well, yes you can do, but the most efficieent thing is to let them run at least 18 hours.....
they bring out best performance
on 12/12 you loose someyield, but its possible to do
Yes you can. I find autos like the 18/6 the best. They need the 18 for the growth but need that 6 hrs to rest and make that root zone healthy. Best of luck on your grow!
Hi, yes you can but it's not going to give you the best that the strain can offer, with autos you want as much as energy as possible - energy = light, personally depending on strain I would run 18/6 20/4 or 24/7 hope this helps happy growing 👍
You can run them on whatever schedule is convenient. They can go 24/7 to the end typically unless it's a finicky one. If temps get too hot run less. Autos will give you something if they can at least get 4-6 but more light drives more growth.