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'Dutch Dragon' by Paradise

5 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
6.35 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
15 PPM
75 %
21 °C
19 °C
26 °C
1 L
0 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.25 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.125 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.125 mll
Howdy howdy and welcome too week one with Dutch Dragon, by Paradise Seeds. The deets: **Breeder Notes** THC: 17-21% CBD: <0.1% Indica/Sativa Ratio: -25% Indica / 75% Sativa Indoor Flowering Time: -From 63 Days to 70 Days Harvest Month (n.L): -Mid October Harvest Month (s.L) : -Mid April Effect/Buzz: -A nice clear high with relaxing effects Smell/Taste: -Fruity/sweet Yield(s): -Outdoor (GR/PP): 1000 Grams (35.6 ounce) -Indoor (gr/m2): 500 Grams (17.8 ounce) Notes of the Week: -It has been a veeeeery slow start for all girls, but Dutch Dragon is clearly the most vigorous. She is behind two of her counterparts by three days, but has almost caught up in every way. -Reasons for the slow start are many. I made mistakes, simple as that. Got cocky and went into this grow thinking everything would be easy. I got complacent and pulled just about every newbie move you can with a seedling. Over-water, Check! Use the wrong starting soil, Check! Light too close, Check! Heat too high and RH too low, CHECK!!!😕 -I was spinning my wheels trying to figure out what exactly went wrong and what role my mistakes played in this. Yesterday, I decided, why? Closure would be nice, but I'm fixating on old problems instead of focusing on the solution right in front of me. Girls not happy...fix it and stop focusing on past mistakes. I know where and what I did. Move on. -Due to improper seeding soil, I scraped the top 3/4 inches of top soil and replaced it with highly conditioned Ocean Forest's amended soil. I generally don't use amended soils, but I felt there was a serious lack of Nitrogen in the soil I was using and I was hoping to wash down some of the nitro in Ocean Forest back into the existing soil. Actually looks to have worked... we'll see. -I moved ahead and micro-dosed all 4 girls. I know we're not 'supposed to' buuuut there's nothing in that soil! and it seems the girls have already gassed out their reserves. This is a test feed and we'll see if the girls picked up. (There haven't been any negative signs 24 hrs after the feeding, and growth on second sets seems to be picking up...(coincidence? IDK) -No concrete plans on methods and training I'll be using on Dutchy. I know that I will be using GHE series on her and finishing up the remaining product I have left w/ them. If I run out, I will substitute with Green Planets Trio and Humic/Fulvic acid additive. -This will be slow folks. Until I figure out some things and implement the new schedule I worked out, I really don't know what or where these girls will be in the next couple weeks. Completely touch and go at the moment. I have faith that it'll be alright....just losing time and lots of it. They're not dead, so there's that!😃 Thanks for dropping by folks. I have been pretty complacent with keeping up on my growmies journals and I apologize😕. I'm in a weird head space and trying to stay busy/positive. Not nearly as active on here as I usually am, so if I haven't dropped by for awhile, it's not you...tis me. I'm going to keep updating my journals but I may be quite absent for a bit. When I'm well enough to actually focus I will be happy to catch up on everyone's projects and ladies👍. Have a great week all and please! take care of yourselves and your loved ones. I'll be doing the same. Much love my friends😉👊 P.S: HA! BTW, I'm so bored I starting growing catnip for my cat and a couple other things. you'll see it in the last picture. Unfortunately, it's not cannabis, haha. But I am hoping to transfer my cannabis grow knowledge and get into vegetables. Built a raised garden bed last year and I'm going to germinate and sow all my seeds before moving outside, just like Grandpa did👍.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
6.35 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
15 PPM
65 %
21 °C
19 °C
22 °C
11 L
0 L
105.41 cm
Nutrients 9
Hygrozyme 1.25 mll
Gaia Green 2-16-0 Bone Meal 2.6 mll
Stim Root #1 Softwood 0.05 mll
Hey there everyone. Welcome to Week 2, Veg w/ Dutchy. Rough week, but it's all over now and we're back on track. The deets: The Good: -24 hrs after the emergency transplant, Dutchy visibly started to move forward again. From a dead stop to any kind of new growth was a good deal. New growth is clearly textured, healthy and green. She's starting to push quickly and new node points are starting to occur every 2-3 days now. -She's behind GDPB and PSK but has surpassed them now. From the get-go she was a hammy and vigorous little one, despite the sour soil. Now that she has the proper home, she's really taking off and HAS surpassed her counterparts. The Sativa in her? Maybe. (70-25% Sativa Dom) -Stems are getting much stronger and she's holding her weight well. Pointing straight up and no signs of damping off or damage (new damage). The Bad: -All the bad is listed in Week 2 of GDPB and PSK. It kinda doesn't matter now, since all has been rectified and the girls are on the move. Like I mentioned in my Space Cookies update, I'd prefer to pretend this never happened and we're in week one, haha😏. The 'Meh': -The "Meh" is just the recovery time I needed to eat for them to come back. It was touch and go for 5 days there and I wasn't sure if they were going to make it, but here we are. Ignoring the older growth that is a little iffy, the rest of her and all new growth is looking just dandy. We are NOT scrapping this project and will be bringing it to full propagation. Yay!👌 Notes of the Week (Notes of the week copy/pasted from Space Cookies Journal): -We are officially using Green Planet's GP3 line with 4 Additives (will be listed near future). I have chosen the two Paradise Seeds genetics to test the new nutrient line on and it's alllll very straight forward. The doses required are the exact same as GHE, which I'd been using this whole time. Not much of a learning curve, so that's cool👍. Also, a happy surprise I wasn't aware of when I opened the nutrients. Less/no DYE. Less hard reds, oranges or blues to stain your equipment, or god forbid your carpet if you have a little spill. Less/No dye is a big deal too me... It shouldn't be in there in the first place. -I'm crediting Gaia Green's Bone Meal (2-16-0) for the expedited recovery of the root system on all the girls. The slow release phosphorous and Cal is proving to do well by them and I'm very surprising how quickly their root, stem and lateral stem health improved, seemingly overnight. It also acts like a dolomite lime to keep pH in check. Something I really need to be aware of after their disastrous start. -As mentioned, NO SCRAPPING! All girls are in and recovering well. I'm pleased to say that I will be propagating these four girls, in full. Keep my wits about me and all will continue to recover and thrive👌. -Trouble acclimating the new tent as I wasn't ready to move to the big show yet. Finally got my VPD to 1.11 and I'm hoping to hold it there. Fingers Crossed.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.8 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
190 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
0 L
92.71 cm
Nutrients 7
Hygrozyme 1.25 mll
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.5 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.4 mll
Howdy hoe and welcome to Week 3, Veg w/ Dutch Dragon, or 'Dutchy', as I've come to know her. The Deets: The Good: -All seems to be going pretty well. There are very slight issues, but they're all aesthetic and I'm working on that. -She is the hammiest out of all 4 girls. The growth rate in height, width, fans and inter-node growth is head and shoulders ahead of her counterparts. -Taking her initial feeds very well without any nutrient burn or symptoms of over-watering's (anymore...). Her prelimary training is also going very well and she hasn't shown any stress with the initial bends👍 The Bad: -No Bad. Working on things but it's all good for now. The 'Meh': -Over-watered again, but that was early week and I learned my lesson...I hope. Back to the spray bottle for a bit and will be going to full feeds with run-off within a week here. -DD has the strong habit of dipping out, like clockwork, every night at 6 pm (the 14th hour on the 18 hour cycle). I've adjusted all my parameters, one at a time, to see if this would stop, but to no avail. She seems to be genetically pre-disposed to this and I'm going to have to accept that. Nothing's actually wrong with her...she just looks sickly at the end of the day, everyday. Next day she's back to praying like nothing happened. I feel she's just very sensitive to my heat and humidity, but the other girls are loving it. Going to tailor the environment to the other three now, and DD can acclimate or continue on the way she is. I can't cater directly to her while neglecting the needs of the majority. Notes of the Week: -Just watching them grow, really. Still not much to do other then that. Training has been started on 3 of the girls to expose lower nodes to light and air. DD is especially taking well to this and her growth rate/inter-nodal growth is faaaaar faster then the other's, currently. -On Saturday, May 2nd, two of the girls will receive their first feeding with run-off. I feel they have a defined root system to take it and I'm going to test this on 2 of the girls before applying to all of them. Already going against the schedule and tailoring my own feeds to specific needs. -I want the run-offs now, too see what's going on in the soil and if there's anything amiss that I need to rectify before top-side symptoms start to occur. I feel everything is just dandy, but I like numbers and this will validate my thinking. And, if it's effed up I can fix it! -YAH, so I did make the decision to give away the remainder of my GHE micro-gro-bloom nutes, but holding on to Diamond nectar and Floralicious Plus (Lot's left, very expensive, going to use it). Green Planet will be run on all four girls for the entirety of the grow. I have enough of each to carry them through the grow (my estimate...might need more Bloom, according to the doses). Plus, this will make things a lot easier for me. **Community Question:** Dutch Dragon is a weird one. The long and short of it, though, is I noticed she 'dips out' (sags) on hour 14, everyday, on an 18/ cycle. It's like clockwork and I have the photos and time stamps to prove it😅. I fought with humidity, heat, the light and the parameters to make her happy, but as the days go on and nothing works, I'm starting to accept that this may just BE her and her genetic make up will continue on like this. I have literally tried it all, but no changes to the environment or feeding times/amounts has given positive results.... Just her? If you have experience with a plant that refuses to acclimate, no matter your parameters, what did you do, or did you just let her do her thing and accept her genetic makeup? Am I missing something with her, too? A supplement or additive to help her along, maybe? I don't know! If you have anything to advice me on, please do! Thanks all for dropping by and seeing DD in her hammy glory and recovery. I wish you all the best this week. Keep healthy and safe! Cheers and much love my friends😊✊
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
13.97 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
375 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
0 L
77.47 cm
Nutrients 6
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.66 mll
RapidStart - Terra Aquatica
RapidStart 0.087 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.793 mll
Howdy all and welcome to another week with Dutchy. It was a good week and I'll make this 'shorter' then usual. The Deets: The Good: -Really good week with Dutchy. Fast growing girl, holy crap. She's pushing nodes and new sets, left-right and center -Training went pretty well with her and so did the first feed with run-off. She dipped out but came back pretty damn well. No shock or delay, new mains are already pushing away. -Leaf health has been getting somewhat better and the texture/color is coming back well. I feel her full recovery is close. The Bad: -I covered this in Space Cookies Week 4, so I won't rant in here. Essentially trying to find a reason why my plants dip out 3 hours before bed. Got into nastic movements and some articles that taught me a lot....but not what I needed to know. Still no answer, only theories. I will link the short article/blog blog below running through these theories. Spoiler alert: No one knows, lol. They're all theories going back as far as Darwin's observation of leaf nyctinasty and nastic movements this mechanism causes. It's a short read if you're interested. If you have more information/articles or sources that can help me with this learning, please don't hesitate to through it in below. Thanks! -Running a pretty low pH on my first run-off and really high ppm's. Don't care about the ppm's, it's new soil and has tonnes of excess from my initial feeds. The pH... I need to up that and this does explain some of the symptoms I'm seeing on my foliage. Doesn't explain the dip out, but I'm happy to know it's low and I can move forward to raise it👍 The 'Meh': -Just foliar symptoms and the dip out. I accept the dip out but will raise the pH. Will run 6.5 w/ 30-40% run-off (w/ nutrients) to reduce and wash out those ppm's, balance and raise the pH (a bit more anyway). Notes of the Week: -Released some training ties on DD and decided to train her a bit different. Going straight up and will control with LST and more topping if need be. -Did the first feed with run-off with GDPB and PSK. I didn't feel like I ran enough through them to drop my ppm's and raise my pH enough. I adjusted the feed and watering volume with SC and DD and their numbers came back a little better then their counterparts. I will have to do at least two more flush through's w/ nutes, in order to drop one and raise the other, while replacing the nutes I'm washing out. I feel things may be back to normal in a week or two(?). No expectations on the time frame, but I will get them back to happier reads. -Since nothing I did changed the 7pm droop, I've put back everything the way I know and the way I know works. Plants are much happier and I won't be screwing with their environment (much) anymore. Want them to acclimate after such a long screw around. I have a feeling they don't know what the hell is going on and why things keep changing, hahaha. This'll stop now. -Instead of upping my 'Grow' formula, I added in some Rapid Start from GHE and that'll be my soluble potash boost I'm looking for. Going to abide by the schedule a bit more and stop screwing around with that too. Again, I want to go back to what I know, for a little bit, just to get them back in good form BEFORE I start to play "scientist". -All plants have now been topped b/t the 5th and 6th. All, expect PSK took it really well. PSK dipped out and was giving some serious attitude afterwards and took twice as long for her to come back from the stress I inflicted. -LST is picking up as laterals are punching through all-round. I'm starting to see what I can do with them and even what I feel they should look like by end game. By next weeks update, I'm pretty certain all the girls are going to be twice as big and look like little bubbles (that's the goal, anyway). -Random note about my soil: Water retention of 3 gallons is 2.75L before run-off. Thought it was a decent number and the loamy mix I threw together seems to be holding and dispersing water very well. Thanks for reading folks. Wasn't as long as my usual tangents, lol. I hope you have a great week and take care. Much love and enjoy your projects! Cheers, all.😀👍
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
24.13 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
500 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 6
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.66 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.66 mll
Sturdy Stalk - Emerald Harvest
Sturdy Stalk 1.057 mll
Hello! This is Week 5, Veg w/ Dutchy. The deets: The Good: -Explosive week of growth for DD, holy crap. Started to train out and she's taking up space quick. I was told she would do this, so... here we go👍 -She finally seems to have a great stem and lateral stem rigidity. She's a lot stronger then she was last week. -The flush/feed applied this week did work surprisingly well. Looking to adjust a bit further, but I feel far more comfortable with her reads then before. The Bad: -No bad in my mind. The 'Meh': -The feed/flush went well, but there is a ways to go. PH maladjustment still exists and I'm still assessing what she does and doesn't have right now. My next feed will be plain tap, as I usually run a feed-feed-water schedule. Time will tell if she picks up a deficiency, toxicity (of some kind) and adjusts, or if there are more symptoms on the horizon. -Big. She's going to be very big, me thinks. Already nervous about the stretch and have to watch this one. Notes of the Week: -The biggest thing I face with all four girls right now is adjusting my soil pH and/or it's excess/lack of nutrients. I feel the moves I made to bring back a fried root system has worked, but in doing so, I did neglect the top side growth. During training, I did notice very early symptoms of something, but it's not discernible enough (for me) just yet to make a game plan. After this feed with plain water, I can guarantee! something will pop up. -Once the temporary leeching is done, I will be following up with a standard flush with all plants to rectify the remaining imbalance. At this time I'm hoping this will be like a 'reset' and I can go back to my schedules in their simplest form, instead of making these convoluted, special feedings. Literally back to basics, again, and will move into late Veg feeding after this has been done. -Tent is blowing up now that I've started heavy training. Already running out of room and it's a treat to observe. Adjustments have to be made 1-2 daily, as laterals are growing quickly/out of their loops. Really good problem to have and it's keeping me busy. I'm projecting a full tent by the end of week 7 (?) with another week up upward growth (8th week) before flipping. All tentative and dependent on my schedule and plant health, but if everything continues growing the way it is, they will need a flip relatively soon. -Tent parameters are actually very good right now and I haven't had to touch anything for awhile. Day/night temps and RH is pretty constant and if I hold these numbers, I'm positive they will continue to take it all in and thrive. -The 7pm droop is getting better! So, if you read last weeks entries, I'm trying to figure out why my plants are drooping out every night @ 7pm, 3hrs before lights off. Found a lot of theories, but none of them really matched my parameters... After the swing adjustment to pH and ppm's, the drooping is postponing until 8-8:30 pm. I have NO idea if it's anything I did, or if the flush had anything to do with this. I'm still confused and would like a solid answer, but that's probably not going to happen. I'll take what I can get, though, and I'm really happy that they're carrying themselves much better at days end, then before. **Happy Little Side Note**Early in these diaries, I mentioned that there would be consequences to the changes and the experimentation I was doing. Some changes felt mandatory due to my early issues, but other's were just short sided, knee jerk reactions to situations. It's been pointed out to me recently, by some super lovely people (/s), that my plants aren't perfect. Ummm, no, no they're not. I love each one of them and do my very best, but have never expected perfection. I have tried to be very concise in my entries, admit all my mistakes and how I got out of them. The seeding soil fiasco of this grow is a perfect example of this. I messed up, and I messed up bad. None of this would have happened if my head was on straight. did, I accepted it and I did my best to bring them back. I laid it all bare on the table, not knowing if they were even going to make it, in hopes that someone else may avoid the same fate I doomed my girls too. That was three weeks ago, the girls were at deaths door but they're back, growing in spades and are full of life. To suggest or ask for perfection, of my grows, is kinda absurd. I don't even ask that of myself... If anyone feels I owe them anything but perfection, you're in for a rude surprise. I'm going to screw up, and it's going to happen a lot. This is my third grow, please stop. I have and always will ask for advice and opinions on my page, but if it's straight criticism without constructive feedback, please do not bother. How you say something is just as important as what you have to say. This very basic principle of communication seems to be lost on some people's. On my side of things, I need to stop taking things so personal. Understand that not everyone is going to like you or what you do... it's just impossible to appease everyone and the more I try the harder it gets. If I argue my point or give a rebuttal, things just get worse and none of it is worth it. It's an unfortunate but manageable reality, I suppose. Thanks to all of you that are just there cheering each other on, giving one another solid advice (nicely) and carrying one another in new ventures. MVP's, all of you do-gooders. It's become very clear just how lucky I am to have this circle of like-minded people's. Your support and guidance means a tonne. Cheers and much love to you all✊
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
610 PPM
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
62.23 cm
Nutrients 6
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 1.321 mll
Floralicious Plus - Terra Aquatica
Floralicious Plus 0.264 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.925 mll
Howdy all and welcome to Week 6, Veg w/ Dutchy. The Deets: The Good: -Hey @Visions, holy crap man. Dutchy is big...just big. I've run out of room with her already and she's just a big ol' bubble now. Even with my screwing around, she still grew like crazy. I honestly can't believe the daily progression on her. She's actually starting to scare me a bit, cause the other's aren't at her pace and need time... but Dutchy is itching to go😐. -Dutchy was my test feed of a full late veg schedule w/ GP3, Monday. Went really well and 48 hours after the process I feel her health has come back very well. Color is evening out, new growth is green and not holding the same deficiencies as older growth. The older growth is slowly getting there, but I feel this will take some time....or they may just have to go eventually. -Happy and comfortable with her and will be moving to transitions feedings and transplant this Saturday (23rd). The Bad: -Good for now, better then before, no complaints👌 The 'Meh': -Notes of the week will have a copy/paste of info b/t SC and Dutch Dragon. Quick run-down of my mistakes, mis-conceptions and bounce back. -Aforementioned space issues. SC is smallest so these two will probably be side by side for the entire grow. Notes of the Week: -Long and short of it, I was way off about my plant symptoms. The process I went through was probably completely unnecessary and/or could have been done in a much easier and faster way. Unfortunately, a lot of things only "click" in retrospect, hahaha. Anywho, under-fed... a lot. Then I heavily flushed them and I couldn't take it Last week's aforementioned full feed was applied and all of the girls took it well. Within 24 hrs, symptoms and coloring's were already pulling back. Mainstay/Noticeable deficiencies were Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Magnesium, all of which have improved. Three days since the test feed on Dutch Dragon without any problems, just improvements. I will be moving to transitions feedings on their next go and completing a transplant of all 4 girls from their 3 gallon to 5 gallon final homes. Amending the soil with Gaia Green Bone Meal to condition my pH throughout Bloom. Dolomite lime was suggested and I did look into it (again), but I purchased the bone meal last grow to do about the same job. Not as good as Dolomite lime, but serviceable with a slightly faster release of P/Cal. As for Magnesium, I will find something to help if Cal/Mag supplementation doesn't do the job. -My retrospective thinking is telling me this wasn't necessary because I could have continued the normal schedule at a higher pH and heavier run-off. In time the issues ( I feel ) would have worked themselves out, the ppm's would have dropped and the pH would have aligned. This, or I could have applied a single heavy flush (not two) with Flawless finish, dropped those ppm's in one go and start again. Would have saved several days. Live and learn, even though I wish I would have seen things more clearly from the onset. Ah well. -All but PSK are bushy girls and I've started to defo here and there as they puff out. Doesn't seem any amount of LST is opening them up, anymore. Under-carriage is clean, but slowing working from the bottom up and taken suckers as they pop up. -High Humidity and colder temp issue atm. Meh. Extractions been on 24/7 for a bit and I've been using the ceramic heater again (including the day). That's the week folks, thanks for stopping by. Genuinely hope you all have a good week and take care. Talk at you soon✊😀
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
720 PPM
58 %
21 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
1 L
68.58 cm
Nutrients 6
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 1.321 mll
Floralicious Plus - Terra Aquatica
Floralicious Plus 0.264 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.793 mll
Hello all. This is Week 7, Veg w/ Dutchy. The Deets: The Good: -Great growth, great color and back to normalcy. Very happy to see her thrive and seems to be totally back on track. Happy day😀 -Training and pruning is pretty much a wrap and she took everything very well. Form is good and I'm hoping she grows evenly during the flowering stretch. -Transplant and transitions feeds were applied and she took these well, as well. No issues what so ever. PH is back in line at 6.1/6.2 and ppm's have leveled off to a non "holy crap!" number. The Bad: -Notta. Good week👍 The 'Meh': -No more space, but that's cool. We're going to flip and I'm going to brace her inwards pretty soon here. Should make moving a lot easier. -DD got a little wind burn before transplant, too. Low end circulation was knocking them around pretty fierce, but that has stopped with the 5 gallon transplant. They're not in the line of fire anymore. Notes of the Week: -All transplants were done with a 15mL/Gallon soil of Gaia Green 2-16-0 Bone Meal for slow release P/Cal throughout Bloom. Added bonus of keeping pH in check (somewhat like a dolomite lime). "Stim Root #1" for softwood applications has been used sparingly as well. Allows for zero delay when transplanting. Roots tap into new soil immediately. No stunting, no lost time. -A water feed was given to each girl in the past two days as I am back to my feed-feed-water schedule (and working well). I did include a small dose of GP3 Bloom, Humic acids, molasses and potassium silicate to keep her moving until the next feed. Cut the Cal/Mag and pulling my Mag from the Bloom's 1.5%. -Training is pretty much over. PSK has a little work to do, but this week all the training ties will slowly be released and replaced with bracing cables. 5-6, 2 foot sticks of bamboo and 1, 3 foot main bamboo line have been inserted and will be used to pull laterals back inwards, give them strength, and help them carry their flowering weight. All bamboo sticks (except for the 3 foot main) were inserted into the new transplant soil where there would be no roots and no root interference. To reduce root interference on the 3 foot main, I sharpen to a point in order to push roots aside, not bluntly destroying them. -The flip is on the calendar. PSK is even in good shape now. It's time. Either Sunday, May 31st or June 1st these girls will be put into 12/12. I'm really looking forward to this, but as per the usual, I'm a little nervous. It's been a battle with them so far and I'm really, REALLY hoping Bloom goes a tad better then early Veg did. -Oddly enough, these plants are larger in size then grow #2, at the same period of time (49 days). Attributing earlier training and the SF for these changes. Keeping the girls shorter and using more LST has pushed them to move a bit faster. Noted. -Hygrowzyme and King Kola will be introduced into the new Bloom schedule in the coming week (s). I did not use the PK booster as early as recommended last grow and looking to see what changes I will see with proper applications, throughout flower. Hygrozyme will only be used for the first few weeks of Bloom. If anything feels amiss or my gut tells me somethings off, I'll stop it's use and just use what I know. I kept these short this week. Yay! I hope you have a good week everyone. Have fun with the girls and happy trials to you all. Until next time, Cheers✊👋
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
415 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 4
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.66 mll
Floralicious Plus - Terra Aquatica
Floralicious Plus 0.264 mll
Sturdy Stalk - Emerald Harvest
Sturdy Stalk 1.189 mll
**I'll preface this very early entry by saying, you don't have to up-vote this! I'm only doing this early because I flipped last night and want to line up all my journals to be updated on Sundays, from here on out. These are the final pictures (Veg, Day 52), final heights and a very short run-down. Cheers** The Good: -Almost all good w/ DD. Still growing very quickly and it's probably good I'm doing the flip now. -Good health, decent color (minor iron/mag def.), very strong stem and laterals, praying everyday. -Heavy defo and prune 24 hours after feeding. No problems, stress or stunting. The 'Meh': -Slight Iron/Mag Def and lack of Nitrogen. Second 'transitions' full meal deal coming tomorrow to alleviate some of these issues. -High Heat, High Humidity. Trying to control. Notes of the Week: -All girls getting second transitions feed w/ first application of King Kola (PK booster) and possible hygrozyme soil conditioner in next two days. -9pm to 9am lights-off cycle is going to be Bloom cycle. Blurple LED is once again in operation and will be over DD and Space Cookies due to their shorter heights. GDPB and PSK will be under the SF to control the stretch, somewhat. -Need to be careful with power use now. The wrong device at the wrong time can trip her. Oof. -Primed soil before next feeding with Cal/Mag/Iron, 2/3rd dose. Cutting out Cal/Mag in feed, though. Micro and Bloom will hopefully carry the two. Thanks for reading. Take her easy and I will see you all Sunday when all plants will be done their first week of Bloom. Cheers amigos. **Symptom Details for Contact Viewing. Pictures at end of week** -colour fading on new leaves after flip. Also shiny green/yellow. Includes both the top and 2nd to top set of fans -old growth does not have any yellowing or burning. -laterals seem too rubbery and are splaying -growing quickly, no stunting noticed -Feed schedule is one every four days -Soil medium feels hard when dry. Just like a hard block. -recieved a second full transition feed with 15% run off to drop any excess and replace with new nutrients. Water feed was applied in between the transitions feedings -Mosiac yellowing pattern noticed and spreading on semi-older leaves. Bottom fans are still in full health and colour. -Feeds applied at 6.5-6.6 and roughly 800-900ppm (Tap is 245). Run-off at 6.2pH (I don't feel pH is the issue)with adequate ppm's (not too high, not too low). RH 55% and temp 20-23 degrees Celsius My theories (I'm reaching): -Over fert causing lockout of specific nutrients. -Watering practices aren't working and need to go to daily feeding. Over watered, causing nutrient take-up issues? -Too many heavy metals (iron, zinc, copper etc...) At root zone, blocking N/P/K and Mag. -Any non soluble additives not being broken down by soil microbes, blocking nutrient uptake? **What do you think? From afar, they don't look bad and the flash of the camera can make it hard to see. All pictures provided are without a flash and close up to clearly see the issues I'm seeing 😕😐. I can/will answer any further questions on the parameters, feeds and plant symptoms. Would really like your advice so I can start to help her heal... Again. Thank you I advance my friends!!!!!**
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
41.91 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
415 PPM
52 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 2
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.66 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1.057 mll
Hello all and welcome to the first Week of Bloom w/ Dutchy. Had a rough start but things are shaping up again. The Deets: The Good: -After a Cal/Mag flush to rectify some over-fertilizing issues, she is seemingly back on track and her color is returning to normal. Not going to count my chickens yet, but I'm happy to see this. -Cal/Mag, zinc, iron and Nitro deficiency are pulling back as I change my methods and schedule. Mosaic patterns are stopping, Cal deficiency on lower sets stopping, Mag deficiency on newer sets is stopping and iron/zinc (that was creating shiny yellow/green new growth) has also stopped and is pulling back. Need to bring more color back, but she is on her way👍 -Pistil Dev. is in full swing, albeit a slow start. Upwards growth has picked up and the stretch is adequate. Gaining roughly an inch a day and creating new node points every 1.5 inches or so. Bunched leaves are also spreading apart and the girl is able to breath finally. -Lite Defo and pruning went well. For stress reasons, I did not go to far with this. The Bad: -There was a lot of bad in the early week and it's covered in the GDPB and PSK diaries. It's a long read and we won't get into it here. Long and short of it was a suspected Phosphorus toxicity due to my poor feeding habits/methods. These methods have been changed and are covered in 'Notes of the Week'. The 'Meh': -Still some work to do to bring her color and vigor back to normal. I say this every week it seems, but until I get things back together and normal! it still stands true. I'm hoping these new adjustments will set me and the girls on the right path. -Still too tight and not breathing well. Waiting for the stretch to open her up a bit more so I can see what needs to go and what can stay. I had done major pruning in Week 7, but I will be going slow on this now, too. Going to defo and prune over a period of time, not in one go. Not worth the stress inflicted, especially since we just flipped. -Still some discoloring, but as mentioned, it has improved and the new schedule seems to be to her liking. The new schedule is more work, but it's paying off and I really don't mind spending more time with them👌 Notes of the Week: -Watering/Feeding method will be changing right away and I have already begun with Dutch Dragon. I will be doing daily or semi-daily feedings for the remainder of this grow. My previous method was not working for me or the girls anymore. I would like to have more control over what they see and when they see it. Only need to wait 1.5-2 days b/t feeds instead of the previous 4-5 days. Far too long a window if I make a mistake. Happy to make the change and refine my feed methods. -Applied a Cal/Mag flush on all plants. 36hrs after, the color IS getting back to normal and my progression pictures throughout the week have shown the shiny/dull coloring of new leaves to be pulling back. Blotching from Mag deficiency is also pulling back and the blotchy-ness of the fans is evening out into solid green (or a hue of green anyway). Dutch Dragon has the most noticeable positive changes, but was also the most affected. She was the first to get the flush and was my tester. Other girls health is catching up in tandem with DD, for the moment. -Upwards movement has been in full swing since the flush. The bunching and close inter-nodal points are becoming longer and they're all getting some room too breath. Took some specific fans blocking any light penetration and opened them up a tiny bit. Also going slower on pruning and defo now. Doing it over a period of time to reduce any stress, instead a mass prune all in one go. -Working slowly back into nutrient feeds and adjusting for what she needs via top-side symptoms. Currently, there is a Nitrogen/zinc/iron/Mag deficiency that I am working on. I have started with daily feeds on DD (today) @ 2750mL (instead of 7600ml...). Only nutrients/additives that will be seeing the soil for awhile, will be the basics. PK booster and other neat little supplements will be held back until health and vigor is achieved. These nutrients will be Micro-Grow-Bloom, Cal/Mag, Humic/fulvic acids and molasses. Thaaaaat's it. Will adjust feeds as needed. Don't know what they will want in a few days and will be playing this by ear. So far so good👍 So! That's the week and DD in all her glory. I'm happy she's in a better state then last week and we're moving forward👌. Thanks all for dropping by and reading up on DD. I hope you all have a great week with your projects, friends and family. Stay safe, stay lit and find some peace😊. Out!✊✊ **5 day update picture at end of photos. Wonderful recovery and color.**
Used techniques
Grow Questions
JinksyGrowsstarted grow question 5 years ago
Starting to select next grow genetics. I know half of what I want but have a short list of the others. Main one I'm looking at is an OG gelato. Have you grown it? What's it like and what bank would you suggest. International is fine with me. Thanks in advance.
Other. Other
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
I did grow gelat. Og. From seedsman and it was an easy, fun plant to grow. Lovely unique and unusual kushy flavour but not the strongest weed at all. Bubba kush is one I've heard nice things about too. The runtz from zamnesia is getting me excited, going to flip to flower soon! 🌱👍
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
49.53 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
415 PPM
58 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 6
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.528 mll
Floralicious Plus - Terra Aquatica
Floralicious Plus 0.264 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.528 mll
Hello, hello and welcome to the second week of Bloom with Dutchy. Fantastic week👍. The Deets: The Good: -New feeding methods are working so, so, very well and patience is paying off in spades. I'm really happy to have gotten and taken the advice I was given. She. Is. Very. Happy. The difference b/t last week and this week is night and day. -Stretch is going very well and she has been gaining positive height w/ her canopy opening up, allowing for more air movement and light to the under-canopy. -Nodes are tight but not too tight anymore. Leaves are separated and not sweating nearly as much as before. -She is taking her daily feeds very well. No dipping out, no negative reactions. Just takes it and prays to the light. She is vigorous and hammy as hell. Zero drooping at night now and praying all the way to the end of the day and when I open the tent in the morning. Super👌 -Getting furry and budding up! Stretch is slowing and she is bulking up. I feel this week will be a good show. The Bad: -Wow. Been awhile, but no bad😃 The 'Meh': -Still learning how to apply my new feeds and I feel I may have a decent schedule now that I've been doing this for a full week. Playing a lot of things by ear, but recording every last thing I do and reformatted my journal entries for ease of information transfers. -Lighting was not adequate and a change was made, putting DD and SC under the blurple with GDPB and PSK under the SF, now. The pictures posted are early day (today) before I did the move. GDPB and PSK updates will have the new set-up and rotation pictures added. -Big. Holy crap. I sucked her and Space Cookies inwards, but man oh man, there's no more room. With the stretch in full swing, it's a frigging jungle in there...hard to move things. Process and New Tentative Feeding Schedule: 1. Flushed w/ Cal/Mag (beginning of recovery) 2. 1/2 dose of recommended feed 3. Water 4. 1/2 dose of recommended feed (completing full feed over three days) 5. Water 6. 1/2 Dose 7.Water 8. *Planned lite nutrient flush to see where she's at. Max of 20% run-off to displace the old and replace with the new* 9. Wait to dry out and repeat 2-7 (intermittent flushes pending on plant condition. Don't know yet) Notes of the Week: -Being very patient has paid off... Despite the symptoms I was seeing, I didn't go pour a bunch of nutes on top and instead, just accepted it and stuck with the plan. Now, the girls (PSK a little effed up still, lol!) are doing very well and seem to be loving daily dosing with a water feed in b/t nutrient feeds @ 1/2 dose. -Moved to Green Planets "Massive Bloom" at 1/2 dose to test the waters. No issues and will be splitting these doses over a three day period as well w/ watering feeds in b/t -Tonnes of Defo and suckers to take on all the girls. Been taking these slowly to reduce any possible stress whereas Grow #2, I did it alllll in one go. Risky and have a better plan to take what's needed when needed. Definitely a non-issue, just going to take time and I'll be taking shoots and fans up to week 4, at which point I'll probably just leave them be and let them free-ball. -Aforementioned lighting change was done today to provide an adequate footprint and light to canopy height. On top of PSK's symptoms, the lamp was too close and did bleach some of her upper leaves. Oops😐. I was trying to control her stretch, but that wasn't happening. She's big and nearing 100% stretch since the flip. Really happy I triggered earlier and trained so low. I'd be hooped right now if I hadn't. -Going to be installing a UPS (un-interrupted power supply) right away here. Power has been going out a lot...again and still! I have no idea what they're doing out there, but it's making me nervous. Happened again this morning and I'm not going to let these dudes risk my project anymore. Sourcing a cheap UPS battery bank as I type. Yo! Thanks for stopping by folks. I was really happy to write this and I'm really happy to have this pretty lady kicking around in the tent. She used to be the most I feel she is the healthiest and most vigorous. Amazing man. Thank god for their versatility. GDPB and PSK will be updated tomorrow as Sundays suck for uploading, haha. I should have listened to Med😅. I hope you all have a great week with the girls! Stay safe, find peace and enjoy your family and friends, all. Keep the chaos at bay. None of us need it. Cheers folks😀✊
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
59.69 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
575 PPM
48 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
58.42 cm
Nutrients 7
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.66 mll
Floralicious Plus - Terra Aquatica
Floralicious Plus 0.264 mll
Sturdy Stalk - Emerald Harvest
Sturdy Stalk 0.66 mll
Howdy all and welcome to Week 3, Bloom w/ Ms. Dutchy (photos taken w/ SF glaring on them. My bad! Adjusted for GDPB and PSK updates). The Deets!: The Good: -Wonderful week with this biiiiig girl. She just gets thicker and thicker as the days roll by. Pumping laterals and new tops like crazy and trying to keep her under control. The stretch went very well and she seems to be tapping out at 24". More then enough room for a several more inches as she bulks up and moves outwards. -Training tyes are allll gone and she holds her form very well. Needed to pull her in a bit with tyes and bamboo, but this girl is firm, thick and ready to put on some weight👌 -Zero issues with the new feeding schedules and little dutchy seems to be more then happy with the change. I feel health and color are in full swing now and these last two weeks have been a treat. Any and all defo is going well and she isn't stressed out at all. She's just happy and that makes me happy😊 -Praying. Every. Day. I love it😉 The Bad: Get outta here....😄 The 'Meh': -She's thick. Thicker then expected. I keep taking shoots and fans but no amount seems to be enough. She is somewhat hard to control and needs extra time and attention from me to keep things in order, lest things get too wild. -Movement is a pain. Edge to edge of the tent and slightly overlapping one another makes for hard rotations and feedings. It is what it is but I see that maybe some slightly smaller girls next go would be more appropriate. I don't want them competing for light and I feel with their current size, that's exactly what they're doing. Doing more 180 degree rotations to allow lower laterals not in direct light, to further develop and flourish. Been adjusting the blurple a bit better to provide a better footprint as well. Ya think I would know what to do by grow three, but it's still a learning curve and I usually need to adjust my tent parameters every 2-3 days. -I notice that my last pot up wasn't perfect and have already planned to make changes for grow #4. I potted up from a 3 gallon to 5 gallon, but it does not leave enough room on the sides to properly fill with soil. At first they are bulbess, and with time I can start to see the soil settle, creating air gaps. This will be changed next grow by either going from solo to 2 gallon, to 5 gallon or! just solo right too 5 gallon. Save myself some time and do these transplants a tad better👌 Notes of the Week: -Flush performed on all girls this week to check out where they're at. Listed below are all the run-off numbers pulled from these flushes. Not putting a lot of weight into these numbers, but the way they came back was nice and constant. They all seem to be in the same place and it's a happy one. -Stretch appears to be at an end as all girls have started to get fuzzy and bulk outwards. I expect a few inches here and there, but it's over and there's still room for some bud growth. -In the feeding schedule portion of these entries I'll be listing the total feed over the week. These numbers were not all in one go and were spread out over three days with a water feed in between. These are all tailored feeds/numbers and don't mirror the GP3 schedule exactly... -Besides defo and some lateral control, these girls are pretty much being left alone to do their thing. I feel they formed well for the most part and there's not much left for me to do then just to feed and let them go to end game. Kind of a paranoid time for me as I'm worried about the dreaded hermies @ week 3/4 of Bloom. I know it's a long shot, but I know this is when it would happen, if at all. Just being extra vigilant right now and going over them everyday with a fine tooth comb. Run-Off's. 2 Gallons run through each girl w/ about 20-25% Run-off: SC: 6.2/6.3pH and 955ppm DD: 6.1/6.2pH and 947ppm GDPB: 6.2/6.3pH and 1028ppm PSK: 6.2pH and 1077ppm **Back too daily feedings w/ nutrients at 1/2 dose over 3 days with water feeds in between** Thank you for reading and for stopping by home boys and home girls. I hope you have a great, safe and happy week with your girls (or boys for breeders!). Much love and take care all. Cheers✊👋
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
59.69 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
470 PPM
54 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.396 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.528 mll
Sturdy Stalk - Emerald Harvest
Sturdy Stalk 0.66 mll
Hello all and welcome to Week 4 of Bloom with Dutchy. Great week👍 (SC and DD look soooo much alike it's hard to differentiate which is which. I apologize in advance if there are duplicates or a photo in the wrong entry). Here's the Deets: The Good: -Huge week for Mrs. Dutchy. Her potential is clear as day now and I feel she's going to pack a large yield when all is said and done. -Very thick and abundant trichs pushing left right and center. New node points and bud sites kicking up as well. She's already stacking so well and there's a tonne of time left to go. Really excited to see her progress day to day😃 -All plant health is currently in check and her color and vigor are evident. Not seeing any symptoms or problems for three whole weeks now. She's moving and moving fast without much interaction. Taking her daily/semi-daily feeds well and everything feels 'right' right now. The Bad: -Third week in a row. Nothing bad👌 The 'Meh': -Still defo to do as she is still moving and growing quite a bit. Taking key fans blocking light and air on a daily basis. Still space issues even with the girls in the back now sucks inwards. A little over lapping is okay though, as I have heavy circulation going and nothing is sweating anymore. -Literally no other 'Mehs'. Cruising along. Happy as a clam. Notes of the Week: -As mentioned in GDPB and PSK, the dosing listed in the Nutrient portion of these entries is the TOTAL product used over 3 days. Day 1, half dose. Day 2, water. Day 3, 1/2 dose, completing full nutrient feed. Repeat with intermittent flushes every 9-14 days as needed. -Huge potential being seen with Space Cookies, Dutchy and PSK. They're bulking up very quickly and their cola stacks are going to be thick. Granddaddy Bruce is still behind in my mind. She's moving well but is clearly being outpaced by her counterparts. Hoping she kicks it up a notch soon here. We shall see. -For consistency sake, I've cut out Flora-licious from GHE and have moved to 'Liquid Weight' by Green Planet. Half doses have started on all girls and they have been taking it very well without issue. Since the first application, they have been moving a tad quicker and I will be applying LW from here on out. (Smells really bad though, lol) -All girls have tapped out now and the stretch is officially over. Have some extra space just in case, but I feel they're done their big push. -Getting smelly! Lots of different terpenes making their presence now and it's a treat. Lot's of Caryophyllene, but PSK is getting fruity (?). Didn't expect it, but I love ocimene, sooooo, bring it on😀 -Curious to see what colors, if any, I can pull out of these girls. It's quite warm in my location now and due to power issues, I can't use an AC unit. At night, I can drop as low as 19 degrees, but that's about it. I love my late Bloom coloring's and I'm hoping I get to see a bit of a show, regardless of the warmer weather. -Looking to finally drop the Blurple light and will be contacting some manufactures to find another SF-2000 or a direct equivalent (or as close as possible). I want to complete my footprint with quantum's and also save myself a couple Watts. Soon, I may be receiving a second 4x4x6'7" Mammoth unit from a friend who is moving and doesn't know if he will be able to grow in his new location (bylaws and such). IF this happens, I can FINALLY expand my operation and get into more projects. Want to do an auto run, an SOG run, a 1-2 plant SCROG run and on and on and on... I have 5 years worth of plans in my head, it's now time to start executing them. The unit I may be able to purchase off of him will be an HPS/MH, 600-800W system and I think it would be nice to grow the "old" fashion way for the first time👍. That's the week folks! Thanks for stopping by and taking a gander at the little/big girl. Hoping to show even more goodness next week as she thickens and pushes more bud sites. I wish you all a good, happy and healthy week out there. Enjoy your projects and stay safe! Much love all and happy trails👋✊
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
758 PPM
57 %
22 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.66 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.66 mll
Sturdy Stalk - Emerald Harvest
Sturdy Stalk 1.057 mll
Hello all and welcome to Week 5 of Bloom with one of two squat beasts. It was a weird week with DD and my paranoia kicked in and I'm hoping all is well. We shall see. The Deets: The Good: -She's bulking up quite well and shedding trichs at a fast rate now. Her cola stacks are the most defined out of all four girls and she looks like she will pack a large yield if all goes well from here on out👌. -I feel the majority of defo and pruning is done and she will be left alone, for the most part, until the end of the grow. She did not react or stress too badly, but did get a bit upset for the first time in a long time. Pressing my luck and backing off defo for several days😬. The Bad: -It's a Meh/Bad and I'll throw this in the 'Meh' section. Otherwise, all seems to be doing well, just paranoid. -Grow #2 I made a mistake and was reading the wrong notes and ended up over feeding Do-si-dos. Had this opposite problem here and mis-read my notes, looking at Space Cookies not Dutch Dragon. I feel this is why she is showing signs of deficiency due to under-feeding. Found out I only applied a full recommended dose over 11 days.... That's far less then adequate for her needs and changes have been made today and are outlined below. The 'Meh': -My paranoia comes from some early pistil browning on DD. It's not a complete die out and has been occurring for about 5 days now. Light was backed off, but the brown pistils are showing in the under-canopy as well, so the lamp probably wasn't the issue, but was moved just in case it was causing too much stress. -I have witnessed a friends grow go full hermie from beginning to end in week four of his flowering period, in his first grow. I know what to look for and haven't yet found anything to solidify my thinking. There is no mass die off, there are no bulbess sections on bud masses (Seed Development), there are no nanners or shed pollen seen and there are no seeds as I took three calyx(s), one from top, middle and lower canopy, w/ empty shells. So, nothing to say she has hermied, but I've been going through this girl like a fine tooth comb two times a day to make sure she isn't a threat to herself or the other girls in the tent. -My daily/lower EC feedings had been going very well, but I see I need to adjust here and up the dosing. Her needs are great and I noticed a slight Nitrogen deficiency on several fans near the top. She seems to have started to cannibalize her surrounding fans already, so slight adjustments to her feeding schedule will be made and started today. She received a full recommended dose of micro-grow-bloom and Humic acid while sticking to half dose Liquid Weight and Massive Formula and Cal/Mag. This will now be applied instead of splitting my doses 50/50 over three days. Notes of the Week: -Even with the changes, the "Nutrient" portion will still show the entire EC given over a 4-5 day period. -There is slightly browning pistils on all girls now, but the more I look, the more I feel it's natural and it's just time. Moving into week 6...I should be okay, ya? I don't mind a couple seeds if that happens, I'm just paranoid that I'll open up the tent and see a full seeded hermie. Fingers crossed. -Besides GDPB (who is starting to pick up her pace) all the girls are moving very quick and putting on weight. Besides some early browning of some pistils (15%-ish) they're bulking up and I'm pretty happy with the potential I'm seeing. -Humidity and heat are a battle but I'm just accepting it and doing what I can to mitigate both. Tent is essentially open all day long w/ full extraction to mitigate heat and I pulled a big-ass dehumidifier from a separate CCT on an extension cord, into the room the tent presides. This has been buying me -5-10% RH in the tent and it's about the best I can do for the moment. -Looking to do a full dose flush right away here. It's been three weeks since the last and I'd like to see how my feeding schedules are working for them. Too much, not enough? I'll find this out in a couple days. Won't be running much through them, just enough to pull a run-off sample. 10-15% run-off will be taken, max. So that's the weird, paranoid week I had w/ Mrs. Dutchy. I have faith all will be well, it's just seeing the brown that made me nervous. Taking multiple, daily pictures of single tops to track and see if symptoms are progressing and if there is a massive pistil die off occurring. Need to be ready to move her as soon as possible if this ends up being the case. Please put your eyes on the "single top examples" in the pictures and let me know if Ii'm crazy or if this is something to be slightly concerned about. Thanks all for stopping by and please lend me your eyes on Dutchy. Let me know what you see and if there is an issue in your mind. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much😀. Cheers and much love folks! Have a great week😊. Below are two special notes/updates **Note #1: After weighing all my options and taking suggestions from all you lovely people, I did end up pulling the trigger and ordering a second SF-2000 for consistency sake. I know it's more expensive then other lamps and I could have saved a couple bucks by going through Alibaba or other wholesalers, but I love the SF and I know it works for me and my needs. In future I will mitigate my costs with quantum board equivalents, but for now I feel a second SF-2000 was the right call and will complete my flowering footprint. This lamp should arrive by Friday and I will be able to have it in operation by June 11th, before end of Week 6 (as planned). Again, I appreciate all the responses and advice I got. I genuinely looked into allllll of it and didn't ignore a single suggestion. The SF-2000 is just what I kept migrating back too and hence why I made the move** **Note #2: So @HighRoller909 sent me a user link on GD's platform and I feel I have a duty to plug this fella. He/She doesn't know I'm doing this, but I feel deep down that they deserve some attention, as they are highly, highly competent and they're turning out absolutely beautiful specimens with nothing but the most stellar bud. From beginning to end, this person doesn't screw around. Also, and most importantly, the information and detail in his/her entries is out of this world. I've been running through their diaries and there is soooo much solid and pertinent information to digest. Please go check these grows out, you won't regret it. Absolutely stunning work, no half measures, only passion and ambition. This person is! @DeFharo. Please go show some love for this green thumb grower. It's out of this world! A master, my friends. Have fun over there!** Bye!!!👋
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
803 PPM
49 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 7
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.66 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.793 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1.004 mll
Hello-hello and welcome to Week 6 of Bloom w/ Dutch Dragon. The Deets: The Good: -Had a lovely week with Dutchy and she's just been taking off and bulking up. It's a treat to watch and I'm already thinking she will be the highest yielding plant. -She was a bit slow in shedding trichs and I had some preemptive browning, but with a light move and a change to my feeding schedule, new pistils have popped and she's starting to produce far, far more trichs. Still a tad behind, but she is starting to get frosty. -Defo and pruning is still fine and dandy. She's not getting mad at me when I do the work I gotta do and is all round just an easy, happy little one. The Bad: -Good Week, no bad👍 The 'Meh': -Weirdest summer I've seen for a long time. Nothing is consistent and I have to change things pretty much everyday now. High's and low's are swinging too far and I'm watching the tent parameters pretty closely. -Missed taking a side shot. My bad, but I hope you get the gist of it with the rest of the pictures😃 Notes of the Week: -SF Friggin 2000 came in! Tested and installed, all is good. So happy to be rid of the blurple for now! This tent set-up is complete folks and it's a good feeling. Took a year to get all the pieces together, but here we are😃. As soon as I installed er and took out the blurple, the first thing I thought was "time to get another tent and build it up"😅. So that's what I'm doing. I may not have the power needed to run a second unit where I currently live, but I'm going to start building and piecing out my next set-up in prep for my inevitable expansion. Fun times man!😀 -Some leaf changes occurring on a couple ladies now. Slow moving, but I feel it's time for them to start turning in and looks like Dutchy will be putting on a show. Already starting to see some amber coloring's on some of her top fans (not brown/burn). -Trich production felt really slow at first (with all but one girl) but that has changed this week and their development and trich production is through the roof. Happy to see them get caked up in prep for the big bud up. -Coming into the last 3-4 weeks here and all girls are getting thick. I feel this will be a good week in showing me what potential they harness and will surely get much fatter as time progresses. Felt PSK and GDPB were a little behind Paradise genetics, but that seems to have changed and they are moving at a much faster rate. -Did my light nutrient flush-through of all girls this week and below is DD's old and new reads. She seems to be in a good place, but does have a tad excess that will be knocked down in her next water feed. Old Run-Off Read: 6.3pH and 947ppm New Run-Off Read: 6.0pH and 1474ppm (Tad high. Will knock down/leech next water feed) So that's it everyone. Trying to keep these a little shorter these days as things are getting busy on my end and it looks like I'll be going back to work here very soon😵. Excited to get back out there but nervous too! I genuinely hope you all have a wonderful week and I'll do my best to keep up with all you and your projects. Have fun, stay safe and much love my friends! Peace👋✊ **Today I'm hoping to direct your attention to another grower that I've been following for a few months. If you haven't heard of them, please go check out this absolutely amazing holy crap. When I first found him I was pretty envious. What this fella is doing is where I'd like to be one day and will strive to achieve this goal! This wonderful grower is @Compassionate_Gardener. I don't really have to say anything... just check out what he's doing and you'll understand why I respect his projects sooooo much. Not to mention they're very chill, very kind and very supportive. Keep up the fine work Mr. Gardener. Still jealous! Haha😃**
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
843 PPM
58 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.66 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1.004 mll
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.981 mll
Hello all you fine folks. Welcome to Week 7 of Bloom w/ Dutch Dragon. The Deets: The Good: -Just had a great week watching this girl bulk up. As previously mentioned, it appears she will undoubtedly be the highest yielding plant out of the four. Her cola stacks are very well defined and meeting up, forming wonderful columns of beauty bud. -Trichomes have been shedding at an even faster rate now and she's still pushing very healthy new pistils @ all sites. She's got a ways too go. Being this large and well defined with 2-3 weeks left is an exciting revelation. So much more time for more progress, growth and girth. -Reformed and defo'd the remainder or what needed to go this week. She's still thick but opening up the inner canopy by taking key fan leaves has allowed for some lower growth to ripen at a much more satisfying rate. The little popcorn buds are turning into substantial golden nuggets w/ tonnes more potential then previous. The Bad: -All positive, zero complaints. The 'Meh': -Humidity, that's it. I talk about it every-week and things are decent, but spikes in RH here and there have been causing a bit of drooping when it's at it's heaviest. Circulation is on full and nothing is sweating. I'm not worried about bud rot, but I do like a nicely acclimated unit and I do try to give them the best environment for them to thrive. Trying to achieve this right now is tough, but things will fall back into place soon. I have faith👍 Notes of the Week: -SC and DD have been braced inwards (finally) and some relatively heavy defo was performed. They are essentially in shape until harvest and won't be needing much intervention. GPDB and PSK were also braced inwards, but have not been as big an issue as SC and DD. Their height vs width is the issue here. After the bracing, I was able to move the two back girls in and out with ease. -SC looks like she is the first to start turning in and her pheno's have started to pop. Looks like we're going to get some purple and blue! PSK has very dark pheno's, reminiscent of DSD in my second grow. It's a surreal color to watch pop out and it's a really good show. DD is starting to turn in and GDPB seems to still be full green and a tad behind her counterparts in terms of bud development and color changes. -Tentative harvest (very loose) for SC and PSK will be in 2-3 weeks (First week of August) w/ DD and GDPB in 3-4 weeks (Second week of August). Trichs on all girls are still clear and transparent atm, but I'm going for a more narcotic high on all these girls. I'm willing to sacrifice some THC and let them go a week or so past optimal harvest in order to achieve this. I love couch lock smoke that helps me eat and sleep. Even with the 80/20 DD sativa, I plan on letting her go to allow for some THC conversion and a more narcotic, laid back stone👍. I shall see what I'm able to do in these regards. -Second SF-2000 is working out very well. The girls in the back aren't fighting for light anymore and have been praying very nice to their new light source😊. Any cupping occurring is a symptom of the girls starting to turn in on themselves. I friggin love Spider Farmer man. I love this tech👍 -No pictures available of it, but those 4 plants I've been working on for my friend are doing quite well! or at least far better then before😅. At the very least, they aren't visibly dying anymore... Necro and foliar symptoms stopped and they're actually putting on some weight now/pushing small new fans to make up for the previous loss. This is allll from a massive pH imbalance causing a lockout of P/K/Cal/Mag/Zinc/sulfur and probably a few others that were overshadowed by the more serious symptoms. Ran a second regiment on them on Friday w/ both pH rising and ppm's dropping. Still a ways to go, but we are on our way. He's happy, I'm happy and his girls are far happier. Continued luck that I can get his girls to end game w/ some decent bud (quantity won't be there...) -Purchase next grows medium and nutrient's. Going with my favorite potting soil, Dutch Treat, mixed 50/50 w/ a peat moss medium for aeration. Moving to Future Harvests full Veg and Bloom line and outing Green Planet as my primary line. Will also be moving back to King Kola (PK booster) by Emerald Harvest as I've already run out of 'Massive' by GP... w/ 3-4 weeks left. Super. They wanted another 35 bucks for 1L of Massive. This is dirty up-selling to me. Don't give enough product to complete the four plant grow (as they advertise) so you're forced to buy more and at a higher volume/price. Getting stuck in the cycle of never having enough or having too much isn't for me. I'm not playing this game. There's nothing wrong with the's actually good, but I'm looking for consistency and I feel I'm not getting that w/ GP. Run-off notes: Previous Read (July 14th): 6.0pH and 1134ppm New Read (July 18th): 6.0pH and 1377ppm (Small spike, increased feed dosages) That's the ballgame my friends. Thank you for dropping by, for real's😀. I love to share and I'm happy to share with all of you! Thank you for your continued support and help as I navigate cannabis cultivation! I need you all, man. Wouldn't be this far without you. Cheers and take care this week everyone. Much love and catch you on the flip side👋👊 **Edit** Met this grower very recently and checked out their diaries. They're brand new to the site but already making positive waves. Wonderful plants and pretty colors! If ya'll are interested, please check out @ujekg. I feel you'll like what you see👌. Cheers!
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
843 PPM
58 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.66 mll
King Kola - Emerald Harvest
King Kola 2.113 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1.004 mll
Hello, hello and welcome to the end of Week 8 Bloom w/ Dutchy. The Deets: The Good: -I'm just standing back and watching this girl blow up. She's getting thicker by the day and still has a ways to go👍. Not as trich heavy as the other girls, but definitely looking like she'll back a punch. -Health is still very good w/ her color very slowly bleeding out, evenly. Might get a show, might not. We shall see. -Changes to nutrients and defo has proven to be A-okay. No stress, no anger, no dipping out. Pretty happy little kid👌 The Bad: -Heeeeeeeeey....nope! The 'Meh': -Due to high heat, some fox tailing is occurring on Dutchy (also on 2 others). This may be a symptom of her lineage, though, as she is an 80/20 Sativa. @Visions brought this up and it would make a lot of sense (He grew a DD too!). Some of it is heat related, but I can definitely see the strain type being part of the issue. Regardless, it is what it is and I'm not going to stress over it... Nature of the game😊. -And ya, just heat is high right now and I don't currently have the means to control it, except for circulation and 24/7 extraction. She's eating and drying faster now too, so I need to watch how much salt based nutrients I'm subjecting her too. There was some slight leaf tip burn this week as a result of the higher heat and faster eating. -I realized this is my first "Summer" grow and in my first grow I was in vegetation right now. The heat and RH was great for this, but now that I'm in Bloom, I see summer isn't exactly an ideal growing time in my area for this time. I also see that it's far easier to create humidity and heat then it is to reduce it, making winter grows kinda preferable... May try to line up Veg next year to fall in July/August and flip to flower in early/mid September. Notes of the Week: -Space Cookies will certainly be the first to get the chop as she is further ahead of the others. Tentatively looking at 2 weeks for SC and 3-4 weeks for the other three girls, pending on their maturity. -Due to the current high heat, I've noticed some fox tailing on the girls tops. Dutchy seems to be the most affected but is also the heaviest, genetics a bit? -Move to King Kola over "Massive" has gone very well. All girls took the change without a reaction. Not there should have been, however. -Tent has become a battle of the terpenes again. Each girl fighting to dominate the space. It's getting quite smelly in there! I'm nose blind to all of this now, but when friends come over the first thing they say is "Smells like weed in here!" lol. I think I need to control the odor a little better. It's legal...but I still don't like to advertise for safety and security of my home. That and I live between two very young families with kids. Though I love Cannabis and it's my right to partake and grow, I do respect the noses and sensibilities of my neighbors. I actually just feel it's best to keep it on the down-low, legal or not. Protect yourselves and your homes! -I can't guarantee grow #4 will be this way but chances are it will be too. I see I need to choose my strains a little better to improve my turnover. If SC goes first and the other still have 2 weeks, that's a lot of big tent down time. I also use my propagation tent as my drying tent, so one project can't really start until the last one has ended. Weighing the option of picking up a second propagation tent so I can dry and start grow #4 @ the same time. It's only 2-3 weeks of down time, but that's a dog's age in cannabis! Hey, thanks for stopping by everyone. Hope this wasn't too long and I realllly hope you're all doing well out there. Kinda chaotic times and certain days I feel it more then others. If you're like me, just remind yourself that this too shall pass and every little thing, gonna be alright. Enjoy your projects, family and friends this week grow guys and grow girls. Until next time, Cheers👋👊 **Contact Edit** If you haven't heard of @Cariboo_OG yet...where have you been!😀 Dude has one of the best attitudes I've encountered on this platform. Super supportive, passionate and talented. Making really positive waves on here and Instagram, helping others and paying it forward. For the love of God... Please give this grower some love. Someone I don't feel you're going to want to miss! Cheers. And thanks for all the love and support @Cariboo_OG. You're a genuinely awesome fella👍
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
630 PPM
58 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.528 mll
King Kola - Emerald Harvest
King Kola 2.113 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1.004 mll
Hello all and welcome to Week 9 of Bloom w/ Dutchy. The Deets: The Good: -Woot! Great week. DD has gotten her last feed on Aug 1st and we're going to let her run down, turn in and taper off all her doses now (already have been). Only Humic acid, a ripening additive and a touch of PK will be used until she's ready for the chop. Looking to Monday, August 10th to do this one. -Massive final push in both trich development and bud girth. She's quite thick and reminds me of NL #1 from Grow #2. Just a ball of bud. -Turning in very nicely. Not that "special" of a show, but she is turning to autumn colors and is looking just dandy👌. By Monday I'm positive she'll look fantastic and I'll give her some final glamour shots before I knock er down. The Bad: -Nopers. The 'Meh': -Meh. High heat created some fox tails. Not a big deal. Next summer grow I will need to find a solution to permanently tackle these heat issues, however. Notes of the Week: -Space Cookies will be coming down this Saturday, August 8th. Prepped the dry tent and we're ready to go. DD will come shortly after and GDPB and PSK will be last (according to trich pictures and color). -Fox tailing did occur on all! girls due to very high, consistent heat in my area. I'm not upset at all. Nature is nature and the girls are just fine despite a couple tails here and there. Besides being less aesthetically pleasing, there's nothing wrong with them at all. -I was going to go out and buy another 2x2x3 propagation tent but was thankfully stopped by someone who gave me a better idea. Why not just buy another 4x4x6... I will be expanding soon here and have been weighing my options, so going with a big unit makes sense... for 40 bucks more I purchased a 4x4x6 unit with a separate 2x1 propagation chamber w/ racking and a divider wall. May not use the propagation part of the unit, but I felt it was good to have options. Maybe I want to grow some micro greens? Done! -Looking for a location as we speak, to expand my projects. I talk about it a lot, but after some very informative and positive conversations/affirmations, I'm actively contacting and looking for a location that I can exercise my ambitions/passions. It's really tough... Anywho, I have faith I'll find something, write up a contract to cover my ass, and then move on to bigger and better things. Don't know if this will be a live in situation or a proxy location. When I know this part, I can finally pull my ACMPR licence and go bigger👌 -I won't name name's, but I wanted to thank the couple fella's I've been speaking too lately (you know who you are😉). These types of dudes are the reason I'm here in the first place. They have supported me endlessly and given me ambition to move forward. I've always had a pretty low level of self-esteem, but these two gentlemen are changing that (I don't think they even know...). I'm starting to see the value in what I do and have faith in myself in what I can accomplish, if I want it. As long as I keep my humility, stay humble and withhold expectations, I feel great things are on the horizon. -**I have a ramble/story posted in my SC entry this week if you're interested. Pertains to giving advice and/or taking advice.** Thanks so much for stopping by all you happy growers. I trust everything is well with you and I hope you have a great week with your projects. I'll get to your updates very soon if I haven't already! Busy week again and trying to catch up😉. Cheers and catch you on the flip side✊👋
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
205 PPM
45 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 0.264 mll
Liquid Weight - Green Planet Nutrients
Liquid Weight 1.506 mll
Hello all you fine folks. Welcome to the finale w/ Dutch Dragon. Her final day was Saturday, August 15th, day 75 of Bloom. Here we go😀. The Deets: The Good: -Dutchy had a tremendous finish in my mind. She performed very well during the final 3 weeks and there are some hefty, dense buds that came off of her. -Kept her form very well throughout the entire grow and when removing my bracing tyes, she had little to no give. Strong and stout girl, man👍 -After handling her I find she is far more resiness then I'd expected (is resiness even a word..?). That along side her trich heavy leaves make's for a tasty looking treat. -More on Harvest in the Final Harvest Notes (After a short cure), but she did put out quite a bit of product and I have zero complaints. Just a ballpark, but I feel I'm looking at 3.5-4 ounce(?) which would be just super😀 The 'Meh': -Great form, great top buds, but oof! I got's me some undercarriage LARF that seems a bit too much... I don't know if this is due to the high heat I saw in her final 3 weeks or if I didn't feed her correctly/have light close enough/enough canopy penetration/etc... Probably a mixture of both and I don't feel that I feed to her highest need's during some regiments. I see I can/need to push harder in the final weeks. All good! Next time👍 Notes of the Week: -Going to wrap up PSK and GDPB right away here. @Mrs_Larimar made a comment to me that it would change overnight, even though I thought it had quite awhile to go. Sure enough, over friggin night.😅 Color faded drastically, trichs milked out amber was coming through much faster. Changed the tentative schedule (again!) and going to take them down Monday/Tuesday. Definitely time... starting to fall apart a bit, lol😬 -Hoping to have Space Cookies final harvest notes and weights by Wednesday (Aug 19th). I'm more then pleased with the outcome.... everyone was right, it's incredible. -Not lazy, but got overwhelmed with the work I had on my hands, so I just cancelled the start of next grow until this one is final, especially since GDPB and PSK are coming down asap. Still underestimate the amount of time that goes into the chop😕. Will give myself some more time and be realistic next round, haha. That's it folks! Thanks for stopping by and checking out the final pictures of Ms. Dutchy. She was a treat to grow and I look forward to throwing up the final harvest notes, pictures and weights👍. Hope you all have a fine week and I'm positive I'll catch you on the flip side. Cheers✊👋
Used techniques
Week 18. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
What a wonderful little specimen Dutchy was. For Sativa lovers that like a functional high with some very tasty bud, Dutch Dragon may be right up your alley. She doesn't sport a hardy potency, but her smoke is smooth, sweet and relaxing. I've been using this girl during the day when I have tasks/agendas to attend to. It's very nice to work on, work out on or whatever you really feel like doing... She won't hold you down, but she will still give you a kick👍. Recommended for Sativa lovers with a lower tolerance and one's that are looking for a natural feeling daytime high. Give er a go👍!
Show more
Spent 127 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
450 g
Bud wet weight per plant
96 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Talkative, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Negative effects
Pungent, Sweet, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Howdy all you fine folks. This is Dutch Dragons Harvest entry and the official finish line for her and Grow #3. Will format this the same as Space Cookies Harvest entry. The Deets!: This was an overall great plant to grow... She was a lot like her sister (SC) and grew very, very well. My mistakes didn't keep her down and she just kept plugging along, recovering after every misstep I took. Though her smoke isn't exactly what I was looking for, this was a great run and my first Sativa Dominant strain (testing the waters). Below I'll go over positive and negative traits noticed, a smoke report, final weights and final notes.👍 Positives: -Very versatile. Takes punches really well and rebounds like nothing happened. She took under/over feeding very well, as well and just kept forgiving me for my mistakes. Good girl. -Fantastic form and lateral strength allowing for less bracing and training. With weight on, she still held her form and needed very little intervention. -Hammy strain that moved very quickly. Vigorous for sure... She was initially 3-4 days behind her sisters but caught up and surpassed them within several days. Fresh genetics, fast popping and fast growing strain from Paradise. Very impressed with this👌. -Bud development was wonderful, packing a bunch of solid stacks throughout. Her trich dev. seemed slow at first, but in the final 3 weeks she really started to shed and got super shiny. In those last few weeks she packed on a tonne of weight and impressive trichs. -Bud is fluffy but nice and firm at the same time. Nice and squishy, with a little bit of give before coming back to her original form. Lovely. Meh's: -Was hoping to get her a bit taller and pull more product, since she was a Sativa, but she stayed short and I feel she could have been packing much more bud weight at end game then she ended up with. Just like SC, I feel this is a "Me" issue, not a genetic one. My mistakes in late veg may have stunted her a tad and I lost some potential. -That's literally it... No other meh's. She took everything very well. Yield could be better, that's it. Strain, Smoke and Product Review: -It's a great smoke, that's for sure. It isn't exactly up my alley since I'm much more of an indy/indy dom fan. That being said, I let her go a week longer then breeder projections to get more of a narcotic high. I achieved this and lost a bit of THC, but it's far more my style this way. -Not lab tested, but ball parking 17-18% THC (A little under my happy spot). The high is very clear and focused that tends to get me talking. I'm usually pretty quite when I smoke, but this is very sociable. Rolling one up on a warm day, on the deck, with a friend feels like the best way to enjoy this. -The Taste is surprisingly sweet and peppery w/ quite the kick and without a harsh cough lock. I'm a cougher, so this is rare and definitely okay with me. -All in all, a very functional and serviceable strain that I wouldn't hesitate to suggest to those that like a little more Sativa in their smoke. As for me? I could see myself growing her again cause sometimes I don't want all couch/cough lock. This is a nice strain to have in the collection for when I want/need er. I don't have complaints!😃 The Numbers (Popcorn/LARF numbers are halved in the "Outcome" portion of this entry as I personally don't believe in counting it as whole bud, quality or not. The numbers below are higher then the outcome, but these are the true product numbers pulled): Jar #1 Whole Bud): 28 Grams (1 ounce) Jar #2 (Whole Bud): 28 Grams (1 ounce) Jar #3 (Whole Bud): 28 Grams (1 ounce) Jar #4 (Popcorn/LARF): 24 Grams (.86 ounce) Total Product: 108 Grams (3.86 ounce) **Happy with these numbers. Could be higher, but I'm cool with almost 4 Ounce. Was looking for 3, so this is a win.** Grow #2 vs Grow #3: -Used Green Planet nutrient line and dropped GHE (except for Diamond Nectar and Rapid Start) -Inclusion of a second SF-2000 at the beginning of Bloom and decommissioning of the Phlizon 1200 Blurple -More soil aeration by conditioning with more perlite and peat moss substrate. -More circulation added into the unit to keep things moving and breathing. -Better bracing in place and planned further ahead of time. -Even with big Veg mistakes, I cut a full week off of veg. The SF and advanced nutrient schedule are to thank for that. Looking for a 6 week flip near future. Final Thoughts: At the end of the day, I'm very happy with these genetics, product and yield. There is no doubt that this is quality, even if it's not my exact style of smoke. She grew very well w/ very little issues. I would definitely throw another Dutchy in for a future grow to try and pump my numbers a little better and develop her terp profile/taste a bit more. Happy! Good stuff👍 Thank you ALL for this 18 week venture and for all your support through the good and bad times. I got to the end with this grow because of all the helped I received on here... If I was left to my own devices and books, I'm positive it would NOT have turned out as good as it did. Hell! I thought I was going to lose too of them, but here we are with a full harvest. Thank you, thank you, thank you for watching, supporting and guiding me to this successful end w/ the best bud I've grown yet. Cheers all you happy grow guys and girls. Keep Cannabis Culture Alive! Keep Paying it Forward!✊


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Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 55 years ago
Care per diem my friend.
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, No doubt. I'm good! Over it and back to just enjoying my project 🙂. Thanks for the wisdom Med 🙏. I'll keep reminding myself of this. Cheers👍
Visionscommentedweek 45 years ago
I wonder what dominant you will receive. Mines super fox taily and sativa speaking everywhere. Seen a lot of dragons with more indica traits than sativa traits. Looking forward to see what yours does 😊
Visionscommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, wait until flower. In really excited to see how yours buds out. Many other dutch dragons I've seen dont have crazy sugar leaves compacted all over the buds. It's going to be a trimmers nightmare hahaha.
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Visions, Oop, missed these messages. Yah man, you're more then right. I uploaded today and she's exploding. Going to have to trigger at 18-20" or I'll screw myself over😳
Visionscommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, at least double in height. Branching gets nuts
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DeepRootGrowscommentedweek 185 years ago
Even though we update each other daily, still gotta drop some love on the diaries. Tis the crop season 🌱
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@DeepRootGrows, You're so kind😊. Thanks brother! You know I appreciates ya, for all you do🙏. Cheers to you buddy
HazeyBobbycommentedweek 125 years ago
ha ha ... just started looking at collages myself - all for it 👍
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@HazeyBobby, Oh man, super handy and easy😀. I'll be doing more for sure.
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 35 years ago
Guess that she doesn’t store enough water in her leaves and stem. You can either the environment or train her to adapt. For young seedlings, I use small battery operated water pump with timer. On the other hand, what doesn’t kill her will make her stronger ????
Med_in_Tropiccommented5 years ago
No need to thanks @JinksyGrows, 😀😀😀😀 I think we are like an echo chamber to each other 😀😀😀😀😀
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, You're correct, me thinks. I just gave a good feed and upped my P w/ an adequate amount of Cal/Mag. I feel the root system isn't defined enough to support the top side growth... So your idea is the way to go. Slowing down the heavy N/K and going back to work on the roots for a bit. Thanks so much man. I thought about what to do, a lot. But this seems like the right path to take. Cheers for the guidance👍👍
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, I totally I agree. I think her root system is still beyind/damaged. I threw in bone meal and have been dosing some Cal/mag. I'm hoping it just catches up so it can properly support the top side growth. Requires more patience. Not my best suit, hahaha.
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Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 85 years ago
Sunday is convenient but GD always crashes on Sunday. You may want to save your work and upload on Monday.
Med_in_Tropiccommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, 😄😄😄😉
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Okay, learned my lesson. Sunday's are a no go. Hahaha. Didn't lose anything but everything was moving to a crawl. Monday's and Tuesdays it is.
Med_in_Tropiccommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, well, I am 13 hours ahead of you. So my Sunday morning is still Saturday on your side of the world.
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HazeyBobbycommentedweek 155 years ago
Surprised about the change in nutes line already ... and Future Harvests is Dutch?? have you used them before?
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@HazeyBobby, I thought the same thing at first when I saw the Holland part! I have years and years to go too brother. Life long learning curve. I'm positive I'll find a nutrient line I like only for a new line to come out that I want to try😅. I hope there's no pressure 😀, haha. It'll be awhile
HazeyBobbycommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, cool - good to know. I just saw the formula called Holland ... and thought hmmm... when one day you settle on a line - I'll make the switch once I run out of my GHE 👍 no pressure... I got years of growing at my pace to go :)
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@HazeyBobby, Yah, me too. I'm still trying to find a good fit and just want to try a couple more lines to see difference, it any. Oh! And Dutch treat is a potting soil. Future Harvest is out of Kelowna British Columbia 👍.
FoTwennycommentedweek 185 years ago
What a beautiful cultivar! Expertly grown and located for and she returns the love 10 fold! Enjoy the beautiful fruits of your labor! Happy harvest!
FoTwennycommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, I just noticed my auto-correct fail 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@FoTwenny, Thank you! I can't wait till the one week cure so I can bust it up and get going😀
HazeyBobbycommentedweek 165 years ago
Some real wonderful colas in there 👌 they could swell up more in another week or two 👍
HazeyBobbycommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, yes good reference to NL - looks similar.
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@HazeyBobby, I really hope so😀. Maybe three-ish weeks to go(?). I think she's going to look alot like northern lights#1. Big and fluffy kid, for sure.
MadeInGermanycommentedweek 95 years ago
She looks very great bro 😍👍 the color is perfect 👌
MadeInGermanycommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows,nothing to thank :-) and thank you 😅👍
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@MadeInGermany, Thanks my friend. Camera makes her look a little better then she is, but we're improving 😉. Cheers. I'm really behind on my contacts updates. I'll drop by tonight and read up on your happenings 👍
DeepRootGrowscommentedweek 85 years ago
What is the purpose of your Bamboo sticks? Is that just for branch support during the late stages?
DeepRootGrowscommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, that’s a great idea. That is one thing I hate about skrog is it’s impossible to move the plant for sometime.
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@DeepRootGrows, For mobility I use bamboo sticks instead of a scrogg. It's more work, but I'm able to move them around as I please👍. I insert the bamboo when I do final pot up, into the new soil where there is no root system yet. I use it at first to train the plants outwards and inner laterals into open positions. When I flip, I remove most the training wires and then use the bamboo to brace them inwards over time. As the stretch continues, I can see what and where I need to make adjustments. During flower, none of the new wires are pulling, just bracing the laterals in place. Holds the flower weight very well and I can use them to create an even canopy and adjust as needed👍. This is all to avoid scrogging, for mobility. Can be a pain in the ass too, though. Haha!😅
MadeInGermanycommentedweek 25 years ago
Have a nice start 👍🙏🏻 Nice strain
MadeInGermanycommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows,Keep it up 😎👌 Norhing to thank
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@MadeInGermany, Thanks so much man!🙂 I am really looking forward to see what the dragon can do for me. I'm an indica guy, but Dutchy is my first trek into Sativa/Sativa Dom. I'm excited 😀. Cheers and thank you again! Happy trails this week my friend.
JP148commentedweek 185 years ago
🌱🍒👍. All this grows plants are lovely. Very nice job
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@@JP148, Twas a good run, even with its problems. Zero complaints ✊👌
Buddha2commentedweek 185 years ago
Another great harvest! Congratulations!
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Buddha2, Thank you!!!
WeedTheNorthcommentedweek 185 years ago
Looks great my man 🍻🌱🍀🙌🙏👊I'm smoking some cali dragon 🌶️🌶️🌶️ keep em coming!!
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@WeedTheNorth, Ohhhh Cali dragon sounds great...😃. Thanks man, I shall keep pumping em out 👌
Grey_Wolfcommentedweek 185 years ago
👌 Great Work mate !!!!!! 👌
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, Word, thank you Grey🙏
MaryJaneUSAcommentedweek 185 years ago
Very nice
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@MaryJaneUSA, Thank you kindly🙏😀
ButtersStotchcommentedweek 185 years ago
Awesome form and fade man!
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@ButtersStotch, Thanks Butter😉. Very impressed with her phenos. Couldn't be happier with the way she turned/turned out👍
ROM101commentedweek 185 years ago
Nice finish mate enjoy🎉🎉🎉
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@ROM101, Party Time!😀 Thanks ROM, I shall enjoy ASAP 👍
NuggetPawncommentedweek 175 years ago
Beautiful buds 😊
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@NuggetPawn, Word up! Thanks man!😀
the end.
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