In an outdoor grow you always got to look what is possible. I have to harvest most times earlier than i want to.. To prevent mold,,, thats the big risk in late blooming stage, one week of rain can kill your plant easily... so check your plants daily, and if you see first signs of mold... harvest them. Because moldering goes very fast and it makes no sense to cu away moldering parts.. the mold sits deeper and grows.. even in the curing time.... Iam a passionate outdoor grower, but as i mentioned in my area( northrn Europe) the strain you choose is very important. We can talk more per PN , because the text gets longer and longer. so keep an eye of your Girls ( daily) . P.s its a great thing that you gave the Girls on the wall aroof....!!! to me the Trainwreck look the closest to harvest.. and the other girls ar looking good too...... Ima whishing you and all outdoor growers 2 mor Weeks of warm and Dry weather....