Wow !! Ph is not good , best tange is 5.8ph in coco , do you check your run off ph ? You need to do it ( one you'll transplant from the solo cup ) , be careful ph is easily fluctuating in coco medium. Your nutrients level is weak for week 2 : you should be between 500 and 700 ... and you are running 180 ... so you are under feeding these ladies so they will slowly grow. Your temps is not the best but I've seen people growing with that conditions but if you have the possibility to raise your temps then do it as it will be better for your plants . Now you also haveca plant in a solo cup that have droopy leaves because you are over watering so be easy on the water amount and they to settle a dry/wet cycle in your medium. To be honest many of your parameters are not good so be quick to manage that or you'll not have the desired harvest