The type of light you use also plays a role in how tall your stems will grow. Orange and red lights provoke taller, thin stems, but thick, short stems blue light is best. Using metal halide lamps while the plant is in the vegetative stage will produce short stems.
The temperature influences how your stems grow. The higher the temperature, the longer the stems will grow. Your plant’s stems will widen and the growth will lessen at about 60*F. When you have it around 80*F, the stems and buds will begin stretching.
If your buds get too close to the light, this causes it to become tall and thin. Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is light burn because this is not the case. In fact, the heat from the lamps can make it unbearable for buds. Air-cooled lamps are great for keeping much of the heat from coming into the room. Hope this helps.