I would recommend to use a silica product because you're IMHO in the limit to use it, I prefere use it in root aplication it'll thicken the stems, leaves and boost the secondary signals in plants that absorb it to improve the chemical response of the plant from agresions, some people don't use Si in the entire flowering period, others will use it till they reach 4th weeks, others even use it till they need to clean roots to remove excess salts. IMHO I'll use it (in flowering) till their preflowering end.
You can use neem cake in the same way to improve the resistance that azadirachtin provides, the mites that eat from your plants will be affected by ingestion and will help to control the plague and force them to look for other source of feeding
They like heat and arid clima, so mantain at least 50% RH and low the temp of the top to 23º-24, the ideal conditions for infestation are 30ºc and 35% RH, they'll complete a cycle in 7 days, if you lower the temp to 24º and 50%hr they will complete the cycle between 18 to 22 days.
Keep N in control while you veg them, over feed plants with N are more atractive to them so if you have a healthy amount of N you'll have less impact too.