The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

No hay germinacion tras 48 horas...

nonick123started grow question 2 years ago
Hola Comunidad! Han pasado 48 horas y no ha germinado ninguna semilla de mi diario ¿Hago algo con ellas o simplemente esperar más tiempo? Esta fase siempre me causa ansiedad!
Germination. Substrate
massivetidsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Keep them moist and warm and they will come! 48 hours would be really fast. With the right conditions it usually takes around 4 days. So be patient for another 48 hours and enjoy your grow!
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Selected By The Grower
nonick123answered grow question 2 years ago
Gracias a todos por los comentarios! @massivetids @Creepy_Steve @Newbie87 @gottagrowsometime @TheUk420Show Efectivamente los puse directamente en tierra porque he tenido malas experiencias en mi cultivo en el pasado germinando autoflorecientes en macetas de 250 ml y luego pasando a maceta definitiva. Me parece que en más de una ocasión he paralizado el crecimiento de las raices con el cambio (en dos ocasiones he tenido plantas enanas de 15 cm...) @gottagrowsometime muchas gracias por el comentario de " scrapping at the soil to see what's going on". Es la primera idea que he tenido! Pero me has parado a tiempo! 😀 Es mi primer cultivo por aqui (aunque 2 años anteriores plantando autoflorecientes en exterior) y he tenido MUCHOS problemas en la germinación y en las 2 primeras semanas de vida de las plantulas Mi cultivo es en una terraza en una ciudad del este de España con temperatura muy alta incluso en mayo, y creo que el estrés termico hace que las plantulas se mueran o NO se desarrollen correctamente en las dos primeras semanas @Creepy_Steve gracias por los tiempos de germinación aproximados! El sustrato ha sido preparado por capas (3 capas en total) y tras mojar la ultima capa he hecho un agujero en el centro de 1-2 cm de profundidad, he introducido la semilla (NO germinada previamente), he tapado con un poco de substrato SIN apretar y he humedecido con un pulverizador ¿Lo veis buen método para la germinación directa en maceta? Tal vez debería haber probado a germinar entre servilletas y luego colocar en maceta definitiva, pero manejar las semillas con la radicula es muy estresante para mi por miedo a dañar la radicula... ¿Me recomendais entonces que apague las luces hasta que empiecen a asomarse los cotiledones? Gracias de nuevo por los comentarios! 😛
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
2 days is nothing. if buried too deeply might take 5-7 days. 2-5 days most will sprout. 2 being the fastest and less common. again, the depth you bury and how fluffy the substrate is will impact this. If too shallow you have to risk minor surgery to remove shell. It's better to err on the '1 day longer' side of things. at some point you'll rip a cotyledon off or a growth tip while removing a shell no matter how good or careful you are at it. they are severely set back by such things more often than not.
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Newbie87answered grow question 2 years ago
My last seed took 10 days to turn into a sprout, just be patient.
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Well, that stuff about them not moving up as cause the light Is on. Hmmm.. they're buried in the dirt. So, they're covered. Not a fan of using bottles. If you didn't pre germ them in GOW or papertowel then, it can take up to 48-72hrs to germ and then another 2 3 days waiting for it to show face. So all in all. If you haven't seen anything by day 5. More than likely you won't. Yet, it can be longer. Doubtful. But can happen. As I take it this is your 1st grow, you're probably scrapping at the soil to see what's going on. "Don't" you'll only get up disturbing them. I know cause that's what I did. It's partly why I like to see a tap root. As it increases the chances of a successful germ, and takes a lot of the wait and guess work out of it. Good Growing
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TheUk420Showanswered grow question 2 years ago
You also should be leaving them in sealed darkness that's how they work they reach up searching for light but if it already has it this can delay the process i do believe just as the same as if you just threw one in soil outside.
TheUk420Showanswered grow question 2 years ago
Yeah they can take anywhere between 2-5 days buddy some can take longer its just a strange thing if you use too much water it is possible to drown a seed but I'm sure they will be fine best of luck even if they don't germ most breeders will replace duds free of charge so don't worry :D
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