% depends on pot size a bit... 20% is good 1-7gal. Might want a bit more in a 7? Coco Coir already has superior drainage. You could use 100% coco, if you wanted to.
I am not familiar with the brand. Some require a little prep work -- i found out the hard way. Not all brands require a soaking, and it shouldn't be at an extremely high dose of cal-mag. that will only cause a leaching of K from your feed due to the opposite gradient relative to the actual resulting equilibrium over time as you fertilize.
If you grow in coco, you need a 'hydroponic' fertilizer. A proper one is a complete diet of primary (NPK), secondary (Ca, et al.) and trace elements (Cl, et al.). Coco has nothing in it -- for all intents and purposes. You must provid 100% of all nutrients.... Get something like Jack's (J.R. Peters) -- it doens't have to be "Jack's". anything that is similar will work very well and easily adaptable to various plants.
If you have cal-mag, put into solution as directed, i'd assume.. some intructures are a bit high dosage, so take that with a grain of salt.
You can also use Cal-nitrate 15-0-0 with epsom salt (magnesium-sulfate). 2g/gallon and 1g/gallon, respectively. The reason you don't want to bomb it with calcium and magnesium is because its about an equillibrium that will form between the cation exchange sites within the coco and what you will be constantely pouring into it. it's about create a right ratio in those exchange sites.. so that your fertilier remains consistent in it's ratio of nutrients...
Poorly prepared coco will leech Ca and Mg ions from your ferts and release a bunch of K that was once locked away safely (maybe some Na too, which is just horrible in all ways, lol). The same thing can happen if you prepare it with too high of concentrations of Ca and Mg, except it will leech K out of your fertilizer in that context.
You get it in the ballpark by soaking it, then as you feed it will reach an equillibrium that won't cause any initial issues as it gets there.
after you soak it 2 times, i like to run ph'd water through it and let it drain out a bit. When i transplant or seed or clone etc, i'll give a normal fertilization to fortify the coco lightly. it's saturated, so the concentration will be low to start. Safe for a seed, even.
read up on the mo'koko... you may find it requires nothing... there are soem out ther like that.. Mother Earth 5kg bricks are not one of them, lol.. NEarly killed my clones and delayed my perpetual garden with this learning curve.... took 30-40 days for growth... sickly, dark with k-toxicity / salinity issues, etc....