Just buy proper cannabis nutrients.........Bio Vega and Bio Flores made by Bio Canna is superb, as is Organic Grow and Organic Bloom made by B.A.C.
These are super concentrated and you don't need to use much, meaning one bottle will last many, many plants.
They are complete foods designed specifically for cannabis made by big companies that make only cannabis related products.
One bottle for veg and one bottle for flowering.......it doesn't get any easier and the results are pretty well guaranteed.
Inventing things like onion water means you will be spending a lot of time and money growing a plant, then hoping onion water will actually be of some benefit to your plant........which in all honesty, I can't see that being the case.
Water them until some water comes out of the bottom of the pot, then don't water them again until the top 3-5cm of the pot has dried out again is the general principle. Poking a finger in the soil is the easiest way to check if it is still wet or if it has dried out.
This can take between one and 6-7 days, depending on temps, humidity, air flow, plant requirements, plant size, pot size and the water holding capacity of the substrate, amongst other things.
Eventually you will develop a "feel" for when and how much to water....with further experience....you will "just know".