I super crop often nowadays as it's fun and a good way to move branches away from the lights if they get too tall. Since it doesn't look like you broke it completely it looks like it will heal. Support the branch with a small stick(kabob/marshmallow/ bamboo) whatever you have around and just watch for healing. Try not to mess with it too much, and a very mild spray solution may help(kelp extract or others like rhizo) but ideally you want it to heal up and turn into a joint like an elbow look...so eventually letting it dry and heal like a scab will be best. Usually a crack might secrete some small amounts of fluid and it'll heal with time. Just watch closely to see if any foliage starts to wilt or die off.
*sometimes you can tape the wound so debris won't get in...but again the break looks pretty clean from the photo.
Happy growing. ✌️