I use LST on all my autos - and I only grow autos! LST is simply a method of getting light to more bud sites... you'll find you'll have a much better harvest than if you simply let the plant grow by itself. There are some LST clips you can buy pretty much everywhere but these normally take a stem and bend it 90-degrees so they should be used only on the MOST pliable of stems. Another way I do LST is to take some netting material, cut it in strips and use them to pull the less-pliable stems out away from the main body of the plant... I grow in fabric pots so it's easy to just pin the strips to the pot... if you grown in plastic, you can punch holes in the top of your pot to thread the strips through to secure them. If you've got some wiring with plastic coating on it, these can be cut and bent sort of like ground staples... Basically, just use your imagination and figure out a good way to get your stems to grow in the direction YOU want them to grow.... Good luck!