
Do my plants look premature? How much nutrients an...

Iwantgoodbudzstarted grow question 5 years ago
Do my plants look premature? How much nutrients and what kind of nutrients will my plants need after week one?plants are in soil but am going to transplant to coco coir any tips?
Week 1
Leaves. Other
Philindicusanswered grow question 5 years ago
First off no more water they are too wet. The root will rot. Poke some hole in the bottom of the cups to let the water drain out. They need to dry out a bit before your next watering. If there are no nutrients in the soil start nutrients 1/8 to 1/4 strength day 10. Day 1 is when you see the first true serrated leaves start to emerge. Hope this helps.👍
DankGardeneranswered grow question 5 years ago
Yes tip one autos need to be planted in there final container. There on a time schedule. Any interruption from stress will lead to a smaller plant smaller yield then if the plant wasn't stress. Your taking time away from plant growing and putting it in to recovery. Second most soil have enough nutrients in it for first 2 weeks. But coco doesn't have any. So when you transplant in coco you need to give nutrients right away and make sure your getting good run off to help flush old nutrients and replace with fresh less salt build up. Start at 1/8 strength for autos work up to 1/4. Third u need to use grow nutrients for veg and bloom for flower.
OutForRealanswered grow question 5 years ago
Your plants looks normal at that stage. In soil no need to feed them until end of week 2 or 3 because most of the soil are pre-enriched. In coco it is different , you will need to feed every watering with any nutrient brand BUT you will also needs to bring extra cal mag with every watering as the coco contain near to 0. You will also have to check you input and output ec and ph
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