@Csill! Well, I see droopy fan-leaves and clawling sugar leaves, tiny buds and a dark foliage ... It looks like this plant suffered from too much Nitrogen during the early flowering stage, and probably a bad dry-wet cycle, my bet is that you overwatered the medium while it was already flooded with N, now your plant has trouble with nutrients intakes and cannot fatten up the buds. She almost got "the claw", a non-return point where plant will slowly die from Nitrogen toxicity. There's not much you can do at this stage, your yield will be impacted anyway. In this situation I would heavily flush the medium with plain pH'd water (~6.2 in soil) then help it dry by putting a tiny fan blowing a continuous breeze onto the top of the containers. See how it goes after a few days, then give it some P+K booster if she's healthy. For your next run, consider buying an EC/PPM-meter and be very gentle with the nutrients, it's easier to fix a deficiency than recover from a toxicity. Hope this will help, keep us up-to-date and happy growing 👊