It'll heal as long as it's still connected. Some branches will heal after being taped back on after being totally severed. Some genetics heal better than others but in your case, you are fine. The important things are:
1. Keep it clean, plants can contract disease through wound sites just like we can.
2. Use something to bind and cover the wound. Tape works, strings, etc, as long as it's clean and you can keep the ripped plant parts together in contact.
3. Leave it alone at all costs, don't mess with it. It might even shrivel one side of the plant and look dead for a day or two. If the leaves become crispy and it hasn't healed after 2 days, you can consider it lost and cut it off.
4. Remember to monitor your binding. While the area won't grow too much during healing, it still will a bit and tight bindings can start to cut into the plant as it grows.