travels do not forget to stop by Zamnesia for a little of the browsing therapy, might as well treat yourself to some new seeds with this discount code ZAMMIGD2023. Until next time friends, be the best you. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC Parents - Do-Si-Dos x Ruderalis Genetics - Indica-dominant Auto Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest THC - 20% CBD - 0-1% Height (Indoor) - Medium Height (Outdoor) - Medium Yield (Indoor) - 550-600 gr/m² Yield (Outdoor) - 100-150 gr/plant Available as - Feminized seeds -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Notes: fuck knows folks. Flies are slowly disappearing, weather has spiralled upwards in temperature which has led to a few issues, and has had a few dry moments. On the plus side, they are blooming well, flowers have developed and they are very pretty so far, hoping to get that dark fade, but with the temperatures as they are it is not likely I will be able to control that well. I cut out the gro as I am trying to cut back on nitrogen and it seems that the cal mag has some in it, I tend to keep the cal mag on at a decent dose as it helps form and strengthen cell walls etc, well that is what I heard from some fancy Dr person on a podcast.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
35 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 2 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 3 mll
Welcome back friends, yes, I have forgotten what last week's episode was about as well, but fear not, as in this closet there are no expectations for perfection, but after there is a lot of judging looks, the kind people give you when you forget things and think it is because you smoke too much, that is not the case I am just apathetic to most things. It is time for another episode of “TFTC: The Yogi Bogie Do-Si-Do Chat Show”, brought to you in partnership with Zamnesai, the perfect companion to relax, unwind and take things a little bit easier. As alluded to earlier, last episode was a weird one, let us hope that our host Yogie Bogie can unpack this mess for us. Take it away Yogi! -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Thank you so much to my friends for joining us, it is time for a bit of relaxation, we were talking last week about frustration and what the root cause is in psychology; the desire to do something combined with the inability to do it. I feel frustration has increased in modern times as our awareness of actions that can be undertaken has increased without much in the way of an increase in the ability to perform them, at least for most of us, some people are very lucky and have the means to do most of what they desire. For years we have been taught that the way to succeed is to set goals, I cannot tell you how many workshops, classes etc that have bored me half to death, went through the same vague steps of setting goals to succeed in life, yet, with all this information being washed into my brain, it still never really worked, worst of all is the act of failing at goals actually makes matter worse as we then get discouraged by the event of failure, the experts would say “set new goals” as though this was a magic cure, as though the new goals would be superior to the old ones, the only piece of advice they would add can be summed up in a quote from a cartoon. “There are three words that will make you happier in this life” “Use the force?” “Lower your standards”. Yet, if we lower our standards then we won't achieve the goals we set out to accomplish, meaning that you will need to set more goals, so really the previous goals are then just a stepping stone, and it just begins to feel pointless, as I believe it is written in the 40k Universe “Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment”. So it is not joining the roundabout of goals, where you constantly chase this elusive end target by setting even incrementally smaller goals and writing ever increasingly complicated and detailed plans to get there, then what do we do? Easy, fuck goal setting! Now, I am not saying do not aspire for more, I am also not saying do not give up on your dreams, instead you need to realise that whatever road you take in life has no set destination other than death. If you start going to the gym because you want to look like Ronnie Coleman then chances are you will be disappointed, you are not him, no two bodybuilders are identical, instead the goal should be as easy as just going to the gym, don’t worry about working out etc, just make sure you plan into your schedule the action you wish to incorporate into your life, then when you start doing these actions you can identify as that type of person. I am not an amazing grower, but I grow, therefore I am a grower. I am not a professional athlete of gym rat, but I go to the gym so I am a gym person. My friends, begin to remove the pedestals you put things on, do not get carried away with setting your sights on something so out of reach, instead work on just becoming the best you, if you want to be a dancer then start taking dance lessons, you might hate it, but if that was your “goal” then you would feel that it was a failure, instead if you experiment and see if you like it then you are either a dancer or you are not a dancer, no failure, just some funny anecdotes. Once you work on making your life a system where you do what you really want, then you will have less issues with failure. I want to be a writer, will I ever write like Tolkien, Bradbury or Lovecraft? No, my voice is different to theirs, so I will see where my journey will take me and not worry about creating a life of frustration by expecting things that might not be for me. After all, if you have read this, then I am a writer, so each day I write it gets a little better and a little better, until one day maybe there will be a place for me on your bookshelf, until then, I will just focus on being a better writer tomorrow than I was today, just a tiny bit better, no goals or massive aspirations, just sit down and write. My hope is that you get something from these writings, just to make you stress a little less and to be kinder to yourself, you are the best person you can be at this time in life, and tomorrow, just be that 1% better by organising your life in a way that will help. For more of a detailed account of how this works… and with the actual science behind it there are two books I would recommend: Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg and Atomic Habits by James Clear. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Pretty sure the writers just plagiarised some people here, would be funny if I got a cease and desist, ah well, fuck them! Thank you for stopping by the Closet, we hope that you, like us, will stop worrying about the big goals society demands of you, and instead just relax, sit down and work on things at an easy pace. Thank you to Zamnesia, they are very patient with me as my diary writing can be a bit sporadic, but wait, their kindness does not end there, use code ZAMMIGD2023 for a discount on seeds. Until next week friends, take it easy, change the system of your life and those goals will come to you. goodbye. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC Parents - Do-Si-Dos x Ruderalis Genetics - Indica-dominant Auto Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest THC - 20% CBD - 0-1% Height (Indoor) - Medium Height (Outdoor) - Medium Yield (Indoor) - 550-600 gr/m² Yield (Outdoor) - 100-150 gr/plant Available as - Feminized seeds -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Notes: Sup! Flowers are doing well, they are sexy af! Just a quick heads up, I come from a place where swearing is perfectly normal and no one really cares, so if you do not like the sweary words, just be thankful that I am yet to say the C word, it is one of my favourites. WE are cutting down on Nitrogen, flies are pretty much gone, clever trick for anything that is soil based like mine were, when you enter flower keep spraying the soil and container, eventually they all die off because it is so inhospitable. New tent! Woo, not typing about this again so bugger off and read it from the other two diaries. Love ya!
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
35 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 2 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 3 mll
ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC Parents - Do-Si-Dos x Ruderalis Genetics - Indica-dominant Auto Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest THC - 20% CBD - 0-1% Height (Indoor) - Medium Height (Outdoor) - Medium Yield (Indoor) - 550-600 gr/m² Yield (Outdoor) - 100-150 gr/plant Available as - Feminized seeds -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Notes: If you have not read the other two diaries, ffs then, lets go. The plants are doing okay, these are quirky in that one has this long arm that stretches out, the main stem is just so long but bent so flat, its really cool, the other was a prick and wouldn’t bend, so just left that sucka. There is foxtailing on my buds, not too bad, it is just the massive heat issues. A little more weed for more weeks will do, have kept up the CO2 supps to try and help, but if life gives you fox tails, be patient and just wait… or cut the suckers down and maybe enjoy the mixed experience of fresh and old trichomes. You do you!
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
40 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
42 %
22 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 3 mll
Welcome our wonderful friends, come and sit with us in this circle of trust, take some time away from the busy insane world we live in and just relax. It is time for your favourite talk show “TFTC: The Yogi Bogie Do-SI-Do Chat show” brought to you by Zamnesia, your ever dependable fries for all the stages of enlightenment. Without further preamble, here is your host, the one, the only yogi Bogie. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- Not going to lie, do not remember what we were talking about last time, yes, it is just there, but that was then and now is today. A Lot can be said for memories, they are the key to who we are, the code written into a programme which often governs the actions we take; if you have been brought up in an abusive house, you are far more likely to become an abusive person. There is a song by Tool called Prison Sex which talks about this cyclical pattern: “Do unto you now What has been done to me” Simple premise, scary implications. Life is all about cycles as we have previously discussed, it is a constant loop of behaviour and thought, the rich will continue to be rich unless they completely mess up, the poor will continue to be poor unless something miraculous happens (cycle of wealth, it’s real). What is the point then? If we live in a predetermined existence then what is the point in trying, will fate or whatever cosmic force that sets the order of things is so determined, then how can we stop this cycle from consuming us in a never ending loop, if we just stop, will life continue to force us to move forward? Well of course not. If you, like I, have overcome serious issues in life, have fought the demons in your mind and won, have taken the thirteenth step, then you will realise that any cycle can be broken. It is just really f****** hard. David Goggins was once asked about people with thyroid issues and genetic obesity, he said “it doesn’t matter, the answer is always the same”, seems cruel, but completely true sadly, no matter where you are in life, if you are wanting something that seems beyond you currently, then you need to change the cycle, you need to go through something that will transform your current existence into the one that you want. The reason that power earned is always worth more than power given, is that the person who earned it will know how to earn more, the person who was given it will never know how to make it in the first place: a lesson of fire freely given, lacking any effort it will soon fade, but, fire for which was striven, lives in the hands from which it was made. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- We would like to thank our viewers, I think we still have some of those, thank you for your patience and long suffering. Luckily, if you use Zamnesia there will be no suffering, just effortless enjoyment from shopping to delivery, so while you wait for the last few episodes of this show, why not use some of that time to take a little look at what they offer. Until next time, keep cool ganja clan. -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- ZAMNESIA SEEDS - DO-SI-DOS AUTOMATIC Parents - Do-Si-Dos x Ruderalis Genetics - Indica-dominant Auto Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest THC - 20% CBD - 0-1% Height (Indoor) - Medium Height (Outdoor) - Medium Yield (Indoor) - 550-600 gr/m² Yield (Outdoor) - 100-150 gr/plant Available as - Feminized seeds -{([I])}->=💬])}->=O)}->=🕺💃)}->=🧘‍♀️)}->=☯️}->⚡🧠⚡<-{☯️=<-{(🧘‍♀️=<-{(💃🕺=<-{(O=<-{([💬=<-{([I])}- They are doing well, the fox tailing has stopped, just waiting on them to mature, I always find flowering a bore, I mean yeah cool, I can see all that sweet sticky bud, but when can we just smoke it, then there is that question of when to stop feeding. The label on the seeds says something, but then you have small things like fox tailing happen and if I had followed the recommended flowering I would have stopped feeding two weeks ago. So yeah… lots to think about and not much to do. If you have any hints or tips drop me a message or a comment, either is good, means people like me, closest online thing to a hug xD


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SlowpokeFuegobudcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy growing!! 💚 💨
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, Thanks Gromie! Let it grow buds and make the world a happy place ❤️
yan402commentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck with your grow 🍀🤞
yan402commented2 years ago
@Jobbie,I definitely will 🤞
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@yan402, Thanks Yan, much appreciated. Stay tuned as the stories just get wierd.
deFharocommentedweek 22 years ago
I'm blocked in the chat Summer is very boring here, winter too, I'm only interested in my crops and having fun, I'm quite asocial, so I have enough with my memes
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@deFharo, A true cyberpunk! I'm spending all my time thinking up new ideas.
Sour_Dcommentedweek 02 years ago
I haven't had do si dos in a long time, hope this one is a winner buddy! 😎👊
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Sour_D, I am looking forward to them, thanks for the props. ❤️
Tropicannibis_Toddcommentedweek 02 years ago
GL my friend and Happy Growing
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Tropicannibis_Todd, Thanks brother, wouldn't be here without the grommies on the discord! 😘
Anonymous_2022commentedweek 02 years ago
Best of luck bro 💪
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Anonymous_2022, Thanks dude! Got the feeling I will need it. ❤️
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 02 years ago
Best of luck 👨‍🌾🌲
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Ju_Bps, I have been thinking about changing light over the grow, give it a boost when it needs it, thanks!
Ju_Bpscommented2 years ago
@Jobbie, let grow them for the first time, With auto I like do that, 24h on, first week Grow 22h Bloom 20h
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Ju_Bps, Thanks Ju, trying to learn the art of autos, any tips?
deFharocommentedweek 22 years ago
There is nothing more honest than being so in private. Reputation is just a curse in the hands of others... and I don't care! 😈
deFharocommented2 years ago
@Jobbie, Viva la revolución... plantemos marihuana por todo el mundo!
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@deFharo, The greatest acts were always in secret. Long live the revolution!
deFharocommentedweek 12 years ago
Good text... it has left me wet! 🖐️😋
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@deFharo, 🤣🤣🤣 glad I could be of service! Now I need to write week 2. 🤔😁
PapaNugscommentedweek 02 years ago
He's back! Good luck with this grow! 👍💪👊
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@PapaNugs, Thanks for the encouragement Papa! <3 ❤️
Natronacommentedweek 52 years ago
We want story, we want story...
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Natrona, Well I hope you are happy then? Thank you for the encouragement, means the world to me. 💜
Sour_Dcommentedweek 32 years ago
Nice job buddy 😍
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Sour_D, So far I am working on my plan for next propagation, will be writing up a plan before and will publish up here.
Sour_Dcommented2 years ago
@Jobbie, I'm still figuring out the autos myself. 😊
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Sour_D, Thanks D, I am still working on getting my auto skills tuned in, got any tips?
deFharocommentedweek 72 years ago
Quiero morir sólo con una verdadera palabra en mi boca: Satisfecho! 🧡
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@deFharo, That is a good goal in life.
SlowpokeFuegobudcommentedweek 52 years ago
💚 💨
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, 💚 💨 (pass to the left)
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 32 years ago
Looking good 👨‍🌾🌲👍
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Ju_Bps, Thanks Ju, I'm hoping it goes well, there are more autos in my future.
Patricia_Zamnesiacommentedweek 02 years ago
Dancing through this great adventure!💙🌱
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@Patricia_Zamnesia, Thank you, I'm hoping someone out there needs another perspective, just sharing the love ♥️
Tattooflashandweedcommentedweek 62 years ago
deFharocommentedweek 9a year ago
Rebellion! ❤️😈
deFharocommenteda year ago
@Jobbie, estoy de acuerdo! 👍
Jobbiecommenteda year ago
@deFharo The biggest act of rebellion today is to stop listening to the lies, plot your own life course and be the change you want to see.
deFharocommentedweek 82 years ago
La gran frustración es tener que trabajar duro!.. no perdono a mi padre que no fuera rico! 😈
deFharocommented2 years ago
@Jobbie, jejej! Sin sexo, sin vitalidad, no hay acción y sí mucha frustración 😋👍❤️
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@deFharo, That is boredom or poor systems lol, frustration comes from not being able to complete things, which is why when someone can't get sex they are frustrated 😂
PapaNugscommentedweek 72 years ago
Death is what makes life worth living
PapaNugscommented2 years ago
@Jobbie, 💯💯
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@PapaNugs, Then everyone should try and make it a good one, so live to the max before the end.
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