Don't fall for the neem oil trap... it's pretty ineffective! If the insects are leaving little white spots on your leaves, I'd go with Anonymous2022 and tell you to get either some Dr. Zymes Eliminator or some Spinosad - both are organic and both will kill all stages of an insects life... eggs/larvae/adult. They can be used at any stage of growth right up to the day of harvest if need be (and you might also REALLY like this stuff on your vegetables)... The only caution is to spray just before lights out and spray the entire plant - tops/bottoms of leaves.
If the insects are actually chewing holes in your leaves, then you're going to want some BT (bacillius thureingenisis) which is available at any garden center ... again, spray just before lights out, the bug will take one more bite from your leaf and decide to eat elsewhere - but will go off and die instead. And again, this is a life-saver in vegetable gardens!
Good luck!