@1sttrymk! She will grow upward as soon as you will trigger the flowering stage, by switching light schedule to 12/12. You can keep her flat as long as she's in the vegetative stage and try to multiply nodes, by topping its summits or by bending her continuously. Now about the holes, they come from pest/insects, probably some kind of thrips. You need to react quickly to get rid of these before entering in the flowering stage, or they will disturb your plant's photosynthesis process and impact your yield negatively. Plus, I guess you don't want to smoke insects 😛 Pest prevention is an essential topic, you need a pest-prevention-strategy as soon as you plant your seedlings, during the first days. My strategy is pretty simple and consists in 3 methods: 1) I have an electric atomizer working 10min every hour to diffuse essential oils mixed with fresh water (a few drops of lemongrass, lavender, peppermint...you can find those oils in nature-stores or online). Those oils are repelling insects/pests, they don't like the smell of my room. 2) I spray neem-oil everyday when the light turns off, 10-12 drops of pure neem-oil mixed in a liter of temperated water, this oil is really efficient to kill/disturb/sterilize the invaders. 3) I use a dedicated foliar spray (BioBizz LeafCoat) once every 2 weeks to create a 'transparent layer' onto the leaves and to protect them from spiders/thrips/moths/miners... Since I've applied this approach, I've seen ZERO invader in my room, and believe my it was a big problem in the past. Let me know in the comments section if you need any further information, and happy growing! 👊