
Defoliating/Lollipopping Autos

RiseFromTheFlamesstarted grow question 3 years ago
I've been holding off on defoliating my babies since this is my first run, and they are autos. I've mostly LST'd and leaf tucked. But I want to venture into defols and lollipoping for better airflow and light penetration. At what point should this be done? Any tips? Thanks!
Week 7
Techniques. Defoliation
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
About now buddy if you are going to at all. Really you should have done in pre flower for autos and taken leafs that would have covered potential bud sites, giving the auto enough time to recover. Ppl say don't defol auto. But I've had great success with it. And haven't really done any heavy defol since wk 6-7. Best of luck. Have a look at my diaries I done defol to promote growth on a very sickly tangerine dream. It's good to light to bud sites, drop humidity and increase air flow. But once you have a constant air flow I wouldn't worry to much about air moving through them if that's why you want to defol but do it now, you'll need them leafs for energy for the mid to late flowering stage so don't take too much off one node. If you get away with leaf tucking and happy with light pen I wouldn't defol now just for air flow, just increase y9ur air if u that's why u wanna defol. Happy growing buddy. Good luck.
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Selected By The Grower
GrowCNanswered grow question 3 years ago
I have always gone very light with defoliation but if you want to experiment I would do it now. If your plants are the same strain I would only lollipop one. Let one plant keep most/all it's leaves and do LST so you can compare the results.
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Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 3 years ago
I would do it now if that what you decide you want to do. The sooner you remove the lower leaves and buds then sooner the energy starts going to your top buds. And its irrelevant since your plants are already in flower but heavy defoliation and hard training will actually delay your autos from going into flower rather than speed it up as suggested by others. I had this issue when I was growing autos. I always topped them and trained them pretty hard. A lot of them vegged around 8 weeks before they would flower.
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m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
I have not lollipop'd an auto before and I would think they would take to that stress and start flower immediately. If you want to do some defoliation I would aim for less then 1/5th the plants total leaf mass. I don't think your plants need any of though, and if you want to experiment with that. that's good too power to yea. I just feel its best done on photoperiods though. Good Luck!
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