
adding mycorrizhae to soil plugs?

izzy89started grow question 2 years ago
Can you add mycorrizhae to soil plugs for a better germination phase and seedling/plant health? Or would that do nothing? Some soil plugs have micronutrients added already but that is not mycorrizhae. Thank you in advance for your response growmies.
Germination. Other
DYNOMYCOanswered grow question a year ago
For seedlings you want to mix mycorrhizae in the growing media and apply it in the planting hole on every transplanting. It’s very important to inoculate the plants from the earliest stage possible, so the fungi grow on the young roots early on and start to work their magic when the plant needs them most!
Mr_Awesome_Badassanswered grow question 2 years ago
Do it. The sooner you can get the fungi to attach to the root system the better.
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
That's teh right time to do it... myco that matters only survives with roots... so having them colonize early will have the best resutls. some level of phosphate, i believe or potassium, does likely kill or severely reduce the myco... This is why it's doubley useless in a soilless/hydro context - soilless uses hydro nutes which is 100% plant available and ready to use, so no need for anything to be altered or processed by myco or microbe for the plant as it is in soil with certain forms of fertilizer and soil amendments that require such things before a plant can use it. So, a little early... then maybe put some more at transplant. Don't need much early, but maybe a bit more later.. pop it all around where the plug will reside.. perfect placement for new roots to be colonized. Once colonized the rest just happens. even if you didn't asdd some at transplant, it'd probably fill in on it's own, but if you dolled out instructed amount for size of pot, it'll be good... just use a small bit of that dose early. the rest later... no OD / waste,,, assuming instructions are proper relative to size of pot used. each product has different spore counts, so it'l vary as to what dose you need for "optimal", whatever that may be. just math...
UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
le ho messe oggi nei grodan(lana di roccia) per velocizzare i cloni ,come ho detto se non ha radici non serve ma quando inizia a farle si....i cloni hanno appena fatto le prime radici...
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izzy89answered grow question 2 years ago
Just to prevent confusion; my question is about soil plugs or cubes. Not soil itself.
Chillpill123answered grow question 2 years ago
Im by no means a master frower but its been my experience with yesting soils out that the soil i put mycorrizhae in as a root stimulator and oxygenation aid seems to FLOURISH during veg state so much so that i had to lst the plants from hitting lights, so id say 100% yes, add away.
UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
le micorizze aiutano le radici ad assorbire(semplificato) le sostanze nuritive alla pianta in cambio d carboidrati secondo dei test(fatti da professionisti) aiuta molto, poco dopo la germinazione quando si iniziano a formare le prime radici le piantule assorbivano prima i nutrimenti via radicale rispetto a quelle senza
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