The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Flying insects

Artizzmo1started grow question a year ago
I'm seeing more and more of these in my dome, the cuttings came from my plants in my tent, I have some if these in my tent but not as many as in my dome. Any idea what they are and how to get rid of them?
Other. Bugs
Scipioanswered grow question a year ago
Those are Fungus Gnats. They are usually the result of overwatering. The excess water causes molding which attracts the female Gnats to lay their eggs in the molding soil. The larva when they catch feed on the fungus and the roots of your plants. In large numbers they can even kill a plant. Watering the soul with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water can be effective in treating the Fungus and killing the Larva in the soil. Mix 4:1 ratio of water to 3% hydrogen peroxide (Common store bought peroxide) if that doesn't work Beneficial Nematodes I've heard are also very effective at dealing with fungus gnats. specifically "Steinernema feltiae Beneficial Nematodes". they infect the Larva and burst out of them like a scene out of an Alien movie. You can get them on amazon and mix them with water and water them into the soil. A small army to defend you plants roots.
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Selected By The Grower
Artizzmo1answered grow question a year ago
Thanks everyone! I just sprayed some Azamax in my tent and dome (cuz that's what I have on hand). I will keep the sticky tape up, try to improve my culctural habits and treat my soil before use again. I will access the situation in a day or two then order some Beneficial Nematodes. Thanks again for all of your expertise!
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
fungus gnats, nothing "fun" about them though. BTi or Nematodes work great in killing them dead. I like Nematodes and have used them a lot, the brand I get is Nemaglobe Pot Poppers, they come in little teas bags and you sprinkle them on the soil and water in. I know a few ppl who prefer BTi, all the same in the end, dead bugs, do what works best for you and whats available and cheep. Best Of Luck!
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Z_groweranswered grow question a year ago
buy the cheapest fly poison. Take a cup, fill it with earth. Dissolve the fly poison in warm water and pour it over a cup of earth. Put it near your plants. Flies will crawl into the damp ground and die. A perfect trap without harming plants.
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AsNoriuanswered grow question a year ago
Gnats. Good watering regime , sticky traps and nematodes. I always go with natural predators. Find alternative in your country. In UK even amazon sells nematodes.
Polyphemusanswered grow question a year ago
gnats.. they come with teh soil/ medium. You water -> they grow. A wet-dry cycle helps, if properlly allowing top layer to dry, but is not fool-proof. Bti is the way to go. The first month or so apply a top dress of "Mosquito Bits" or similar every 2-3 weeks. If confident there are no larva in your substrate, you can cease using it. I use it preemptively every time. Also after a transplant, as that's more unused substrate getting wet for the "first" time. You'll never see more than 1-2 gnats throughout the grow at any one time. it's super effective, which is rare when it comes to fighting off pests and pathogens. Basically anythign that has a larva cycle in the substrate will not survive this bacteria. It is 100% safe. it's been used on the food you eat for the last century or more. do keep the yellow traps up... killing from both ends of life cycle will help end the problem sooner. 2-3 weeks shoudl be cleared up after starting to use Bti. during a problem, i'd top dress 1/week, but preemptively using the product, once per 2-3 weeks is sufficient. if that brand for "mosquito bits" is not in your area, anythign with teh same bacteria will work.. i'll mangle the spelling but you'll recognize it if you see it -- Baciullus Thurgingensis or wathever... - "israelis" subspecies is the "i". "Bti" for short. Googling can verfiy everything i've said. No worries.. marketed to kill mosquitos, but definiteyl works on gnats too.. shoudl kill just about all larva in soil that you'll encounter.
Scipioanswered grow question a year ago
Also i find that i only get fungus gnats when i use bagged soil. They like to hitch a ride in the bag to your grow room.
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