Always check the pH of your water and runoff from the pot before you start throwing nutrients at the plant. If both aren't between 6-7, you need to sort out the pot's pH problem.
If pH is normal, check the roots.
if the roots are still white, healthy, and not root bound, check under some leaves and see if you see pests.
If you don't see pests, you have a nutrient problem.
If it is a nutrient deficiency, find some 4-4-4 compost tea from Dr. Earth, or some other organic liquid fertilizer. Mix it according to the directions and use it as a foliar spray. This isn't a fix for your soil, just a way to get nutrients into it as soon as possible.
You'll also need to get dry amendments for your soil while you foliar spray to actually fix the problem. Organic dry nutrients can take weeks to break down before the plant can take it in and use it. Hence why you'll have to foliar spray for a couple weeks. I recommend BuildASoil's Craft Blend. The stuff is the bee's knees and a one bag fixes everything sort of dry amendment.