Athosanswered grow question 6 years ago Before going into specifics, there's a few general tips: first fill as much info in this diaries as you can; second, do enter the correct data as it’s clear you are not using a 600 watt HID, but some led panel since HID light is not purple, or that you are feeding a nute cocktail with a PPM that’s obviously above 0, or that the first two weeks you were using a party cup and not a 2 gallon pot. As it is I have to disregard most of the info you are providing since I just can’t tell what’s actually true from what’s not.
I’m not trying to be an ass, but with so many wrong or false information, we will be giving most likely be giving advice that can be harmful.
As for what you can improve. There’s clear indication that you have been regularly overwatering, which comes from using a pot too big for the plant (puffy leaves, droopy plants), going from a party cup to 2 gallon pots was too much, next time, go to a 1 gallon pots first. Get an EC/PPM meter and always measure your feeding / watering. Third, learn to train the plant, the idea is to form an even canopy of colas; as it is, the lower colas will not amount to anything been so far away from the light; now that we come to this part… sorry Bulbi, but you are confused as hell (or really high), bending the plant without damaging it is called Low Stress Training (LST, not HST); HST stands for High Stress Training, which groups all kind of techniques that involves damaging the plant in some form like: TOPing (removing the main shoot, to promote even side colas to form); super cropping (when you crush a still flexible stem with your fingers without breaking the outer skin, in order to bend too tall colas in sharp angles of 90° or so). Also don’t fool around with the light schedule, that’s a sure way to get your plant to go hermy. Keeping your temperatures above 23°C (73°F) will really speed up the growth rate of the plant; below that threshold the growing slows down to a crawl.
Remember that the most weight gain happens in the last two weeks of flower, so be patient.