
Hi guys, coming towards the end of the grow now an...

Grower1995started grow question 5 years ago
Hi guys, coming towards the end of the grow now and humidity has started to spike, hitting 90% some days. Iv since out some humidity traps in and they seem to have lowered it to around 65%. Is this low enough or will I have to get a dehumidifier? Thanks in advance! :)
Week 9
Techniques. ScrOG
Philindicusanswered grow question 5 years ago
You have some large pots they probably are holding on to a lot of moisture. I would try to stress your plants a bit and let them dry out a bit more between waterings. Not to the point of wilting. Then use smaller more frequent waterings. A bit of stress near the end sends the plant into survival mode and will produce more terpenes. If you have a few small fans circulating air in your tent that's good. Also if your zipping your tent up try to leave it open to allow moisture to escape. Lastly install an exhaust fan if your not already using one. Hope this helps.👍
Selected By The Grower
DankGardeneranswered grow question 5 years ago
Depends on strain and air movement. Some strains are naturally mold resistance. And if you have plenty of air movement then 65 might be ok 60 I would feel more comfortable with. But if u can't reach just keep a close I on mold and cut out affected buds if mold does occur
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