CANNASIManswered grow question 7 years ago Hi there, follow a few hints based your cycle, the problem evolved since early flowering, during the stretch when girls use a lot of resources, also have seen your water volume is always at .4l, i have a strong sensation that is very little.
1- I personally would test the solution EC to check the strength, as others suggested, don't know the HESI line to be able to give a precise hint on that, but the Sensi Cal mag extra has N too. For the base nutrient have a look on their schedules, and cut that by 1/2 to start than you can work up as it needs having a look on the reactions, pale leafs = needs more, tips curling and burning = needs less.
2- Would flush, and give a regular dose of nutes in the last flush watering with the correct dose of nutes.
3- Use some bennies, Recharge is very good because it covers a lot in one product, and i know from personal experience it makes a huge diference, eliminates the PH and nutrient locks.
4- Raise your humidity to at least 40%, you can put a wet towel to help, final weeks you can drop the RH.
5-Check your watering practices, feel the soil and the vase weight to see if it needs water.
Good luck, happy growing.